chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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302 SCREEN CHESS<br />

a correspondeDce match against the Edinburgb<br />

<strong>Chess</strong> Club, i824-8. Seeina rhe efleclilene$ ol<br />

this opening- rhe Edi.bureh pl.ycs uscd ii looi<br />

thctwonthe nratch and gare lheopening itsname.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Scorcb Game. u$'ally in ns Cambrt lorn<br />

(above), renained popular lbr more rhan20yeaB.<br />

and rAENrsc! could Nrite in l84l rhat it Nas the<br />

slrongcsl of ali opennrgs. Since lhe 1850s non<br />

players hale prefer.erl the sPANrss oPENING,35L<br />

(see pAwN roRMArroN. pERpEruaL cnrc( )<br />

SCREEN CrlESS, see kA\DoMrzED csEss.<br />

SEA-CADET MATE. a !.rion ol Lrc,\rl s M,!rr<br />

which Nas armnged as a display ol living ches in<br />

Act II ol Dcr Se?ka.l€,, rn opereua <strong>by</strong> Gcnac and<br />

ZeU (1876): 1e4e5 2 Ni:l Nc6 3 d4 ctd.l .lc3<br />

drc3 5 NxcS d6 6 Uc4 Be,1 7 0-0 Ne5 8 Nxe5<br />

Bxdl 9 Bxfl+ (e7 l0 Nd5 mare. Tbe moves oi<br />

thh game. conducted on st!8e <strong>by</strong> Ouccn Ma.ia<br />

Franziska oiPonue.l..re rhose olafricndlyeanre<br />

won <strong>by</strong> FATKn.FR at Vicnnain 1847. <strong>The</strong> operetta<br />

sls pcrlormed during lhe inlemational <strong>to</strong>urn.<br />

meDt held al Bamen in 1905.<br />

SEALED MOVE. a move wdtten doqn and seiled<br />

i. an enlelope vhen a gane is adjoun'cd, a<br />

practice inLroduced ar rhe Parn <strong>to</strong>urnamcnl l8?8.<br />

Tbe Bove is bnrdingon the player and not known<br />

10 hh opponent. Il either plxyer nnallses durnrg<br />

adjounrnent he Bust do so as if it $ere hh<br />

opponenas lurd ro play. lhc pracrice of sealing<br />

moves is nonnal inall individual compelilions, bul<br />

may bc relaxed lor ream evenrs dunng bricl<br />

adjournnenrs sucb is tea Drcaks.<br />

ArLicles 15 and l6oithcFIDEruleslaydorvnthe<br />

proccduics. When the lime allowed lor a playnre<br />

scssioD has elapsed lhe pl.Ier whosc lurn it h <strong>to</strong><br />

play decides upon andscah hh move: iI he nakes a<br />

mole o. thc hoard rhat is the move he dus! seal<br />

Thc number of ihe mo!e. {he posilior- thc clock<br />

rinrcs. the contesrantJ nanes. a.d*hosc move G<br />

Scor shcct <strong>to</strong>pt <strong>by</strong> L sen<br />

(dror?) and sosonko duins<br />

Lo.don 1930: lhe effech or<br />

sho*! in the detdoriion oI

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