chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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15Qrc5d6 16Qe,1d5 lTQd:lQd6 1393.5 19b3816<br />

20Qd2Rae3 2lBh2Qc5+ 22KhlBb7 23Re5Qd6 21<br />

Rae1d4 25 \e4cj 26 &1tsxe,l 27 Rlxe4<br />

27 . . Nej 23 Rxe5 Rxea 29 Qxal Rexl4 30 Oxc5<br />

Rll+ l1 Kg2 R3O+ 32 Kh3 Qe'j+ 33 Rg4 Rhl<br />

STCTLIAN ATTACK,8, the E<br />

SICILIANCENIREGAME,236 Whiieplalstbe<br />

usual cEmE GAME move,2 d4, in response <strong>to</strong> the<br />

SICILIAN COUNTERATTACK. 293, also called<br />

SICILIAN DEFENCE, 230. 1 e4 c5. an opening<br />

wnh Ines ol play both nore num€rous and harder<br />

<strong>to</strong> evaluatc than $ose of any other openidg. Arl<br />

delen.eslole,l.otherthanl.. .e5,probahlyoNe<br />

tbeir adoplion 10 Black\ desire <strong>to</strong> avoid the<br />

htrt this is lea( lrue of ihe<br />

Sicilian: itstands in its owfl riCht. a defene oitering<br />

Black a wide range ofoptions.<br />

while nay afiack wirh the .rcsE v^{aloNj 235.<br />

the RossouMo vARrAroN, 240. or the Moscov<br />

vARr^1ror, 260j bui his nost popular choice is 2<br />

NA, and *helherBlack.eplies 2... d6, 2...<br />

Nc6 or 2 e6 Whie c.ntinner I d4 .rd4 .l<br />

Nxd4. Noa white stands sligbtly heiter in the<br />

ce.tre, which hc somctimcs extends <strong>by</strong> Pt2 i4,<br />

Bbile Black has p.ospecls on rhe queenrs side<br />

shere he may profit <strong>by</strong> using the hallope. c-61e.<br />

ahe main lines are: tbe DMGoN vAunoN with irs<br />

associated ianti-Dragon atraclG (after 2 . . . Nc6<br />

or 2 . . . d6) i rhe S.HEIENTNGEN lARrAroN (atter 2<br />

. . . d6oi2. .e6)irheNArDoRrv{hrroN(alter2<br />

... d6): the pAUr.sEN, sztN, ard BAsmxov<br />

v^RAloNs (afre.2 .. e6). Other werrrf<strong>to</strong>wn<br />

Iines are the BoLBLAvsn, pEI(&, or DouRDoN-<br />

NAGvARrAroNsiinwhichBlackplays. . .Pe7 e5,<br />

and the NrMzoMrscH !AR]AIoN.295.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Sicilian Delence vas named <strong>by</strong> sARer<br />

after the homeland ol.AnRFna Nho in l5l, fir(<br />

published this openi.g. Ii was regarded as infenor<br />

nntil uouRDoNNArs in hi\ m:r.hes vith M.D.N-<br />

NELL. 1834. demonstrared that rhe @ntinuation 2<br />

i4 e6 3 Nl3 dl 4 e5, recommended <strong>by</strong> the bool$gare<br />

Black a satisfac<strong>to</strong>.e same. In th. 1840s<br />

rArNrs.H, srAUNroNi and the antho.s olBilgne.t<br />

g^NDBUCE slaled rbar i . . . c5 was debest answer<br />

!o I e4 .s i1 renders the foroalion of a cenre<br />

impra.ticable lor White. and prevents every<br />

atiack FroB the 1850s borb ANDERSSEN and L.<br />

PAULSEN played ihe Sicilian. Thiswas lhe romantic<br />

age ot<strong>chess</strong>. when MoR.H,, wbo neirher likcdnor<br />

undenlood the close gane, could speak oI 'dis<br />

abusing the publi. nind of th a t pernicious tbnd n ess<br />

Ior the sicilia. Deleicc'. Nolwithstanding ibe<br />

practi.e and prccepr ol these experts (except<br />

Morphy) . l he D efence achieved li ule pop ula rity in<br />

the 19th cenlury- and gainedgroNd bul slowlyin<br />

the 201h. By thc 1950s, however. it bad become the<br />

most lavoured defence <strong>to</strong> 1 e4. and in rhe 1970s<br />

aboui one naster gane in six Nas a Sicilian<br />

Defence. (See &IALEXiMArubvrai pRorrylAxts i<br />

SIDE VARIATION, a variation in a study thai is<br />

not entral <strong>to</strong> rhe composels idea.<br />

STESTA VAXIATION, 357. Played <strong>by</strong> von scsEv!<br />

a1 Dresdcn 1892 and <strong>by</strong> BRssall some yeaF<br />

larcr. rhis line in the spANrss oprNrNc bccame<br />

popnlar afte. cApsLANcA played it at Bndapest<br />

1928. a <strong>to</strong>umanent held atrhe Siesta sanaloriun.<br />

SIGIIT OF TIID BOARD, the ability lo make an<br />

evaluation ofposition with reierence <strong>to</strong> the speed<br />

*ith shich this.an be done. A rapid sighi oflhc<br />

board n alsays an assel. especially rvhen a plater is<br />

in tine trouble : bu t rhis iaculty is given o niy <strong>to</strong> rhe<br />

ralented and developed only <strong>by</strong> expcricncc. Thrcc<br />

grear mastem sho ouldistaned their mntemporariesinrhisrespectsereMoRpsy,cApaBLANc<br />

..nd<br />

SICN OF CROSS, a popular thene in siories<br />

centred on <strong>chess</strong>. Typicallyj the delil is playing a<br />

man <strong>to</strong>i his soul but as he makes tic sinning move<br />

tne piecesnake aducilormpaite.n and ibe princc<br />

of darknc$ (playinc Black) disappeaBin a cloud ol<br />

This isooe ofmany siniiar posi tions. After 1 . . .<br />

Nd4+ 2Kd6Qxd7+ 3 NxdTRxd5+ 4Nxd5rhe<br />

nagic move is 4 . . R€6 mate,

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