chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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1925 he played 29 blindf old games simuhancouslythen<br />

r record ) Altbongb there were les lournamcnrs<br />

during rhe w.r his play improved neadily.<br />

and lrom 19l8u.lilhis dcath hc play.d 1n about 25<br />

strong Ioumamenrs obraininS several Sood rcsuhs:<br />

Kmchlu (nosKo$ce) 1r18,liAt (+9=2) ahead or<br />

vrnv4R a.d scHLEcHnR: Gdreborg 1920. first<br />

(+'=t- l) ah.,d.t p nrNsrFrN,ndBo.ou'Bo\:<br />

Teplitz.Sch"nau (nnu lcni.e-\rno\) I'rl2 6(r<br />

(+8=2 3) equal with SUELM^\N ahead oI.xri\-<br />

FELD and Rubinsteini Mahisch Oslrau i923.<br />

rcoid (+7=5 l) alierLASGRaheadolGrnnleld.<br />

BogoltuboN. and RDbinstcnrj Bad Homburg 1927,<br />

second (+5=3 2) arier Bogoljubow: and Brno<br />

(Iornenr Brunn) 1928. finr (+6=2 1)equalqith<br />

siMscH. Red won the Czech Ch.npionship in<br />

1925 and playcd foi Czc.|oslovrkia in thc Olympiad<br />

of 1927. makirg thc highest firt-board scorc<br />

(+9=5 1).<br />

Allhough his phying achieveme.rs are nol<br />

insignilicant R€ti is hctter rcfremb.red lor his<br />

contribulion <strong>to</strong> thc HYTLRMoDTRN mo!.me.l Gcc<br />

s.Ho.Is .F .HFcsl 3nd nr his hook D;p ,pr.,<br />

tdeen ih Schoth:pi.l (1922): ir deals snh ches<br />

srrateSr, R6ris favourite subject. and thc nnrory<br />

ol ns delelopmenl up lo and including hyper<br />

modcrn play. wirh sone relisions the boo[ {as<br />

published in Enelnn as Moderh ldent in (:h.ts<br />

(192r). Llclins adequate sources R6ti was uDa-<br />

(are lhat sone posltron.l idels were knoBn €arlier<br />

than hc supfos.d, and he faih <strong>to</strong> mention. tur<br />

€x<strong>amp</strong>le. the .onlributions madc bv srAUNroN.l-<br />

PAULS.N. and.Ecorr\.,. Neleftheles this pioneer<br />

Norkisacl.$icol<strong>chess</strong>herarure.AcutlLrredand<br />

cdn.atcd man. Rati rcgard.d ch.$ as an art, a.d<br />

his book reveals the hand olan artist. FittinelI hc<br />

conPosed srudies. and they conpare ynh rhe ben:<br />

hc soughr simple and natur.l looking posnions Lhal<br />

would appeal <strong>to</strong> plaFrs. Hc dicd of scancl t.!er<br />

Nb e conplering Di. M?ister des Schdchbtcts<br />

Ihis book. published fie year after his death.<br />

contanN biographical nol.s ab.ur 2:l nastersIron<br />

ihe rnne ofANDERSSEN and gamcs plavcd <strong>by</strong>rh.n<br />

wilh annotations explaining the slrategy. lh.<br />

English tanslndon Muter: ol iie Ches Boa/d<br />

(1933) omits itrformation aboutrndgam.sb! iour<br />

H. Golombek, Xlr's E.sr 6ar.r,/ ar?$ (195a)<br />

conlains 70 qames and 15 sudies<br />

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RETRAC"IOR 2?9<br />

,\ study <strong>by</strong> Riti(,(ag,,l trarene S.ha.h"dchn.hr.,.<br />

1922) White achieles the apparently inpos<br />

sible lasL ot nopping Black s pasn: I Kg7 h,l 2<br />

K16 Kh6 (orheNk. whirc prm'olcs his faw.) l<br />

l\Rd5 2glNt6 lBg2s6.1c4J4 5JlBg7 6b.100 7<br />

Nbd2 c5 3 \b3 .xb.l 9 Bb2 N.6 l0 Nbxd.l Nxdl ll<br />

Brdlb6 l2.lRbi lrBb2bxar lrRxaracT l5Oal<br />

Ne,l L6B\gTNxsr l700Nc6 l3Rblts.6 l9d.lBc4<br />

20ltdl a5 2l d5 Nc5 ::2 Nd4Bxg2 2a Kxg2 Rfd3 l1<br />

\!6llhc o..uFrotr or rhe HoLL at 6 Bives wriie de<br />

.s,re advantase ) r1 . . . I{d6 :5 Rc3 RcrJ 26 O.5 t6<br />

27 Qb2 c5 13 Qli5 Kfl<br />

e,l 32 t\c4Nc5 33 Qxb6 Nr.6 34 .j (a,wrscHENzu6)<br />

3,1.. Rd7 35drc6R{d3 36Qio7+ RxcT 37.xd3Rxc6<br />

l3 RbT r Kc3 39 d.l Ra6<br />

"r&, "{& %*<br />

10 Rb6 RaS (lt the ook\ rc cx.hinAcd whtc,s ki',g n<br />

k a ta*n. but he lins<br />

.12 RD rl 1lRn2Kd7 llds<br />

!5 15 KE Rr.l 16 l(c: h: 17 hllxhl 13Cxh4xei .19<br />

Ktl Kd7 50 KI5 Black resi8ns<br />

R6TI GAMBIT ACCEPTED. 6E5, soLnd but not<br />

, RiTI OPENINC.68r, alsocalled the Landstra$e<br />

Gambir <strong>The</strong> grmc may transposc <strong>to</strong> othcr opcnings,<br />

c.e rhc .aral^N ortNrNc If hlead White<br />

nriinraln\ 3 cv^rr .FNTRF firn.herl.e\ horh<br />

bnbops. addcasdes on the king\side he plays rhe<br />

RatlSystcm Hc cndcavou6 <strong>to</strong> conlrol the ccntral<br />

squares dnectly or indireclll silh pieces. wilhholding<br />

the advance oIa centrepawn Lo rhe Iouah.ank<br />

until Bl.ck\ inle.li.ns are known. MeanNhilc.<br />

whitc rcmains poned lo altack any paNn centre<br />

thar nrighr be set up <strong>by</strong> his opponenl Ran frrst<br />

pl.led his s$rem in 1921shen henetGRiN.rr D in<br />

rhc MaBatc <strong>to</strong>ur.amcnt. (Sc<br />

RiiTI VARIAT()N.62 nr rhe auEENs riAMBn<br />

Declined, plared in lhe game R6li Tarasch.<br />

Pieit any 192i563 in the (NG's cAMBrrDeclined:<br />

626 rd rhe rRFN.n DrF.N.., from lhc gamc<br />

Ratl-Mar6czy, Ciiteborg 1920.<br />

RETRACTOR, . problen in which some noves<br />

are rerrlcred (indicated b, a minussisn) and liom

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