chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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RFjFLEX CtlESS. an unorrhodox gamc invenled<br />

b_ylhe EDglishnen Willian Gcary (1839 1923)and<br />

Benjanin Gloler l-a$s (1861 1931) in the l88G<br />

Erch player lrics <strong>to</strong> gel hinsell checknatedl but<br />

eirher mustgi,e mate on the novc ifthisbeconres<br />

possible. PLayers usually begin the Came hy advancingrhen<br />

kings insuicidalfashion. Reflex<strong>chess</strong><br />

problems are denotcd b, the synbol r+ (r+)<br />

RESHEVSKY 277<br />

Borh chanrpioDs made then prophecies whenpasl<br />

thcir prime. a.d both suggested vays <strong>to</strong> givc lh.<br />

game new lile. Lister lalotrrcd the abolirioD ol<br />

caslling- capabtan.a cxperimented wnh unorlho<br />

dox gamcs on enlarged bonrds Becruse thc<br />

rcsources ot <strong>chess</strong> .re lor pra.tical purposes<br />

nnlinnedor becausc olah!man lendency 1o maLe<br />

errors. .r for botlr reasons.dealb <strong>by</strong> draws h.s n.t<br />


A problem <strong>by</strong> lNDcRr\, iru S.rrdlD..1968. <strong>The</strong><br />

keyis I Ql:1. lhrcalcning 2 Qdi. which sould lorcc<br />

Blackronrate<strong>by</strong>2... Bcl:andil l...BxB 2<br />

Be1 Bcl mare. <strong>The</strong>re arc No thematic tries<br />

consisrinE ol an.nps <strong>by</strong> White <strong>to</strong> get his queen lo<br />

dlb_\,othcrroutes: 1Ql5?BdTiorcing2Re6B,tc,<br />

and 1 Qg6? Bes 2 Rfi n.re<br />

REHM, HANS PEIER (1942 ).GermucoB<br />

poser, lnr.rnaiional Master for <strong>Chess</strong> Com<strong>to</strong>si<br />

tioDs (1968). lntemational hdgc ol ahcs Conl<br />

posnions (1r72). F.then,ti.s tcacner at Karlsrnhe<br />

univeGirtr I hc Lcadirg problem coBposer or his<br />

.ountr!.hcspe.ializesinMoRE MovrRSandvarious<br />

lcs orthodox ttPes. nolably ATTMUMM.*. (See<br />

l<strong>to</strong>BrE qNroRY: zlcT{.t )<br />


RELFSSON CANIBIT,510 nr the s.or.H GrlIBIr.<br />

.ho c.lled t|c Maclopez Varialion, in old Ii..<br />

namcd aftcr ihe S$edisli maslerTostcn Rcllsson<br />

(1871 l9,lt).<br />


HANS (1904- ). Cerm{n pl."-cr. Intcmatio.al<br />

Maner (1150). Inrernational A,biter (1951). ches<br />

iournllisl H. sharcd lirt prize in three loumr<br />

mcnts ol aboul calegor! 8 hekl in Berli.r wnh<br />

s\rxs.H in February 1!rlll, vilh {nrMARD itr 1931.<br />

and \rilh !Ec(.R ahcad ol LLrs$sEs in 1918<br />

R.lktab won the Geman Cb<strong>amp</strong>io.shit in l!.12<br />

and played for West Gema.! nr thc Olympiadsol<br />

RENIIS (Frenchl, a dr.N<br />

RENTTSIOD, the death ol <strong>chess</strong> br- dr.ss (7.4.<br />

Gernranlordeath).predicEdb! Emanucl rAskriR<br />

,ronn(l l91N nnd hv .Ap{ur A--.A tcn ,car larer.<br />

RDPETITION OF POSInO\. the popular nnre<br />

rorthcclainr oladra{ btaplar_errvh.sctuiiit is<strong>to</strong><br />

molc Nhen a position has ..cLrred lor the thinl<br />

time with the sahe contcslanls <strong>to</strong> play. oi slll s.<br />

ocornfterrhe mo!c tlrat he nalesheNillplay (and<br />

nustriayilthc.lainr lails). <strong>The</strong> rccudne positions<br />

arc regarded as entical lor ihis purpose il lso<br />

men ol tbe same kind and colou have cbanged<br />

places. TIe righr ro castle or <strong>to</strong> tale a pawn rN<br />

passANr must be unchanged. <strong>The</strong> claim must bc<br />

madc before a moveisnade In acoDpetition the<br />

arbner nops lhe clocks during investigattun. lor<br />

which . proFrly conrpleted score nust hc<br />

ruilahlc. Il th. claim is nol upheld he rdds 6vc<br />

minutes <strong>to</strong> ibe clock oI rhe claimant aho .ould<br />

there<strong>by</strong> lose on Line. Otherwisc thcrc is Do pcDalty<br />

ior an incorred chim. (For an exanpie ol a plaler<br />

t.ken nna$dcs <strong>by</strong> a clain see rrME (2).)<br />

Ratherthanwan loi i lbinalclaim playcrsolten<br />

aeree a dra{ when they lorcscc nreviiable rePeti<br />

rion. as happencd in lhe ganre Tarrasch A. Fnrz.<br />

Brcslau 1889. INfld5 2 d,1Rl.5 3c4c6 4Obl<br />

Nc6 5QxbTNbl 6Na:l Rb8 7Qxa7Ra8 sob,<br />

Rbs l:i. F.iling ,erccnrenl Black could. alter 9<br />

Q.7 Ras l0 Ob7 Rbs 1l Qal. indic.le thrl he<br />

nre.dcd <strong>to</strong> pla_v 1l . Ras.nd claim a drar<br />

Early (aremen[ ol thn law. lor cx<strong>amp</strong>lc in<br />

L^s^'s proposals oi 1854. postulatcd the repetition<br />

oi noves or series oI moles. without specilying<br />

h.w oti.n rhcsc mighr be repeared. A situation as<br />

h the game abole.<br />

eDvisagerl. Onl! much lat.r was this lawredciDed<br />

ns rpplirg <strong>to</strong> Fsitions. no malter hoB w ely<br />

RESEEVS(Y, SAMI]EI- HERMAN (1911 ).<br />

Inlernarional Grandmaster (1950). irom 1935 lo<br />

lgil rankcd amone the fi61erghr in lhe v.rld- at<br />

bcst among the firn lhree During thcsc ycas hc<br />

played in i4 m.<strong>to</strong>r <strong>to</strong>uflramc.ls. wnnring hall !l<br />

Lhem and only on.c conrnrg louer than thnd. <strong>The</strong><br />

siath child in aJewish iamil!. ReshcvskyNas boflr<br />

in PolandNhere he learncd drc game at the age ol<br />

iour and soon bccame the stronlen ol all .hild<br />

pr.digics. Hc ioured Poland shen hc ivrs si{.<br />

eiving simultaneous dnFltys aeainsl 20 or more<br />

plalers rnd raiel! losinp a !ame. made snnilar<br />

rours in ElroDc, and arired with hN hmily lo<br />

r.nn in rh. IISA i feq weel\ beLre his nlnth<br />

bi hday.TwoyearsollravellinClnAmcricaei!nre

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