chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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BACEMANN, LUDWIG 0856 1937), one ol the<br />

eady chroniclen of ches. A1a time when it was<br />

unuual<strong>to</strong> creale a rccord ofmntemporaryevenrs<br />

Bachmann lamched a series oI yeabooks: lron<br />

1891 ro 1896 they overed sequenrially the events<br />

of modem chesr from 189? <strong>to</strong> 1930 eacn year\<br />

events werc covcrcd in one o. more lolunes. He<br />

aho pnblish€d a fon.-volume work inlended <strong>to</strong><br />

include all of srENrrz\ knoM ganes, and he<br />

qrote books @nraining the games ol ANDERSSEN.<br />

Pnr-suuRY ,nd .HARousn(. He wrote several<br />

his<strong>to</strong>ri@l studies of which,46 vdE@gden Zeit<br />

lt92o 2) and D6 schachspkt und seine his<strong>to</strong>tis.he<br />

E n h! ic kl un I (t924) ar e the best loown Bachmann<br />

was a senio. offcial on the Bavarian railway a.d<br />

<strong>chess</strong> was a spde-time activily. His records onlain<br />

many ercrst but he attempted mlch and was<br />

breakirgnew g.oundi he earned his nickname,thc<br />

BACr GAME, a game that, <strong>by</strong> dgreenenr betNeeo<br />

the playe.s, is comnened fron a PGition anivcd<br />

at h a gane played previously. usually b€i*een lhe<br />

sime playe6; an old name ior a vdiadon,<br />

especially onc thal continnes lor manymoves. For<br />

ex<strong>amp</strong>lei pHrLrDoR,tuthefisleditionof hisbook,<br />

gives nine games .nd, sra.ting from certaitr<br />

positions in those games. 33 back games.<br />

BAC(-RANK MAIE, a king nared on its bach<br />

(6rst) rank <strong>by</strong> a rook or queen on ihe same 6Dk.<br />

sonetines the lina cannol bc moved foNard<br />

bccaurc ii is obstruded <strong>by</strong> its own pas.s. Such<br />

mates ra.ely o(nr in naster play but are @mon<br />

iy threarened; and are !sed, for ex<strong>amp</strong>le, in tne<br />

game given under uNzr.(ER <strong>to</strong> helF lhe wi.ner<br />

t<br />

ffi % %iffi<br />

'&ew% %'&<br />

ww<br />

ruruW&l<br />

ww&n<br />

% "t&&, ffi<br />

ln an exhibition aame against BERNSETN, Mosow,<br />

1914, cApABuN.A here played 29 . . . Ob2 winning<br />

t<br />

a rook (30 Oe1 Qrc3, or 30 Rc2 Qbl+), .nd ir<br />

White himself threareN a backrank mate<br />

(30Od3, Rd3, or Rcs) Black *ins <strong>by</strong> 30 ...<br />

Qal+. (see gane alesedly won <strong>by</strong> Adans mder<br />

BACTWAR.D PAWN, a pawn that can neirher be<br />

guarded <strong>by</strong>, nor bc advancd with lhe support oI.<br />

another pawn; is not blocked <strong>by</strong> an enenypa*ni<br />

d is reslraiftd fron advancing <strong>by</strong> an e.emy<br />

pawn on an adjoining filc. Such a pawn often ldcts<br />

mobility, and nay bccome a source of*eakness.<br />

However, its lalent power discounted <strong>by</strong> an<br />

a&e6ary, il nay somelimes be advaned unex-<br />

In tne fi.a! World Chanpionship qualifying<br />

march, 191, the first game between nscsEr<br />

(white) and pEnosyN began 1e4 c5 2NBe6 3<br />

d4 cxd4 4N!d4Nc6 5Nb5d6 6BI4e5 7Be3<br />

Nl6 8Bs5Be6 9Nlc3a6 10 Bxf6 gxl6 11Na3<br />

Black's pawns ai d6 and f6 .re backward: neither<br />

@be.dvanedwith the supporr oI another pawn.<br />

Nelerthetess, he played 11 ... d5, and after 12<br />

exds Bxa3 13 bx63 Oa5 14Qd20tr0hebad.<br />

sarisfa.<strong>to</strong>ry position. (see also BMmRouGs and<br />

BAD BISEOP. A player's bishop is a bad bishop<br />

rhen obsincted <strong>by</strong> his om pavns. If these cannot<br />

be moved out of the way the.e wilt be squares ot<br />

one colour that neither they nor tbe bishop can<br />

ontrolt the disadvantage ot such a mlouR wEM<br />

NEss @mbined with the bad bishop\ lack of mobil<br />

ity maybe fatal. as in thc gamcsgiven under cREs<br />

and MYsllRrous Roo( MovE.<br />


(i936 ), soviet player, International Grandnm<br />

ler(1978) From1960lo19?8nc@mpctcdinnine

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