chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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RAT OPENING 2?5<br />

ard sele.ts a piece lor b8, whilc places a similar<br />

piece on bi. nnd so on Thus, 2.880 ar.als are<br />

In screeD ches. sonetines clllcd batlle <strong>chess</strong>.<br />

the Bhire and black arrays are Dot intentionally<br />

nnrored. Each playcrsetsup his own pieces as he<br />

wnhes while a scrccn temporarill placed a*oss the<br />

niddlc ol the board conceah nh intentions<br />

E.29,1.400 dillerent arrays arc possible. Alphonse<br />

Delannoy (180G83) claimed that in hn youlh h.<br />

played rhis gine against Ordonneaux lor 2l hou6<br />

snhoul a brcak, neither eitinC nor drnrknrg. and<br />

conrpleling 16? ganes. wh.i revived io lhe 19?0s<br />

called baseline <strong>chess</strong>. (ln<br />

England durine the Firsl World war KRrEcsrrEL<br />

Eas called s.reen <strong>chess</strong> lo !!oid thc use olGemrn<br />

<strong>The</strong> demand lor lhis kind oI vanlnl probably<br />

arose {ben opcnings becane thc subteci of<br />

srrstenatic study. clriously, a classilier ol open<br />

1ngs. aLEI^NDRE, pas onc oI the 6rn lo nake<br />

experinents wirh randomized che$. Laler the<br />

srns composer Erich Biu.ner (1885 1938) re<br />

vivcd the idea. Nhich sonctimes bears his name.<br />

RANK, or hoizonral Iine.. roN oleighl laterauyadjoining<br />

squares lron sidc Io side of the board. A<br />

rank is cunonarlly dehncd b, ns relationsbip lo<br />

tbe playe! and not <strong>by</strong> the rank nudbei in srandard<br />

.otation. In the array Whire s pieces stand on his<br />

nrsl rank or back rank (his opponenfs eighth<br />

rank). his pa{ns oi hn second rank (his oPpo<br />

Malor pieces can na.euvms ciLclively o. the<br />

ranks as on the 0les Rooks are especially *eU<br />

placedon rbe sevcnth.ank. (ForexabplesinNhich<br />

thev occuDv other ranks advantlgcously see<br />

R,ANm\ YARIATION, .153, a good line lbr whitc<br />

in the FouR kNrcHr. opENtNc, analysedin thc er.ss<br />

Plaf.t s Chranicle.1879, <strong>by</strong> th. cdiior. Charles<br />

Edward Ra*en (1828-1905).6st presidenl olthe<br />

O ord Unive6ily Ches Club.<br />

LAPtD TRANSIT CHESS, a rcrmued in the USA<br />

lor lGsrNrNG csEss. named ailer the New York<br />


(1916 ),Sovictplayer.InternadonalGrandmat<br />

ter (1980). From 1972 <strong>to</strong> 1980-t he comp€ied in<br />

Iive USSR ch<strong>amp</strong>ionships, in 19?9 he won an<br />

inremati.n,l rournancnt al Sochi. and in 1982<br />

he and BRoNsrErN became joinl ch<strong>amp</strong>ions ol<br />

RATL\G, a nethod otestimating ptaying srength.<br />

Its purpose might bc the seleclio. olplaycrs lor a<br />

lhe awardi.g ol Iitles.<br />

pairing ol oppoden[ in a ss(s SYSEM louri+<br />

ment, allocation ot playes in a comPerilion with<br />

seleral <strong>to</strong>urnaments. provision of a lacility lor<br />

oitering awards <strong>to</strong> players oi diilerenl slrcngth<br />

withinrhesame<strong>to</strong>umamenr,orsinplytherelative<br />

assessmenl oi lhe srength ofplayeG who hale not<br />

yet mer. An cany cx<strong>amp</strong>le was lhe cus<strong>to</strong>n ol<br />

classine a player<strong>by</strong>the handicap heaould receile<br />

irom a nBt class player- an cmpnical assessnenl<br />

thar *as nor alNaysrcliable in alien enlironnenls.<br />

Towards rhe end oithe l9lh century !arious srilcis<br />

tried lo assess the relative srrenglhs of lhe leading<br />

maste.s. and paitly hccause this exe.cise Nas<br />

restricted ro nast.r rournaments oi aboul cqual<br />

strengrh rhc rankinS lisls were closc lo general<br />

Unlike athleres $hose resutts can be m.asurcd<br />

aglinsr stlndards such as tide or distance. ches<br />

playen can be measured only againn each other<br />

'lhe basis ol all modern rating sysiems is a<br />

combinalion ol the average rating of a player's<br />

opDonents and the percenlagc sco.e he maLes<br />

aeainstihem <strong>The</strong>reis some alfinitywithauxrLrARY<br />

scoRrNcMErHoDs.'Thcmeasuremenlotlhcraling<br />

of an individual mieht *ell be comparcd ivith the<br />

measurement oflhe posnion olr cork bobbing uP<br />

and down on tbe surflce of agiiated Naler with a<br />

,ardnick tied <strong>to</strong> a rope Nhich is s$aying in rhc<br />

wind said Elo in 1962: but cufenrnc$ods nave<br />

provcd mo.e reliable than this comment suggesh.<br />

l hc li6l modem type ofratinE system was used bt<br />

ihe Correspondencc Ches League ofAderica in<br />

1939- bur the one tbat made in impact on<br />

intcnrational <strong>chess</strong> was fie Ineo systcm, named <strong>by</strong><br />

irsdesignerAn<strong>to</strong>. Hd$linecr (18?5 1959) ailerhis<br />

home <strong>to</strong>wn lneolsiadt in Bavana. ln rhe 1950s<br />

cLARxr insfned the grading sysrem adopted <strong>by</strong> the<br />

Brirish Ches Federation lnd al about lhe same<br />

time tbe Unned Srates <strong>Chess</strong> Federation inlro<br />

duced a sysren shich was modified in 1960 lo<br />

Thc USCF meihod, inroduced <strong>by</strong> a commntee<br />

chaned <strong>by</strong> ELo, became thc offcial F1DE raliog<br />

systen and is known cilher <strong>by</strong> that nane or as Elo<br />

radng. A1l thcsc mode.n metbods give similar<br />

resulk ilplayers are in the sade chss but only Elo<br />

raiing appears <strong>to</strong> be dependablc when lhere are<br />

great diiierences in playing nrenglhr and his<br />

ne$od isthe foundation on {hich tne aqardingol<br />

Both Clarte (rrnslt Ch.s Mogazine, 1953.<br />

1960.1973) lnd Elo (chds a't, 1962.1964) have<br />

aprlicd mode.n ralinS melhods re<strong>to</strong>spc.iilely <strong>to</strong><br />

the middleolrbe i9rhcent!ry. Such measurements<br />

hale also been uscd <strong>to</strong> examine tbe eilects oI<br />

ageins on <strong>chess</strong> perlo.mance (Dt^pet. hulnat of<br />

th. Rolal S<strong>to</strong>tistical Societ!. 1961. a|dEla. laumal<br />

of Geron<strong>to</strong>losr, 1965)<br />

A. E Elo, <strong>The</strong> Rdtiig of Ch.rsp/a-ven (London,<br />

1978).<br />

Clarkc. Grading Sysleni, an articlc in the arnnn<br />

Ches Moqazine. 1969.<br />

RAT OPENINC, 696, a <strong>to</strong>kine description ol lhe<br />

oPENtNc. M,nler. a London

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