chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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286 ROSSETTO<br />

would be unsouDd bul for the lollowine curious<br />

va.iation:.1 ...94 5 Ne5 GoRENSEN cAMBn) 5<br />

.. Qhl+ 6 g3 lxg3 7 Oxg4 g2+? 8 Qxh4<br />

gxhl:Q. UDexpecredly. whne\ artack is ndre<br />

than suificient compeflsation Io! the sacrillced<br />


prolessional player from Argentina, lnlernaiional<br />

Grandmaster (1960), national chanpion six times<br />

nan 1942 <strong>to</strong> 1912. He won many elents in<br />

Argentina and a 1ew <strong>to</strong>urnamenisabroad,bis best<br />

result being at BucnDs Ai.es 1960 (aboutcategory<br />

10) whcn he canre iourrh equal with EvaNs,<br />


sRr, and szAB6 ahead olor-ArssoNj uNzrcrcR, and<br />

clrcoEa. He played in two inlezonal <strong>to</strong>umamenh<br />

(1158, i964) and in six olympiads lion 1950 <strong>to</strong><br />

1912. notably makins fie besl $orc (+8-2) ol<br />

those playing nrsr reseFc at Helsinki 1952.<br />

ROSSOLTMO, NICOLAS ( 1910 75) , Internarion<br />

al Grandmaner (1953). Bo.n in Kiev. he serrled<br />

snh his Russian m.thcr in Parn in 1929. hisGreck<br />

father haviflg emigrated <strong>to</strong> lhe USA sone years<br />

earlier. Rossolimo rook a job as a laxi dnler. His<br />

hest <strong>to</strong>uinanent achievcmcnts w-c ar Paris 1931t.<br />

when he came second (+6:3-l) halr a poini aier<br />

.^pABuNcA. and ar Pans 1939, liBt (+9 = 5) ahead<br />

ol rARrA(oER. For a ils leais afler the Second<br />

world war hc becanc morc active in <strong>to</strong>urnament<br />

play. nolablywinningthe FrenchChanpionshipin<br />

1948 and achi€ving sone iair iesults ln snalt<br />

lournaments at Hastingsi 1948-9. 6sti 1949-50.<br />

sccond after s^B6 ahead ol Elwri and 1950 1,<br />

second equalwnh o'ELLy afterurzrccR.In 1953<br />

hejoined his lather in tbe USA. Tlele he drole a<br />

taxi, ga,e chc$ lcssons. a.d ako earned monc,v.<br />

perhaps, Irom lhe sales oi a record oi Russian<br />

iolk-songs. In the Swiss slnen US Open Chan<br />

pionship 1955 he cane lisr equalwith FEnEvsp<br />

and,lavoured <strong>by</strong>thc ti€-break, iook the lirsl prize,<br />

aBuickcar. }Ielived lorvaryingpenodsinFrance.<br />

a lq ays relurning ro the USA,where he died three<br />

days aier being lound with head injuries at the<br />

bol<strong>to</strong>molafligh<strong>to</strong>lstairs. Rossoiimoplayedin frve<br />

Olympiads: ior France in 1950 and 1972, Ior the<br />

USA ii 1958, 1960, and 1966.<br />

ROSSOLIMO VARIATION. 240 in $€ srcrrhN<br />

DEFENCEj line giv.n <strong>by</strong> cozro. playcd <strong>by</strong> ERD and<br />

