chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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posal was oade by Dr zboriet of Prague in Scnochzenung, 1869. Eaeh player's nomal sore w6 to be divided by the nmber of gamcs he played to produ@ a weighted score. A player's 'zborieL s@re was then calo'ated by adding the weighted sores of aU lhe opponenh he had defeated od multiplying this sun by his own Neighted score. Thus sensible toumament could be obtained lor events in vhich players did not onplere their programne, nol an unusual oEtrien e a1 the time. o. a sinilar basis Oscar Gelbfuhs laid th€ foundation of the NEUsrAmr s@nE .ow conmoily u*d Io. tie-breaking, and .fren miralled the soNNEsoRN-rE*GB. There wd controversy between the lheoreticians and also with those like Johannes Metee. (18s0-196) who ne@ly defended nomal soring. When Ludwig Woinbrentrer Published Neuer Mod6 zu. Besnmnune det Reih.nfotse del Preisfiset bei knacntumietut (1887) Merser poinred our rhar rhe proposalwas so @mplcated rhar u eme ca*s a nlayer woul'i r@re tElter by AUXILIARY SCORING METHOD 19 A.omd 1900 interest in the underlyine issue, the alocation of tournament tu.ds, becane paramount: a.d the unrivalled rmz syscu was used a1 seve.almajorevents. An excellenlsuomaryolthe whole subiecl up to thal tine appeeed in tVie,€. Scha.hzeitunB, 1901. and lhe strbslane of thal arricle was published in the ,r,tish Ches MaEozihe in 1902. Tbe inhoduction of the sw'ss sYsrEM led to a new requnement because playets {ere no lonecr faci.g the same opponenrs. In additioo to ne6ur ing a playeas streneth an evalualion o{ lhe opposition w6 nceded. This led lo the delelopmenr oI BUcdEo.z. sorKoE. cooNs. MEDTAN. and eroEss sores, although no amount oI subtlerv can compensate lor ovestrelchine the swiss system. (See also suM or p*@nFrs,vt None of lhes nethods was inlended lor use vhen a lournameol remaitred unfinished, bul for lhe lollowiog @mp isotr of rhe oore impo.tanl netho.b tne crcssrable oI Manaheim 1914 is Ed. This toumament was unfinished on &couni oI the 12',) s673910 12 13 14 15 16 17 13 -- 01r 1 - 111tr 11 ]ll 11tr r11 1tr 0- l { r } 1 11 -1101---111 r1 xllil-ltr] l) oxl- 1111]-l-- 01x1 0l- I r I 0x10 rll0l i--1i10 1111 0t I 0 10x100 001-10x11 -1-0 100 10x10 1 1 ; 00 101xrri l-00 l0x0-11 --100 -01xtr11 0 ]0-0{1 txl} I -01{ l] 0l t r - l- 0 010-001 A dash (-) indi.a@s lhal rhe game vas not Played. In rhis rablo rhc six columns m: 1. sre by addiion of poi.tsi 2 Ncusradtl sFre: 3 Eal Sonn.born Be4er scorei4. C@ns roEi 5. Solkofl s@re:6. Bnchholz soE. t2 1ll 3 1311 331 45.25 ,191 5l 23{ 5 23: 4' 24 541 29.30 29.45 601 3101 3071 2721 31 14 31 16 3 r51 2 101 32t ut ,31 23.30 2t.20 2',1.?s 53 2061

