chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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...Ngl 2Nd4.AfterthekeyiBI4(threaleni!82<br />

Bxg3 add 3 NC) lhere is changed play in four<br />

1...Ncl 2 Nxcl<br />

1...Nd,I 2 Nxd4<br />

1 Ngl 2 Nxgl<br />

RUEB, ALEXANDER (1882 1959). Dutch<br />

la$yer and diplonar who became ihe lisr Presi<br />

denr oIEDE (1924 .191. An lnrernationalJudec ol<br />

Ches Conpositions (195r), Rueb had a deep<br />

knosledge ofstudies. xhich sas demonsrraled in<br />

his ive'volume sork De s.radstudd (Gouda,<br />

19,19 55) and the @npanion Dron"en vdn d.<br />

S.raaturulle, aho 6!c lolumes aod publisbed at<br />

rhe same timc Besides a his<strong>to</strong>ncal survet these<br />

hooks include many studies ct a $ilied according <strong>to</strong><br />

a system invenred <strong>by</strong> fhe aurhor.<br />

RU(ILIS TEEME, a probleo them.: at least two<br />

lines of sEr pLAy or rRY PLAY are contraned {ilh<br />

variarions oI ihe solulion lo show al leasl l$o<br />


RUSINEK 289<br />

oI <strong>chess</strong>. FIDE has made rulcslor difterent kinds<br />

ol compelitive play. <strong>The</strong>se are mandalory lor<br />

.omperitions o.ganized <strong>by</strong> bodies atfiliated ro<br />

FIDE and necessary ior olhcr clcnls ilthey are <strong>to</strong><br />

be recogniTcd <strong>by</strong> FIDE. Competilors. especially<br />

rbosc seekingtitles, mighr be relucranr !oenreran<br />

unrecocnized <strong>to</strong>urnament because rhe rcsulk<br />

would not be counled Lr rating purposes. <strong>The</strong><br />

rules for sighted player meeting ovER rEE BoaRD<br />

consist of nine a icles nunbered 13 10 21.<br />

A . llrequireseachplalerlorecordthcmoles.<br />

Arl. l,l deahwith thenMrNG oF MovES and bow<br />

rhis aficcrs .ompletion ol a MovE.<br />

Aris. 15 and 16 se1 out thc procedures 10 be<br />

followed whe. a glm€ n adjourned (see SEALED<br />

Art. 17 indicates bow a playcr mighl lose<br />

otheNise rhan <strong>by</strong> checkmale or resienalion. (See<br />

Art. 18 giles ihe procedure for chini.g adraa<br />

<strong>by</strong> REPEflro\ or PosrrroN.<br />

Art. 19 deals wnh coodlct durinC play. (See<br />

Art. 20 stipulates rhal an arbiler is 10 bc<br />

appointed lor all conPeririons<br />

Art. 21 prolides lor appcal <strong>to</strong> FIDE regarding<br />

inlerprelalion of thc laNsorrules. <strong>The</strong>reisnothing<br />

<strong>to</strong> prevenr an individual makidg an appeal, but ir<br />

would nomally be made 6y an arbirer Dr an<br />

FIDE has also made rules lor blind players- for<br />

cBEss. and for rM_MrNUrE<br />

A problem <strong>by</strong> van Dr(, ,ri,ish <strong>Chess</strong> llagd.ihe.<br />

1967. <strong>The</strong> set play lariltions arc:<br />

1 Oxl3 2 Nd6<br />

1.. o- 2Nd2<br />

Tbe key I Qb3 sets up a BLoc( Tso variations<br />

show changed 6aics, two mate transferences. in<br />

. .OxB 2Qd3<br />

...Q- 2 Qxe3<br />

...(f5 2Nd6<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are other lanationsi 1...s4 2 R{14<br />

(also presenl in the sct play) and 1. . . e2 2 Od3.<br />

<strong>The</strong> theme was fiBl shown <strong>by</strong> lhe Ausfalian<br />

composer Anhur Janes Moseley (186?-1930) in<br />

tbe magazine ol tne 6ooD .oMr^N<strong>to</strong>N csEss<br />

pRoBLEn .LUB, April 191,1, and sas larer named<br />

alter the Soviet conposer Yenm Naumovich<br />

Ruk n (192s ).<br />

RULE OF SQUARD, see auADRANr.<br />

(ULES. As dktinct lrom the 12 L^ws oF csEsswhich<br />

are inthe main iniended ro define the game<br />

RUNNING NOTATION. notation wnlten coniinuously<br />

along a line. fth beinC increasinglynsed in<br />

nagazines and rextbooks because il nakesup less<br />

spacc rhan alte rnatives such a<br />

RUSINEK, JAN (1950- ), lolish ,udy mm'<br />

poser. mathematics assistanl at Warsaw univei<br />

sity. Inlernarional Judee ot Che$ Conposilions<br />

(1983). In 1971, almoslarftesta(of hiscomposi.g<br />

career. he won 6ve frrs1pnzes, add sine then has<br />

Ron nany nore. His ideas are original. his tech<br />

nique onsundate: his achiel€ments are lik€ly<br />

lo nlal rhose oI his greatest predecesots. (See<br />

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