chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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278 RESHEVSKY<br />

displays which drcs tarCc audicnces Gnd whicb<br />

enriched his parentt were loUosed <strong>by</strong> his 6rst<br />

rcurnadent- in Oct. 1922. He won one eame.<br />

againsl rANows(r A honth laler his parents Nere<br />

charged with'improper guardianship i rhe case sas<br />

dismissed. bul a Euardian was appointed <strong>to</strong> prcvcnt<br />

'undue explonarion . Hn education. hither<strong>to</strong><br />

largelt limired ro ieligious insruction, was now<br />

sidcncd. Altcr somc privalc tunion he Nent <strong>to</strong> a<br />

conlenrional school lor rhe 6rt tinre in his lifc at<br />

the age of 12 ln 1931hechose accountancy for his<br />

subjed and in 1931 he completed his studies at<br />

In 1935, havi.g played in half a dozen rouma<br />

denls in lhe USA, Reshevsky comBcnccd his<br />

career al grandnaster Ievel <strong>by</strong> winning 66t prize<br />

(+6:l) ahead ol cApABLANcA.t Marsate, subsequently<br />

a.hicving scveral eood <strong>to</strong>urnanent perior<br />

natrcesr Nottingham 1936 (abour catcgory 14),<br />

$nd (+7=5 2) equal Mrh EUWE and dNE after<br />

BoflrNNr( a.d cipablanca ahead oIALEGTNT and<br />

FLoHRi Kemeri 193?, fiist (+10=.1 l) equal with<br />

Flobr and pErRo! ahead ol Alekhinc a.d xFREs:<br />

sennering-Baden 1937(aboutcalegoiy u), third<br />

(+.1=7 3) equalsith Capablanca ater Keres and<br />

Finei Hastings 19:17 8.6$t (+5=4)i AvRo 1918,<br />

Iourth (+3=8 3) equalwnh Euwe andAlekhinc.<br />

Reshevsly won foui consecutive US Ch<strong>amp</strong>ionship<br />

<strong>to</strong>n.naments: 1936 (+10=3 2), 1938 (+10=6).<br />

19,10 (+10=6), and 19112: and he t$ice delcndcd<br />

his tirlc in mitch play. againn EoRopnz (+3=13)<br />

in l94l and against XASHDAN (+6=3 2) in 1912.<br />

A deeply relieious man, marricd qnh one son<br />

and lwo daughters. Reshelsky leli lhat.hc$ was<br />

plaving <strong>to</strong>o large a parl in his lilei in 1944 he<br />

decided<strong>to</strong>givemorctimclohklamilt,<strong>to</strong>advlnce<br />

h( career in accouniancy. and <strong>to</strong> play <strong>chess</strong> less<br />

frcqucndy l. 19,15 he rvon a pan-Amcrican<br />

ch<strong>amp</strong>ionship ar l-os Angeles (+9=3) and in 1946<br />

he again won the US Chamrionship Wilhoul<br />

lurthcr hard practice he played in thc qorld<br />

ch<strong>amp</strong>ionship match roumanent ol1948. scoring<br />

+6=9 5 <strong>to</strong> sharc thnd phce wilh Keres alter<br />

Bolvinnik and snyslov. In this event he was<br />

granl.d a nes n.d special concesion: tirat he need<br />

nol play lrom sundown Fridat <strong>to</strong> sundown SatuF<br />

dal. He believed that his prcriously havrgpiayed<br />

on lhe Jewish sabbath Nas a sin. hh faiheas re.ent<br />

dcath. punishmenl. ln 1950. in the primc ol his<br />

<strong>chess</strong> carecr, Rcshelsky $!.ted <strong>to</strong> play in rhc<br />

