chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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s, aslmbol ior lhe knight(GernanJp,"gel) often SAAWDRA, FERNANDO (181? 1922). monk irho seNed in many counries including Australia and whose clain lo chess fame is based on lhe dis.overy while he {as in Scotland ot a single move R.rn ir Scrille. he qas boried i. thc churchyardoliheBrorhersotthe Pa$ionatMounl only rhat il should surprne an oPPonedl and that ihe corect de1lncc should be bard 10 nnd. A t&tatffit % *a%i '&d?,r % t h-^*t1c, % #frw % ,&aw.i w. A positioD lrom a lriendly ganrc P. F. Schmidt !. R Schmidt. HeidelberC, 1946. Black has just captured a paroo. a2olcrlookinga nale i. ninc that the ldvancc ol his gPawn qould have Drclenred ,kl{ho \,\hire sa.flfrLcs lour Dicces I Qh6+ ltlrso+ Kss lRht+K\hi 114+Nre2 s Nl6+ Kb6 6Rh1+Kgr 7Ne8+R1e8 8Rxhl+ G. E. Barbier (lljl+95). scortisb cbaBpion i. 1886, publhhed this position in lhe O/dr8a', W.c&ry Crz?,. May 1895. whitc s 6Et move is 1 c7. and inApr. i895 hc had giventhe positionntler rhisnolc clanningthal Blacklo playcoulddrawby i...Rd6+ 2Kb5Rd5+ I Kbt Rd.r+ 4Kb3 Rd3+ 5 Kc2 Rd,l 6 c8=O1 Rc,l+ 7 Qxc,l sllteoare. Saaledra discovered that. instead oi 6 c8=O, WhilecouldNin br6c8=R (il6 ..R44 ? Kb3). and thus lhe mosl lamousolallches sludies $as created. one t|ai inspned other conposeB. amo.g rhem LrB!RnN aDd LoMMER. SACRIrICE, a move (hatBiles up narcrial rogain positionil or ractrcal advanragci ro make such a molc Occasionally a plarer rnakes a PosrlroN^L sACRtrr.Eburmoreirequentlyhiscompensationis of a tnclical kind. usually the prosp.ct olan attack on thc cncmy knrCi and it is lhis knrd ol sacnfice thal gives chess its unique appeal: .Dy dunber oi nen may be Civen up ii male cin be achicvcd A speculaLive or u.sound sacriicc h onc rhar should .ot lead to compensating gain, bul many playes are nartled by an opponenfs safince and ,ail 10 discover rhe best delcncc d a conscqucn.e ol aitack. betieled that a

292 SAINT GEORGE CHESSMEN his career as a master. Having retired to Algeria in 1861, hc dicd lhcre alter a fall lron bis cariage. SAINT GEORGE CIIESSMEN, tbe srandard pat rern of chessmen in Britain unlil supeseded by in the 1850s. Thc Sainl George chesnen were relatively cheap to make. loi all corld be iurned on a lalhe hut it w:s n.t always obvious which piccc sas shich. TIe 6ore expensive sets had a caned hoBe\ head on thc knight. Theselssere madeinFrancealongsidethe Rtgedce p.ttem which was the srandard set used ST PETERSBIIRC VARTATION.376 in thc so called on accou.t of its successlul useby r.As(.R acainsl RUBrNsltN at the St Pet€Bbu.g toumamenr 1914r bul tbe variarion was knoRn long belore, halinB occurred, ior exanple, in the gane B. Flcissig-Mackenzie. tomrament 1882. SALVIO, ALESSANDRO (..157tL{.1610), Neapohan aulhor and doctorollaN whowas onc of thelcadineplayemandperhapsthebestanalysl olhistime Salvio loundedachessclubinNaples. a cenfie otlialian chess, an academy'iorthe study olthc eame and the dhseminalion of its practi.e. In 160,1 he published Trouato dell'inventione et arte liberole lelioco di scutchi, a greal improledenl on GrANUrro s book wrirten selen yea6 earlier and the first comp.ehensive Nork lo reveal the advances nade by tbe gre.t lt.lian players oi the late 16tb century since rhe dme otr.6p.z Most oI Salvio s openings scrc previouslt known lo tbese playerc. some of whom be nel and played- but some linesin tbeKNGs GAMBrrnayhave been hh OWN. (SCC TROM DEENCEiPHN IDORCAMBITiROSLN. rsAL vARrArroN i and sroc(wHF l^RhnoN ) For 13 ycars until cARRLs Nrore his book salvio\ work held the field as rhe only authorilati,c and Apparenlly he had a jealous temperament and a. innexible mind tbat brooked no ontradiction. *rx lwo venions olthe sailt George set. (r .o r )pawn, rcok, knight, bishop. 'tueen. king