20 AVERBAKH ourbrcat of thc Fnst World W given the nBt prize allhotrgh vtDn^Rhad evidently me! shonger opPosidon. AVERBA(H, YURI LVOVICH 0922- ), Soviet player and author, International Grandmaster (1952). Inlernadonal Judge olCbe$ Composi tions (1956), Intemalional Arbitei (1969). After qualirying in thc interzonal, Saltsjdbaden 1952, Averbakh played in the category 16 CANDIDATES toumanenr. Neuhausen zunch 1953. {ored +5=17 6, and shared tenth place In his secord andlastatrempl i! an interzonal, Portoroi1958, he narrovly failed to qualiry as aCandidate. Hisbesl lictones in other intem.tional toumaments pere vienna 1961(+7=4) and Mos@w 1962 (+5:l0ro share the prize sith vAsvurcv). I. hh own country he son or shared rhe MoscoN Chanpionship lhree times (1949, 1950, 1962), and enteied the USSR Cbanpionship 15 tines fro6 1948 to 1969r in 195,1 bebecadechampion (+10=9), in 1956 hew666t (+7=9-1) equal with spass(r and rdMNov, but he Iost the play olt, .nd in 1958 he sas lourlh (+6=10 2)_ A,erbakh\ most imponant condbulion is his conprehensile tbJee volune endgane healise publishedin Mosow, 195G62. Thc grcatcrpartol thn Nork was revised, t.a.slated, md published in Ensrand in seven volumes: Pdwn Entlinss (1974), Aueen and Po||n Endinas (1975), Bish.p |. Kni1ht Endias! 11916), Bbhop Eaditss (1977), Khishl Eadings \1917). Rook r. Minor Piece Endings \1978), Que t. RooktMinor Piece Entinss (1979). He connenced a relised edition in 1980. Besides othcr litcrarywork including edironbip ol .t zinha4' v SSJ/I Averbakh became inreresled in adninistrarion. In the 1960s he was gilen ihe task of developina chess contacB belween lhe USSR and countries of rhe Pa.ilic zone In 19?2 he sas nade president ol tbe Soviet Chess Federation, and when tbis posl sas taken by the cosmodaut Selasliyanov in 1977 Averbakh became !iceprcsident. He ahosencd asvice-chanman in 197 and co-chairman in 1978 oflhe FIDE.onmission for promoting chess in Asia. Averbath-Panno USSR Aeetrtina 1954 King\ lndian Derence Arerbakh variarion ld4 Nr6 2c4e6 3Nc3BE7 1e4d6 s Bez0 0 6Be5 c5 7d5a6 8a4Oa5 9ld2e5 10s,lNe3 llh4ls 12h5 14 13 gi Afl 1,1Bg4 Ods 15 Bxc3 Qxc3 16 NB BI3 t&r.%l& wHvg&r. r:W* 7& %rV& %, q&tw ru^ ffi&*F*K 'ffi w'e 17 Kc2 Rg7 13 Rh4 Nd7 19lus6 h46 20Qhl Bel 21 RhS+ Kr7 22 Oh6 NIS 23 Rhl Rb3 21Bxt4 Qc7 - Oh2 Nd7 26 Qhl NJ3 27 Rdlt+ !arl3 23 Oc6 R33 29 Nh4 aff 30 NxE6+ Kg? :11 Nxc5 BlIk Esigns. AVI,RBATIMRIATION, 198 in lhe KNG s TNDN DEENG, linc i.iroduced Io nasier Play by AVRO, a tournament sponsored by Algemeene Veerenigdc Radio Oemrop, a Dutch broadcdling company, in the Nerherlandr,1938. 'lhe no.ld's besr eigbt playes compeled, and this was tbe sfongest lournament held up to that time. Thc ioinr winnem were the youngest. xEREs and FrNEi thnd, AL.XH,NE. EUWE, and REsdEvsRv shared fourih placei .^F BuN.^ and lroR lollowed. Keres, having the NEU srrnr scoR., challenged Alekhine ibr the world titlej but no march rook pla@, Ior Alckhine was al.eady negodaring seoetly sith Botvi.nik. (See

20 AVERBAKH<br />

ourbrcat of thc Fnst World W<br />

given the nBt prize allhotrgh vtDn^Rhad evidently<br />

me! shonger opPosidon.<br />

AVERBA(H, YURI LVOVICH 0922- ),<br />

Soviet player and author, International Grandmaster<br />

(1952). Inlernadonal Judge olCbe$ Composi<br />

tions (1956), Intemalional Arbitei (1969). After<br />

qualirying in thc interzonal, Saltsjdbaden 1952,<br />

Averbakh played in the category 16 CANDIDATES<br />

<strong>to</strong>umanenr. Neuhausen zunch 1953. {ored<br />

+5=17 6, and shared tenth place In his secord<br />

andlastatrempl i! an interzonal, Por<strong>to</strong>roi1958, he<br />

narrovly failed <strong>to</strong> qualiry as aCandidate. Hisbesl<br />

lic<strong>to</strong>nes in other intem.tional <strong>to</strong>umaments pere<br />