CANDTD^rEs <strong>to</strong>umamcni 10 be held ar Budapest.<br />

<strong>The</strong> srare Depanmenr reluscd ro let him travel<br />

rhere- thus depnving him of his bcsr .hance oi<br />

beconile a challenger aor the *orld titlc. Hc<br />

prepared himsellfor thc next chanpionship cycle<br />

bt rourn.nenl and match play, raking second pnze<br />

( +9= t0) alier NATDoRF at Amsrerdam 1950, 6tsr<br />

priz€ (+6=!t- 1) at New YorL 1r51, and defeatin,s<br />

clrcoRra (1952. +2:r-l) a.d Najdora (1952.<br />

+8=6 4, and 1953. +5=9 4). In rhc Crndidales<br />

roumanrent o1 1953 Reshelsky came sccond<br />

(+8- 16,1) equal wirh BRo--srErN and Keres arter<br />

Smyslo!. Reshevsky, who <strong>to</strong>ok hh fanily wirh<br />

him, was handicapped b, the lack ol a back,up<br />

team of the kind .vailable <strong>to</strong> most of lhe olher<br />

conpeli<strong>to</strong>Br hc probably co.sidered such atcam.<br />

or even a seco.di unnecessary,<br />

Hc conrinued <strong>to</strong> Play in strong <strong>to</strong>urnadenrs,<br />

averagingabou<strong>to</strong>ne aye!r. winning at Datlas 1957<br />

(+5=7 2) equalvith Gligoria,BuenosAires i960<br />

(+8=1 1) equal sith rcRcnNor, and Natanya<br />

1969 (+7=6). He won his 6fth US Ch<strong>amp</strong>ionship<br />

in 1965 (+5=5 l) aod his sixtb in 196F?0<br />

(+5=6).In naich play hc detealed BEN(oin 1960<br />

(+3=5 2) and met us.HER in 196l shed he was<br />

awardedthe stakes ifierrhe match was broken otlthe<br />

score standinC +2:7 2. In 1967 he shared<br />

si\lh place at rhe Sousse ioterzonalialter a drawn<br />

play-oil he Nas placed sixtb on tie-break and<br />

becamc aC,ndidate but he lo{ b Kor.hnoi in rhe<br />

Reshevskys games are charactcrizcd btr solid,<br />

ralher than tashionabte, openines and a dour<br />

posilional slyle: lor rhe 1i6r 120 moves he would<br />

lake most of thc timc alloted Ior the firsr 40.<br />

believingn inportant ro build a soundposnion so<br />

rhal lunher doves could be played rapidly if<br />

necessary. Hc published Rerlie,r/.r o, C/icsJ<br />

(1918) containine69samcs and How Ches canes<br />

rre wo, (1962) containinsanother60othis ganes.<br />

<strong>The</strong> 6rsl book was ghosred <strong>by</strong>Fred Rcinfeld, the<br />

second hc wrote himself (see wlul roxMArnN. )<br />

RESIGN, <strong>to</strong> co.ccdc deleat aitnout playing on <strong>to</strong><br />

tnc .heckmate. Decisions ro resi8n are often oade<br />

dunng adjournmenr, after cool appraisal. Occa<br />

sionauy masters resign in drawn positio.s ori more<br />

rarcly. in won positions.<br />

A posirion from rhe same Popicl (whne) Marco<br />

Montc Carlo 1902. Black resigned be.ausc ollhe<br />

PrNonthed-6lc.Hecouldh.!esonbv36 BgL.<br />

RESULT TABLE. see cRossr^BrE.<br />

R6TI. RICHARD (1889 192r). player. author.<br />

and composcr. Bor. in Pczinok (rhen inHunB..l),<br />

he (udied mathematics and thysics at Vienna.<br />

{here he Sained excellenl <strong>chess</strong> practice, and<br />

snortly berore the Fisr world War becane a <strong>chess</strong><br />

prolessioDal. Hc car.cd his livingpartly <strong>by</strong> witing<br />

<strong>chess</strong> columns and giving dnplatsi in particular he<br />

was erPert at BLINDFoLD.H[SS. (Al Sn Paulo i.

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