chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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SAVON. VL,ADIMIR ANDREYEViCH (1940- ), sovier player, Inrernali.nal Grandma$ ter (1973). Savon inprored slcadily ibronshout rhe 1960s and had seleral good tournamenr succcscs in rhe 1970s: Debrecen 1c70,6rst equal sirh BrLEk: USSR Chanpionshif 1911. calcgory 12. fi6i (+9:12) one and a halfpoints ahead ola field that included rAr., svysLov. and ({RPov: Suhuni 1972. sccond (+8:5 2) aiter Tali inter zonal tolmament. PetroPolis 1973, caicgory 12. cighih: Vilnius 19?5- a zonal lonrDamenl. +4=10 1 to share n6t placei and Ljubljan. Portoroz 1977. catcgory 12, second (+6=6 l) eqlal witn rxiRr after LARSEN. Balash.r Savoi Leninsn,l l9?L Nlorlca' I dl Nr6 I c4 c5 I d5 e6 4 N.:l crdt 5 cxd5 d6 6 Nl] g6 re1Bs7 llB.20-0 90 0Rg4 ll)Bl4lte3 11O.:: 1.1b3 Nd7 lii3 Bd4 l6 SCHEVENINGEN PAIRING SYSTEM 295 Qd? 12cxd5Nxd5 llNxd5Oxd5 L4di.5Br.5 15Qc2 o0 16 Rfdl oc6 17 Rrr]B.7 13 Qd? Qh6 whne'r haitaee in devclopnEit n de.iivc 19 Bf6 h6 21] Ql4oib2 2LQs4QxO+ 22(h136 2]QblBb6 24 Rdz ()e3 25 Rcl a5 26 QiI3+ Kxfs 27 tucl Black SCACCELA LUD(IS. see v'DA SCANDTNAVLAN OPENINC, 308. thE CENTND much analYscd bY Scandintvian SCA\DINAVIAN VARIATION. 66,1 in the \r-EkErN! DErrN.r. a line \lhich has lhe character ol the cFNrRE.o!MR c{trlE. 17 . . Reci (Black sacririce\ rhc cxchatrCe to sain i qtrLen \.J(: rLark ) lb Nd4 OdS rcBb:Rt[ 208h6 22 Bho !':l 13 Q(l Nlr l.l Bel Nd? 25 Rdel Oe7 25 Bxd4 Nxd4 27 R.l b5 2tr Ncl Nxb] 29 Or3 Nd4 l1) Oxa? b4 3l Qa6 R63 32 Na4 Ncz 33Rc2h3:l4RbtKg7 l5Nc3 Ndl 36Re3 N.2 r7 Re2 Nd4 33 Rc3 Rb6 l9 Qll Ncl 10 Rq3 NI6 1l Qd3 Rb4 42f4Rd4 43Oc2.4 41e5dxe5 15 tYcJNe4 .16 Nx.,1Qre5 ,r Lll Rxcl .13 OJ3 15 M'iie rergn\. SAX, GYULA 0951- ), riungdiai playcr, Inrernadonal Grandmasrer (197,1). national chan don 1976 and (jointly) 19?7. In 1974 he son toumanenrs ar camdslio ahead ot BoRr and al Vmialka Banra ahcad oIr^rMANov. Thc lollo{ing are the bcst ol his subsequcnl achievements: RoviDj-zasreb 1975- nrst (+s=7 1): linkovci 1976, 6rst (+7=? l) cqual wnh Ho ahead ol ToLUGAlEvsKyl Las Palmas 1978- 6(t (+?=, i) euucl uith r!rMrKo\. Am\trrdarn l9-q, carets.4 l, 6Et (+b-6 llequal\irhllod TrLhurglrT'l catesorv 15. fourth (+2=8 1) arter MPov, noMAN'snrN. and rcRnscs ahead of sP^ssKti vriac 198r. 6rt (+8=7) .head or lErRosYAN: and smed evska Palanka 1982. fiAr (+6=7). sax sleshnilov H,$ings 1977 3 siciliai Dererce, lc4c5 2Nr:rNc6 3Bb5NI6 4Nc3 Nd,{ 5e5Nxb5 6 Nxb5Ndi 70-0a6 3c4Nlr6 9Nc3d5 L0d4c6 Ll Be5 SCITARA-IIENNIG GAMDIT, 5? in rhe aur\'s .^irlrr Declined. analysed bylhe vienncse ADton Schara in 1919. Thisline. really a counleFganbil, *as introduced by the Gernan f layer Heinrich von Hennra 11881- o4') Ln lhe r AlrrLFNrR Duis' bur-p iq2o rnd E \omea'n$ ndmed altLr thatorv. scHEvE, THEODOR VON (1851 1922), G - m,n .l3ver From the 188ft he had ian rcs G in man\: n;lional tournamcnts and hc plaved ar Fra;kfurt 1887, Dresdcn 1892, lnd Leipng 18!'1. ln his lou h i.tcrnational toutoament, Monte Cado 1901. i. his liltieth year, be achieved bisben resuir: rh'rd cqual r th r I !oRrN rfrcr r{No$sKI and s.r rlfrEF. He al\o pLrreJ at Monrc (cn. 1902. Berlin 191)7, and Ostend 1907 SCIIEVENINGEN PAIRING SYSTEM, a system thar conshts ol diliding tbe competiloE into two srnuns of dn eLtudl number ol n rveA and p!irine .ia.h ptJr.r ,n nne rroup \qrh erery p aycr in rhe "rhe; Noone meehi nlaJer lrom hnoMsroup This svstem was uscd in a tournament Plaved at Schcv;ninsen in 1923. tbe idea beina that ien DukhDlcic6 coul.l rhu5lace ten ioreiAn masrers ()ih Lire ,mentuon. rhrr oi q,!,ns :e c!red playcr; experience against srrong oPposnion, dis_ tineuishes this system iron that used i. a rEAM urcH with similar Pairings.