vienna 1961(+7=4) and Mos@w 1962 (+5:l0ro<br />

share the prize sith vAsvurcv). I. hh own country<br />

he son or shared rhe MoscoN Chanpionship lhree<br />

times (1949, 1950, 1962), and enteied the USSR<br />

Cbanpionship 15 tines fro6 1948 <strong>to</strong> 1969r in 195,1<br />

bebecadech<strong>amp</strong>ion (+10=9), in 1956 hew666t<br />

(+7=9-1) equal with spass(r and rdMNov, but<br />

he Iost the play olt, .nd in 1958 he sas lourlh<br />

(+6=10 2)_<br />

A,erbakh\ most imponant condbulion is his<br />

conprehensile tbJee volune endgane healise<br />

publishedin Mosow, 195G62. Thc grcatcrpar<strong>to</strong>l<br />

thn Nork was revised, t.a.slated, md published in<br />

Ensrand in seven volumes: Pdwn Entlinss (1974),<br />

Aueen and Po||n Endinas (1975), Bish.p |. Kni1ht<br />

Endias! 11916), Bbhop Eaditss (1977), Khishl<br />

Eadings \1917). Rook r. Minor Piece Endings<br />

\1978), Que t. RooktMinor Piece Entinss<br />

(1979). He connenced a relised edition in 1980.<br />

Besides othcr litcrarywork including edironbip ol<br />

.t zinha4' v SSJ/I Averbakh became inreresled in<br />

adninistrarion. In the 1960s he was gilen ihe task<br />

of developina <strong>chess</strong> contacB belween lhe USSR<br />

and countries of rhe Pa.ilic zone In 19?2 he sas<br />

nade president ol tbe Soviet <strong>Chess</strong> Federation,<br />

and when tbis posl sas taken <strong>by</strong> the cosmodaut<br />

Selasliyanov in 1977 Averbakh became !iceprcsident.<br />

He ahosencd asvice-chanman in 197<br />

and co-chairman in 1978 oflhe FIDE.onmission<br />

for promoting <strong>chess</strong> in Asia.<br />

Averbath-Panno USSR Aeetrtina 1954 King\ lndian<br />

Derence Arerbakh variarion<br />

ld4 Nr6 2c4e6 3Nc3BE7 1e4d6 s Bez0 0 6Be5<br />

c5 7d5a6 8a4Oa5 9ld2e5 10s,lNe3 llh4ls 12h5<br />

14 13 gi Afl 1,1Bg4 Ods 15 Bxc3 Qxc3 16 NB BI3<br />

t&r.%l& wHvg&r.<br />

r:W* 7& %rV&<br />

%, q&tw ru^<br />

ffi&*F*K 'ffi w'e<br />

17 Kc2 Rg7 13 Rh4 Nd7 19lus6 h46 20Qhl Bel<br />

21 RhS+ Kr7 22 Oh6 NIS 23 Rhl Rb3 21Bxt4 Qc7<br />

- Oh2 Nd7 26 Qhl NJ3 27 Rdlt+ !arl3 23 Oc6 R33<br />

29 Nh4 aff 30 NxE6+ Kg? :11 Nxc5 BlIk Esigns.<br />

AVI,RBATIMRIATION, 198 in lhe KNG s<br />

TNDN DEENG, linc i.iroduced Io nasier Play <strong>by</strong><br />

AVRO, a <strong>to</strong>urnament sponsored <strong>by</strong> Algemeene<br />

Veerenigdc Radio Oemrop, a Dutch broadcdling<br />

company, in the Nerherlandr,1938. 'lhe no.ld's<br />

besr eigbt playes compeled, and this was tbe<br />

sfongest lournament held up <strong>to</strong> that time. Thc<br />

ioinr winnem were the youngest. xEREs and FrNEi<br />

thnd, AL.XH,NE. EUWE, and<br />

REsdEvsRv shared fourih placei .^F BuN.^ and<br />

lroR lollowed. Keres, having the NEU<br />

srrnr scoR., challenged Alekhine ibr the world<br />

titlej but no march rook pla@, Ior Alckhine was<br />

al.eady negodaring seoetly sith Botvi.nik. (See

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