chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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lron those oI the Tarrasch Deledce, lor Blact is not saddled with an isolated pawn. Play might continue 6 e4 Nxc3 ? bxc3. when White has a cussrcAl CDNRE and Black is poised lor counterattack, a situation analagou ro that in the i?6, ol ihe cRiiNFELD DE- FENCE. The fitsI knom o.curre.ce ol the semi Tarasch Vanadon sas in the 38tb nalch gane, BourdonnaiFMcDoDne[, 1834. (See $oLAED AUEEN\ TAWNi SPASNi SIiSLBERC.) SERIES-MOVER, a FArRy pRoBLE i. which one or bolh sides nake a series of stNGE-MbvEs sbile the other side does not move. Two types may be rega.ded as standard: the s€des helpmate (sht) and the senes help{1al€mare (shp). In ftese Black begins play and makes lhe sliPulated number of single-novcs, then White nales one single-moYe gilingmareorstalenate. Blact may not give checl except on rhe lasr ofhis moves no. nove hn king inlo check, but the rule Iorbidding RErRosrA.EMArE (3 iI ar any dme it night be whnes tnrn to play) is not univeFally a.cepled. There are other kinds otseries-mover, including ihe zIGzAc. The idea, dating lron medieval timcs and promoted by D^wsoN, has also bcen nsed lor some unorthodor Sades such pnocRF-ssrE and one lorn ol MUsr cAmnE A problem by GrnELr that won 6rst pnze in the l.? toumey,1966. Black plays 5 Pcl=B,8 Bh2, 11 Br7, 13 Ke8. 16 Bhl. t9 Be7.2t Kcl,22 Bd6,2,1Ka5,25 Bb4. and While plays Qa6male. A black bishop is used lor BUTLDTNG a BRTDCE on ibe 1lth, 19th, add 22nd 6oves. SET PLAY! or apparent play, a line oI play, p.oided intenlionally by a conposer, lhar could were 10 move 6st in a orREm MArE pRoBr-EM or if White Nere 10 move 6rst in a HELpM^E. In a direcr nare problen er play pernns the srPukroNs io be met 6 ,l an antecedenl single-movc had been played byWhite. In a dnect mate rwo-moyer,Ior ex.mple, setplay would consist of a black nole answered by ashile II a position sere a Bd( lhere would be set play Ior every black nove. More omdonly rhere is sel SHATRANJ 305 play lor a lew black noves, or lhere is none. A mnposer somefimes constuds a Problen in which Noo. mole lines olsetpl.y are confasted virh ivo or v:rirrions ofthe solution. a lorm of chaneedplay. (Forexample TEEM!, ANd AGORU]rc THEME,) SEVENTH RAN(, tbe opponedis se@nd rank whe.e his pavns (and in the array. A rook is ofte. well placed on rhe selenlh rank from wbere it can auach pawns laterallyillheyhave not been noved and tion rhe rear otheNise. (For exanples sec r^sp^Rov ,nd i7Au6I Rooks doubled on the seventh rant, as in ihe games Siven under ADou,lN and sMErxAL, nsualty bring decisive advantage. SEVENTII RANr ABSOLUTE. A rook estabhhed on its sevenlh rank and thereby confi ning lhe enemy ting b ns back rank.ontrols rhe absolure seventh. NrMzowrrs.d coined lhe teronodngthat a player olte. eai.sdecisive advaniage by havinga SHAME MATE. a tem once used in lceland and no* obsolete to desfibe an inlerjor way oIlosi.g. Ahong the mates considercd disgracetul pe.e tnose given by a pawn, and rhose given 10 a king thal vas on a co.ner square or in the cenfie oi the board or, wosr otall. ro an unnoved kine. SHAMKOVICII. I,EONID ALEXANDRO. VICH 092! ), Russian-born playe., cmndmaste. (1965). He won rhe RsFsR (RDsian Federariod) ChaopionshiF in 1954 and 1956, and conpeted in rhe USSR Championship si\ tines from 195.1 to 1972, shari.g frfth piace ai his lourth atrempt in 1964. His best intemadonal touroanent resulrs were in the 1960s: Moscos 1962, eqral thnd after AERBAXE and vAsyukovi Mari nske Lrzoe 1965, thnd (+6=9) alter HoR' ard xERnsi and Sochi 1967. lirsl (+6=8 1) equal with K(ocrus. srM^crN. sPss(, and A. N. zArrsEv. In 1975Shankolich emigraledtolsraelRh€re he won the open championship. In the folloMn8 year he won the US Open Champiodship, halinB noved by way of Canada io the USA he setued. He tied with solm lor 66t pnze at Nev Yo.k 1977 Gatesory 8). SIIATRANJ, lhe ve$ion of the old game used in Islanic count.ies for more than a thousand years. The aray was simila. to tnat otthe nodcrn game bnt in place oI the queeneach playerhad a uiziN (F) dd in the phce oI each bisbop a ril (A). Pawns .ould be mo,ed ofllyone square ar a time (which slowcd the ope.ingphase) and could b. promoled onlyto frzans. There wrs no such nove as casilinS A player @uld win by checkm by stalematins his oppo.enl. Tbe relarive value of the pieces as siven by as snli may be comPa.ed