296 SCHE\'ENINGEN VARIATION SCHEVENINGEN VARTATION, 249, line in the sr.rlr4N DL.ENG lhat has bccn commonly used since theScheve.inecn rournancntof t923 whenn las Plaled in lhe gane Mar6cz, Euwc. Ih essenrial characteristic h Black\ sMrL cENrkr. a pawn fomatio. that was not ncs in 1921 bur sas consistent wnh the spirit of the HypERMoDEnN movenent Subsequendy 2?l also came to bc re-Earded as a Scbevedingen Va.iation and in tbis, its mostpopularlorn, Black teserles the optiodol developing hk quccn s knighl at c6 or d7 (See EOS''O\^T PhY,) 'NIERFEREN'E; SCHIFFERS, EMANUEL STEPANOVICH (1850 190!l), for many yea$ the second player in Russiaafter.HH)RrNibothlivedinStPetersburg, lhe birthplace oI Russian chcs. when id 1873 the lwo fi61 mel Chigonn received thc odds ol a knight, but thcywere olabout the sane stre.gih in 1878- when Schitlen won lhe se.ond .r rN. malches (+7-1 6). Schiffers ptaycd in eighl mator rournafeirs abro.d irom Franklurt r887ro Cologne 1898. achicving hisbesl result. sixthprize, ar lhe great Hasrings tournamcnt ol 1895. At Rosto!-on-Don in 1896 Scbiffes lost a nalch against srurrrz (+4=l 6). Schiiters was known in his time as Russia sgreat chcss tcacherj trom 1889he gave publiclecluieson the Same in many cilies, $e 66t to be givcn in Russia- and at the .nd of hn lire he wr.te a rey].boak. Sanouchitel Shakhftarroi igr},, Nhich was pubtished in 1906. After five reprinlings ir was revned and rcpublished bt NE\aRo(ov in 1926. Tall, well built. and distinguished looking, Scbilic6 cafted his tiveiihood largely bt,givingpnvaE SCHTFFMAN DETENCE, a problem rern lor the iollowingmaneuvrci topreventa thiealened nate hydiscoveredcheckBlack movcs oneof histuen so that it bccomes pinned (asEL!-flN)i should white attenpt to carry out his thieal thn man becomcs lnpinned andcan prevcnl mar€i horveler, because lhn man ispinned Wbnecan mate i. another$ay G nN-MAr4. MANSFTELD codsidered this onc oI the nostinteresting mancuvresthatcould beused in a ww. '*tt 'tt& w,ry 7&& ',%t'17* vg& q&s &.r.7% % ru ffit%H ffiiw '& 'fr "& A problem by Schilfnan tbat won sccondpnze in the Britisb Chess Fcderation tourney, 1928. The rey I Bgl threatens 2 f4 male: three moves tlat prclcnt lhis lead to pin,mates. l...Oxc4 2 Oxr6 1...Nxe4 2Qal This manauvrc h namcd after Israel Abrano vicb Schiffman (1903 30). rvho wrorc a papcr on the subjed id 1928. Anative ofOdessa. he went to O-manv 10 complelc his education. There he contracled alungillnessatlhe ageof 2l and haling tiDe on hishands while in a sanaloriunhebegan to composc problcms. Soon altcrwards he ooved lo Ronania where he died ol influenza a lcN ycas later. During slx yea6 oIcomposing he won about 60 tolrnetr awards, nosdy tor orthodox Mo SCHLECIIIER, CARL (187,1-1918), Viendes pla],crwho fro6 1900 undlhGdeaih.ankcdatbesr Iourthandatworstscventh inlheworid. andoneol the fes grandnasters who aho composed problems. He teamed lhe moves around 1890 and soon gavc uI his siudies to devote himscll to ches, beoni.g good cnough to draw natches against MARco (1892, =10. and 189,1. +4:3 4).rANowskr (1896, +2=3 2), and ^LAprN (1899, +1=4 1), and to s.ore NeU in several inrer.ational evenh. From 1900 to 1908 he had exccllcnt rourdanent resuhs: Muni.h 1900, rirst (+9:6) cqualwilh MAR6czy and lrLsBURyi Monte C.rlo 1901, sccond (+9=6 2) after Janowskii Monte carlo 1903. rourth (+12=10 1) after 1ARRAS.H, Mar6czy, and PiUsburyi Monte Carlo 190,1. second (+4=6) halr a point aier Mar6czyi vienda 1905 {Austro-Hungarian Chanpionshipl, 6rsti Oslend -1906, first (+4=4) ahead oi Mar6oy and RUsrNsrEN in the 6nal stage and nrst overall; Ostend Grandmasie6 1907, second (+7=10 3) afrer Tarras.h: Vicnna 1908- fiBt (+9=10) cqLal Nilh DUMS and Mar6czv ahcad ol Rubidsteinr Prague 1908, 66t (+9=9 1) equal with Duras ahead ot Rubinstein and Mar6czy. In match play be de feated Ja.owski in 1902 (+6=3 1). ln 1910 Schlechte.challe.ged LAscRlo a nalch for the world tille. Thirty games were proposed, whnded down to ten for lack ol fnnds. Tte .onditionswere nol published and il isnol k.own whcther the title was at stake. (Laskervould have been justified in declining to play su.h a short malch ior the championship.) Alter nine games Schlechrerbd +1:8 and hc made great efforts ro wi. lhc last gane. He losrj and thc nalch was dra*n. Meanvhile the public had decided that it $6 a chanpionship match. de facto il not de jurel a.d the releree, perhaps bowing to this vie*, declared that Lasker had rerained bis ri{e. The Eanes ol this natch, full ol Eght, are unnsually