wlrlaMs at ihe London <strong>to</strong>uriament 185r, b,<br />

MNAER aSainst srErNrz at rhe Paris <strong>to</strong>urnament<br />

1867, favourcd <strong>by</strong> NrMzowrrscx. a.d reinroduced<br />

<strong>by</strong> RossouMo aruund 1940. (See RrolMovi sAx.)<br />

ROTUSCHTLD, ALBER'r (l8.l,l-1911), <strong>chess</strong><br />

par.on. financier. BaronRothscbild*as a nenber<br />

of the Viennese branch oi the tasous banking<br />

Iamily and played daily in the Vienna Ches Club<br />

where he wasregarded as astrongplayer. As aboy<br />

he had sENrrz as a turor and he loved the tacticll<br />

bnliance which rhen charaaerized Sreinirz\ play.<br />

Rothschild funded maDy BRTLLTANCY pRrzEs.<br />

RoTLEWI, G. A. 0889 1920), Polishpl.yer. His<br />

caree, a1 ,nastcr level began in the einlcr of<br />

1907-8. In match€s he lost ro s^LtrL nr 1909<br />

(+s=3 8) a.d dereared hin in 1911 (+3=6 1)i<br />

in rhe All Russi. <strong>to</strong>urnanent,St Pereisbutg 1909,<br />

he.amc sccond<strong>to</strong> Ar-ExHrNE: and at Carlsbad l91l<br />

he came fou.rh afie.rEr.sMA\!, RUlrNSrErN, a.d<br />

s.dl!.slR ahead oI u*sEALr, NrMzowrscs,<br />

vrDMAR, Alekhine, and DUus. 'rhe promise of<br />

Rollcwi\ rapid progress and his 'refreshing a.d<br />

energeric play was notiunled: sliuck<strong>by</strong> a senous<br />

nervous illness, he ncvcr plaled again.<br />

ROUND, (1) ase<strong>to</strong>l games..ornallys.heduled<strong>to</strong><br />

begin on lhe sameday, that Iorms adiscrelestageoi<br />

a <strong>to</strong>urnaBent. For cx<strong>amp</strong>le, in an atl-rl^t'^tl<br />

<strong>to</strong>urnament of eight players there wiU be seven<br />

rounds each consisting ol four games. Atter thc<br />

lour ganes ot tbe lirsl round have heen complcted<br />

(or perbaps adjoumed) ihc players will be paired<br />

with ditferent opponents and lhe seond .ound witl<br />

ROUND! (2) a .omplete sel oI rounds. using this<br />

sord in tbe sense or round (1). A ioumanenl in<br />

which eachplayei neets cveryothcr player once h<br />

a singlc-round <strong>to</strong>urnament. Io a double-round<br />

<strong>to</strong>urnanenr eacb playe. neers every other Player<br />

twice, tu a t.eble round lournament three limes,<br />

and so oo. louilaments above double{ouDd are<br />

oftcD known as MAr.E rouRNeENrs. Ideall! !<br />

different {ord should be used <strong>to</strong> dhti.guish the<br />

two kinds ofround ard <strong>to</strong> climinale such rema.ks<br />

as -i. the third round oI lhe second round . . .<br />

ROUND CIIESS, an unorthodox same played on a<br />

r;und bo a rd. Suc h games have a lenerable his<strong>to</strong>ry<br />

datin-Eat least iiom the 10th century as eviden.ed<br />

<strong>by</strong> Islanic hanuscripts. A veBion known as<br />

zatrikion or Byzanline <strong>chess</strong>, because i1 Nas<br />

popular in the capitai ol lhe Easteijr Ronran<br />

Empire. used a boardolfourcon.ent.icrings each<br />

divided idlo 16spaces. Each ol the ranks,which de<br />

aranged like spokes in a wheel, conrains lour<br />

spaces. For thearay a Phyer\ mcn are placedon<br />

adjoining ranks: on rhc li6t. lour pawnsr o! the<br />

second, a rook on the perimeter then knight- lil,<br />

and knrgi oD rbethird. asimilar arrangcmcrtanh<br />

tsrRz^\ instead oi kingi and on the fourth, Iour<br />

paBns. <strong>The</strong> opponenas men are similarly Placed<br />

mirror fashion on lhe other sidc of tne circle.<br />

Unlike sEArMN, pawrs are mt pronoted. a 6rzan<br />

may caprure a lirzan, a frl may caplure d iil.<br />

Another vereion, somelimes cllled circular chcss.<br />

has a snnilarboard except thlt rhc vacant ceDtre is<br />

divided in<strong>to</strong> ioui quartcr cncles, known as citadels<br />

Ar rhe starlrhekine andfi.zenareonlheperineter<br />

and ifa player can nove his king in<strong>to</strong> a ciradelhc<br />

.inf.i lose Zrtnknr. hrd , bricl relilal in

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