s, aslmbol ior lhe knight(GernanJp,"gel) often<br />

SAAWDRA, FERNANDO (181? 1922). monk<br />

irho seNed in many counries including Australia<br />

and whose clain lo <strong>chess</strong> fame is based on lhe<br />

dis.overy while he {as in Scotland ot a single<br />

move R.rn ir Scrille. he qas boried i. thc<br />

churchyardoliheBrorhersotthe Pa$ionatMounl<br />

only rhat il should surprne an oPPonedl and that<br />

ihe corect de1lncc should be bard 10 nnd.<br />

A<br />

t&tatffit<br />

% *a%i<br />

'&d?,r % t<br />

h-^*t1c,<br />

% #frw<br />

% ,&aw.i<br />

w.<br />

A positioD lrom a lriendly ganrc P. F. Schmidt<br />

!. R Schmidt. HeidelberC, 1946. Black has just<br />

captured a paroo. a2olcrlookinga nale i. ninc<br />

that the ldvancc ol his gPawn qould have<br />

Drclenred ,kl{ho \,\hire sa.flfrLcs lour Dicces I Qh6+<br />

ltlrso+ Kss lRht+K\hi 114+Nre2 s<br />

Nl6+ Kb6 6Rh1+Kgr 7Ne8+R1e8 8Rxhl+<br />

G. E. Barbier (lljl+95). scortisb cbaBpion i.<br />

1886, publhhed this position in lhe O/dr8a',<br />

W.c&ry Crz?,. May 1895. whitc s 6Et move is 1<br />

c7. and inApr. i895 hc had giventhe positionntler<br />

rhisnolc clanningthal Blacklo playcoulddraw<strong>by</strong><br />

i...Rd6+ 2Kb5Rd5+ I Kbt Rd.r+ 4Kb3<br />

Rd3+ 5 Kc2 Rd,l 6 c8=O1 Rc,l+ 7 Qxc,l<br />

sllteoare. Saaledra discovered that. instead oi 6<br />

c8=O, WhilecouldNin br6c8=R (il6 ..R44 ?<br />

Kb3). and thus lhe mosl lamousolallches sludies<br />

$as created. one t|ai inspned other conposeB.<br />

amo.g rhem LrB!RnN aDd LoMMER.<br />

SACRIrICE, a move (hatBiles up narcrial rogain<br />

positionil or ractrcal advanragci ro make such a<br />

molc Occasionally a plarer rnakes a PosrlroN^L<br />

sACRtrr.Eburmoreirequentlyhiscompensationis<br />

of a tnclical kind. usually the prosp.ct olan attack<br />

on thc cncmy knrCi and it is lhis knrd ol sacnfice<br />

thal gives <strong>chess</strong> its unique appeal: .Dy dunber oi<br />

nen may be Civen up ii male cin be achicvcd A<br />

speculaLive or u.sound sacriicc h onc rhar should<br />

.ot lead <strong>to</strong> compensating gain, bul many playes<br />

are nartled <strong>by</strong> an opponenfs safince and ,ail 10<br />

discover rhe best delcncc d a conscqucn.e<br />

ol aitack. betieled that a<br />

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