(1940- ), sovier player, Inrernali.nal Grandma$<br />

ter (1973). Savon inprored slcadily ibronshout<br />

rhe 1960s and had seleral good <strong>to</strong>urnamenr<br />

succcscs in rhe 1970s: Debrecen 1c70,6rst equal<br />

sirh BrLEk: USSR Chanpionshif 1911. calcgory<br />

12. fi6i (+9:12) one and a halfpoints ahead ola<br />

field that included rAr., svysLov. and ({RPov:<br />

Suhuni 1972. sccond (+8:5 2) aiter Tali inter<br />

zonal <strong>to</strong>lmament. PetroPolis 1973, caicgory 12.<br />

cighih: Vilnius 19?5- a zonal lonrDamenl.<br />

+4=10 1 <strong>to</strong> share n6t placei and Ljubljan.<br />

Por<strong>to</strong>roz 1977. catcgory 12, second (+6=6 l)<br />

eqlal witn rxiRr after LARSEN.<br />

Balash.r Savoi Leninsn,l l9?L Nlorlca'<br />

I dl Nr6 I c4 c5 I d5 e6 4 N.:l crdt 5 cxd5 d6 6 Nl]<br />

g6 re1Bs7 llB.20-0 90 0Rg4 ll)Bl4lte3 11O.::<br />

1.1b3 Nd7 lii3 Bd4 l6<br />


Qd? 12cxd5Nxd5 llNxd5Oxd5 L4di.5Br.5 15Qc2<br />

o0 16 Rfdl oc6 17 Rrr]B.7 13 Qd? Qh6<br />

whne'r haitaee in devclopnEit n de.iivc 19 Bf6 h6<br />

21] Ql4oib2 2LQs4QxO+ 22(h136 2]QblBb6 24<br />

Rdz ()e3 25 Rcl a5 26 QiI3+ Kxfs 27 tucl Black<br />

SCACCELA LUD(IS. see v'DA<br />


much analYscd bY Scandintvian<br />

SCA\DINAVIAN VARIATION. 66,1 in the<br />

\r-EkErN! DErrN.r. a line \lhich has lhe character<br />

ol the cFNrRE.o!MR c{trlE.<br />

17 . . Reci (Black sacririce\ rhc cxchatrCe <strong>to</strong> sain i<br />

qtrLen \.J(: rLark ) lb Nd4 OdS rcBb:Rt[ 208h6<br />

22 Bho !':l 13 Q(l Nlr l.l Bel<br />

Nd? 25 Rdel Oe7 25 Bxd4 Nxd4 27 R.l b5 2tr Ncl<br />

Nxb] 29 Or3 Nd4 l1) Oxa? b4 3l Qa6 R63 32 Na4<br />

Ncz 33Rc2h3:l4RbtKg7 l5Nc3 Ndl 36Re3 N.2<br />

r7 Re2 Nd4 33 Rc3 Rb6 l9 Qll Ncl 10 Rq3 NI6 1l<br />

Qd3 Rb4 42f4Rd4 43Oc2.4 41e5dxe5 15 tYcJNe4<br />

.16 Nx.,1Qre5 ,r Lll Rxcl .13 OJ3 15 M'iie rergn\.<br />

SAX, GYULA 0951- ), riungdiai playcr, Inrernadonal<br />

Grandmasrer (197,1). national chan<br />

don 1976 and (jointly) 19?7. In 1974 he son<br />

<strong>to</strong>umanenrs ar camdslio ahead ot BoRr and al<br />

Vmialka Banra ahcad oIr^rMANov. Thc lollo{ing<br />

are the bcst ol his subsequcnl achievements:<br />

