chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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stalionary shootinS ns target oil the board withour<br />

o@upying the vlcaled squlre. an acrion thar<br />

Caplurcs can bc madc in no<br />

olherNay and onlyone al a line. A check lrom a<br />

line piece thar has nade a caprure can.or be<br />

answercd <strong>by</strong> intcrposiig a man o. thc squarc o1<br />

captnrc ln thc position 24l1BlRb3rQ/5K2/4n31<br />

4rk1r(rcNy'd No'r"ot) white could play I Qxel<br />

or Oxhl (neitber move gives check). I OI2+<br />

answered <strong>by</strong> I . . . KxD, or I Bxe2+ when Black<br />

cannol reply l Rc2. Scabrook was probably<br />

unaNarc that simila. capturing merhods had been<br />

tried earlyin the 19th cenlLrry in an Italianversion<br />

RIGA VARIATION, 190. Named from a cooev<br />

pondence eame Berlin Riga, 190G7, tbis line in<br />

the sP^N,s! oPENrNc was abandoned alter CAPA<br />

DraNca showed an adv,ntagc lor Whitc in a<br />

<strong>to</strong>urnamcnr gamc aeains Ed. Las(Li. NeN York<br />

1915.<br />

RINCK, HENRI (I870 1952) RinckandrRorrTxy<br />

are righlly regardcd as the principal founders ol<br />

norlern studl composing Born in Lyons oI i<br />

trosperous French ia<strong>to</strong>ily with bresing inrerests,<br />

Rinck spccialiT.d i. thc rclining of oln,c oilsr'lor<br />

lhe better proseculion oi his Nork he moved <strong>to</strong><br />

Spain around 19U1. <strong>The</strong>re he begancomposine add<br />

thcre he spenr nosr oI his life Hc was bolh<br />

immodcst about his o$n Nork and jealous ol<br />

Trcitzky: repuratioD. and {hen he lound that<br />

fe*er .f hi\ rhsn Tnitzkvs nndie\ hrd hedn<br />

included in Sutherland and r oMNrR S t2l4 Modnn<br />

E,l-8dftc Sr"di.s hc sulked lor a long time: but<br />

nost judges Nould regard Troitzkt as the more<br />

creative. RincL published collections oi 150 ol his<br />

srudies in l9ll7,3{r0 in l9l9- 700in 192?. and6nally<br />

l4ll Fins de Pdtuies (d^red 1950, publihed 1952). a<br />

dau.tine and unvinnowed 768 pages. (More than<br />

501) srudies are pas.le$, a lield in qhich srri<br />

lagcms arc lc{, so drcrc h mu.h rcpctition. t-or<br />

exanple.lhere are more than l30ex<strong>amp</strong>lesoftne<br />

endg.me two rooks v..two minor pieces.) Each<br />

book in.ludes the $hole oiils piedccessor;the lasr<br />

contanN aU his.ompositions and al his rcqucsl a<br />

copy was bu.ied with him. under his ann. ln<br />

couaboration *nh $e Belgran analyst Louis<br />

Malpas (1893 1971) Rinck srore D!u..o,rr.<br />

Tour d Cdrd I ier (1911 ), an ex.cllcnl analysis of lhh<br />

endsame. (see NoworNt lNrERrtRtNLL.)<br />

RIO DE JANEIRO VARIATION.,l37, a discorery<br />

that galc lhc urRrrN D.FrN.r ol thc spA\rsI<br />

(but short) leas€ or lire <strong>The</strong><br />

variadon aas piayed in a releBraph game Buenos<br />

,^ncs-Rio de Janeiro, l9ll3, and namcd iiier fie<br />

home ol its orieina<strong>to</strong>r Jono Caldas Vianna (1862-<br />

1931)<br />

RITITMOMACHY, agamc nrvoeuc lrom the llth<br />

lo lbe 17th centuries variously kno*n as Arithmomachi.<br />

(banle oi nuhbeG). A.ilhmelic <strong>Chess</strong>.<br />


or Philosopher\ Gamc (/ /Ll phjk^othotuh) h<br />

sas played oD a board lormed <strong>by</strong> abutting rwo<br />

nomal che$-boa s, each Ptayer h.ling 124 piees<br />

shaped as triangles. circlcs, orsquarcs a.d bearing<br />

diffcrent numbeN. Accounh ol lhe game oien<br />

appeared alongside discu$ions oi <strong>chess</strong>. For<br />

eunple. $ere n an extensive a@ounr (pp<br />

'14]*95) in ir,J S.hd.htpi.l oder Kijnig-Spiel<br />

(1616) <strong>by</strong> sELrNUs. Rith'nonrachy nay have died<br />

out because il coukt nol be learned without<br />

tureknowledge oI mathcmatical progrcssions.<br />

RITTNER! HORST ROBERT (1930 ). East<br />

Ge.man player. Internarion.l Cofespondence<br />

chesGnndn6rer (196r).Ninncr (+ l0=s)orrhe<br />

sixth world Corresponden.e <strong>Chess</strong> Ch<strong>amp</strong>ionship,<br />

1968-71 . He is ediro. ol tbe Gernan magazine<br />


.12). Sovietplayerar hnben duringtheeadyl930s.<br />

He lon a datch asainsl N. D. r;Rtr;oRrEv<br />

(+6=l 1) in 1931, aon tne MoscoN ch<strong>amp</strong>ion<br />

ship tbree times (1931, 1931-1. 1935), and played<br />

in lour USSR chanpionships. taking seco.d placc<br />

dfrer BonNNr( in 1931. His best intcrnational<br />

rournanenr result was at Lcningrad 1934r he<br />

sharcd sc.ond placc ivilb Roi,^Novso hall a point<br />

afierBotvinnik and ahead ofEU{E. Around 1936<br />

nl healrh cur shorr ! pronisidg career.<br />

RIUMIN VARIATION. 168 in lhe oUEEN's ,NDTAN<br />


<strong>The</strong> name comes lroo a long alenue. Callc<br />

Ri!adavia, BuenosAires. whcrc manyches clubs<br />

RryriiRE, .JULES ARNOUS DE 0830-i905).<br />

nrc strongcsr Frc.ch playerlo. about 20 years lrom<br />

tbe lare 1850s.lln lather Nas French. his morher<br />

Englisb. He played in the Paris internalio.al<br />

rournamcnt ol r867. taking sixih pla.cwcll bchind<br />

the world\ Ieadem but ahead ol RosENrdAL.<br />

Riviere also played in a few minor <strong>to</strong>urnanents in<br />

Paris.1.1855 he Nas defeated b! DUBors in a long<br />

serics of gamcsi in 184{ he Non against T. W.<br />

BARNES (+5 2);in ls6<strong>The</strong>bear LowENraL(+2)l<br />

and in 1883 he narroNly lost a malch againsr<br />

crncoRr\ (+4=l 5). Riviirc cditcd sclcral .hcs<br />

columns. published books on billiards and roulexe,<br />

and inlenred nan)r de$ 8a6es including one<br />

with two-coloured dominocs. Hc h aho rcmc,nbered<br />

lor some casual games *nh MoRpu!, played<br />

RIVItRE OPENING, 119. 1h<br />

RMaRE VARIATION.6i5 in the KNc:s c4Mnrr<br />

Accepted, supeGeded <strong>by</strong> the nore 6 . . . Nxe4.

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