306 SHATRAN] siih rhe nodcrn picccs, rhc ieures nr brackels represeniins the queen and bishop: ]: r] i't il (e) (3N Bccause olthe compa.ative Neaknes olrhe old pieces attacks on rhe eneny llng were intiequent and the Sane largel! consistcd of positional nadeuvrids I hc lour filscould neitheraltacknor guardoreanotheritheirzanswerealsonoledo. paihs that never crossed. As a conscqlcn.c these pieces yere nor elsily exchangcd and throughout rhe game phy was dominared b, the $rengtb or seakncs of squares these pieces could or could.ol coDtrol, asituationparalleled in the modem ea,nc. bni inle$ conpler lorn, lndonlr"whcnthere are bishoD of opiositc .olour. wl]]TE 'rhe diaeram shows how the white and black fils and fizansmighl conmand therlillerent{uaresol the board For exldple, d7 n narhed 2:0indicar ing thlt whirc.o!ld alta.k drisquarc$icc ({ilh 6rzEn ard lighr iil) xhile it cannot be attacked b,v Black: fik and 6rzan. Ea.h plarers stronlen A e3me ofshatant: Biniarur! n'aiu(ripr. / Itul/nc,n cre$

306 SHATRAN]<br />

siih rhe nodcrn picccs, rhc ieures nr brackels<br />

represeniins the queen and bishop:<br />

]:<br />

r]<br />

i't<br />

il<br />

(e)<br />

(3N<br />

Bccause olthe compa.ative Neaknes olrhe old<br />

pieces attacks on rhe eneny llng were intiequent<br />

and the Sane largel! consistcd of positional<br />

nadeuvrids I hc lour filscould neitheraltacknor<br />

guardoreanotheritheirzanswerealsonoledo.<br />

paihs that never crossed. As a conscqlcn.c these<br />

pieces yere nor elsily exchangcd and throughout<br />

rhe game phy was dominared b, the $rengtb or<br />

seakncs of squares these pieces could or could.ol<br />

coDtrol, asituationparalleled in the modem ea,nc.<br />

bni inle$ conpler lorn, lndonlr"whcnthere are<br />

bishoD of opiositc .olour.<br />

wl]]TE<br />

'rhe diaeram shows how the white and black fils<br />

and fizansmighl conmand therlillerent{uaresol<br />

the board For exldple, d7 n narhed 2:0indicar<br />

ing thlt whirc.o!ld alta.k drisquarc$icc ({ilh<br />

6rzEn ard lighr iil) xhile it cannot be attacked b,v<br />

Black: fik and 6rzan. Ea.h plarers stronlen<br />

A e3me ofshatant: Biniarur!<br />

n'aiu(ripr. / Itul/nc,n cre$

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