RoviDj-zasreb 1975- nrst (+s=7 1): linkovci<br />

1976, 6rst (+7=? l) cqual wnh Ho ahead ol<br />

ToLUGAlEvsKyl Las Palmas 1978- 6(t (+?=, i)<br />

euucl uith r!rMrKo\. Am\trrdarn l9-q, carets.4<br />

l, 6Et (+b-6 llequal\irhllod TrLhurglrT'l<br />

catesorv 15. fourth (+2=8 1) arter MPov,<br />

noMAN'snrN. and rcRnscs ahead of sP^ssKti vriac<br />

198r. 6rt (+8=7) .head or lErRosYAN: and<br />

smed evska Palanka 1982. fiAr (+6=7).<br />

sax sleshnilov H,$ings 1977 3 siciliai Dererce,<br />

lc4c5 2Nr:rNc6 3Bb5NI6 4Nc3 Nd,{ 5e5Nxb5 6<br />

Nxb5Ndi 70-0a6 3c4Nlr6 9Nc3d5 L0d4c6 Ll Be5<br />

SCITARA-IIENNIG GAMDIT, 5? in rhe aur\'s<br />

.^irlrr Declined. analysed <strong>by</strong>lhe vienncse AD<strong>to</strong>n<br />

Schara in 1919. Thisline. really a counleFganbil,<br />

*as introduced <strong>by</strong> the Gernan f layer Heinrich von<br />

Hennra 11881- o4') Ln lhe r AlrrLFNrR Duis'<br />

bur-p iq2o rnd E \omea'n$ ndmed altLr tha<strong>to</strong>rv.<br />

scHEvE, THEODOR VON (1851 1922), G -<br />

m,n .l3ver From the 188ft he had ian rcs G in<br />

man\: n;lional <strong>to</strong>urnamcnts and hc plaved ar<br />

Fra;kfurt 1887, Dresdcn 1892, lnd Leipng 18!'1.<br />

ln his lou h i.tcrnational <strong>to</strong>u<strong>to</strong>ament, Monte<br />

Cado 1901. i. his liltieth year, be achieved bisben<br />

resuir: rh'rd cqual r th r I !oRrN rfrcr r{No$sKI<br />

and s.r rlfrEF. He al\o pLrreJ at Monrc (cn.<br />

1902. Berlin 191)7, and Ostend 1907<br />


thar conshts ol diliding tbe competiloE in<strong>to</strong> two<br />

srnuns of dn eLtudl number ol n rveA and p!irine<br />

.ia.h ptJr.r ,n nne rroup \qrh erery p aycr in rhe<br />

"rhe; Noone meehi nlaJer lrom hnoMsroup<br />

This svstem was uscd in a <strong>to</strong>urnament Plaved at<br />

Schcv;ninsen in 1923. tbe idea beina that ien<br />

DukhDlcic6 coul.l rhu5lace ten ioreiAn masrers<br />

()ih Lire ,mentuon. rhrr oi q,!,ns :e c!red<br />

playcr; experience against srrong oPposnion, dis_<br />

tineuishes this system iron that used i. a rEAM<br />

urcH with similar Pairings.

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