chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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274 RADULOV<br />

RADULOV. IVAN (193+ ). Bulgarian player,<br />

Inrcrnational Grandnastei (1972). narional cham<br />

pion 1971. 1975. l977.and l980.civilcngin.er He<br />

so. liist pize in rhree nroDg international<br />

t.urnan'cnN: Fo(sa Helsinki 1972 (+8=6 1)i<br />

Montiua 1974, catcgory l2 (+2=7);add Monlilla<br />

1975 (+:l=6), a tie with R urAy.vs(v From 1968<br />

he played lor his country in several Olympiads.<br />

Bymc Rrdulo! Montna 1975<br />

I c,lc5 2 NB N.6 3 d4.id4 ,1Nxd4 NI6 5 N.3 d6 6<br />

BBie6 7Odra6 3l)l)08d7 9t4h5 llr8116g116 ll<br />

Nrc6 Bxc6 12 Oe3 !e7 13 ls b4 L4 Nez e5 15 Nsl<br />

Qa,. 15Bc,rQ.5 17Qhl0'0 13Bd5a5 19Rh.1Ra.3<br />

20 Bx.6 Oxc6 ll Rez KhN 22 Nrl<br />

% ffiiv&i<br />

'%Y*gV& m ,ffi<br />

w r&.fr'&<br />

coDtibutions ln.lude the edi<strong>to</strong>ship oilhe monthl_v<br />

maeazine jrdirndry y S.S.tR lor manl tea^. and<br />

an ercellenr book on lhe Botlinnik-rAr aond<br />

.h<strong>amp</strong>io.ship <strong>to</strong>arch ot 1960. He died whilc<br />

compiling lzbtdh !. Pn t Rdgo.nr!. a collection<br />

ol7.1oI his games:.ompleted bv lricnds, cdncd b!<br />

M. tseilin, lhe book lvas published in 1964<br />

Tin'iovia Ragozin Moscos LelT Duth Delence<br />

lNf3c6 l.lI5 3b3NI6 1Bb2Bc7 593d6 6dl0{ 7<br />

832 QeS 3Nbd2 N.6 'r<br />

Q.2 Rdi r0al.i Ll hl Q!6<br />

12 -q.1Ne4 13 sxt5 exl5 Ia R-sl 816 15 Bhl ah6 16<br />

Nr.4 fic.1 L7 Qxc4 RacB 13 Qd3 Oxh3 L9 0 0 0 ts15<br />

(Bra.k\ conmr of lrE br h7 draeorar has a dc.isiyc<br />

infircn.conrhc-srme.)20Od2tsg6 2Ld5Ne5 22Nxe5<br />

Brc5 2:rBx.5Rxci 24t3 i4 25h4.6 16R$Qh4 27<br />

Rcl ()16 28 Rd.l.5 29 brc5 dxc5 r0 Rgl<br />

22...a1 2rQxblRb3 21Qd2d5 25Qrd5 Qh6 26.3<br />

Ba3 27Qd2Rlds 28OclBxbz+ 29OxbzRxdl; rll<br />

K\dlQrb: llRxb2Rrbz 32NclRraz 33c4Rb2 31<br />

Nc2 Rhr 35 Kd2 al :16 c5 a2 37c6 Rh6 13c7 R.6 39<br />

Nb4al=O 40Nx.6Ob2+ 4l Kdl Ob7 whiteresgns<br />


( 190Hj2), So!iet player, lnteroational G r andma$<br />

rer (1950). Inrernarional Arbiter (l95ll. lnternarional<br />

Correspo.dence <strong>Chess</strong> Grandnaster<br />

(1959), buildingengineei One oithe rist genera<br />

tion lo learn chcs under the Solict rcginic,<br />

Ragonn came <strong>to</strong> the fore in rhelate 1930s, oorabltr<br />

achi.line three Cood <strong>to</strong>urnanent results: Lenin<br />

Srad Ch<strong>amp</strong>ionship 1936, fir.st: TJSSR Chanpion<br />

ship 1937. second equal snh<br />

aliei LEENESS: .dd Ledingrad Moscow 1939.<br />

thndequalwirhl-evenlish-LrLrENrEAl.indMAKo<br />

coNo! alte. FLoHR and REsH.vsoahcad oIunES.<br />

Aiter finnin8 first pdze (+8:2) at Sverdlovsk<br />

19,12 and rhe Leningrad Ch.npionship ol 19.15<br />

Ragozinachicvcd his bcst resull in oler the board<br />

play at Moscos 19,17, a category 12lournamcntl<br />

second (+8=5 2) hall a point alter Borv,Nr'(<br />

aheadoinor rsrAvs(-sMyslov, and Keres Anee<br />

*ave oI Soviet player nos over<strong>to</strong>ok hn ecncration,<br />

only Botvinnik suniling rhis chauenge.<br />

'lurning 10 postal <strong>chess</strong> Ragozin qon the second<br />

World Corespondcn.c Ch<strong>amp</strong>ionship, 195G8<br />

(+9=1 1).<br />

ln 1936 Ragozin becane Bolrindit s spardng<br />

parlner. and for many ycarc tncy practised and<br />

dd.lysed rogetheri tbus Ragozin conrributedsignilicandy1oBotvinnik\<br />

successes. Ragozin s litera.t<br />

whneisa!lan'cadyroodvarcch6pitr <strong>to</strong>!4.butrlicr<br />

RAGOZIN VARIAIION, E,l in lhe outEN s a^MBI<br />

Declined and l58inlhe \rMzo rNDraN DIFENCE.ln<br />

both variations RA.ozrN dcvclopcd continnatio.s<br />

thai would enable Black <strong>to</strong> advaDce his e.paND<br />

RAJKOvre, DUS^N (1942- ). Yugona'<br />

plarer. Inlernalional Crandma$er (197?). Hc<br />

cane lirn D tso <strong>to</strong>urnamenls at Snederclska<br />

Palanka, shiring the prize wnh fie Yueosl v<br />

playerSlobodan Marlinovia (1945- ) h l9r7a.d<br />

Ninning outight nr 1979 At vriac 1979 he camc<br />

second (+6=8) after srEAN.<br />

RAKIN(i BISHOPS, a playcrs light and dark<br />

bishops placed so ihal lhey command adtacent<br />

di.gonals.long which Ihey arlack lbe opponent s<br />

posilion lron a disrance. Possesiod oi such<br />

bishops h often advartaecous. (For cx<strong>amp</strong>lcs sc.<br />

BAUER UKM^N. A'd XNMK,)<br />

RANDOMIZED CHESS! an unorthodox game<br />

designed lo discount knowledee oI the opennrgs.<br />

<strong>The</strong> pawns .re placed as ir rhe aRRAy..d behind<br />

rhem the picccs lre aligned in unorrhodox tashi.n<br />

but alwars so lhateachplayershalt have aligbt and<br />

a dark bnbop. <strong>The</strong> players must agree about<br />

castling rules co66o.l! a slddelricil atrange<br />

mcnt is nadc as folloss: whitc places anypiece be<br />

chooses on al. Black places a similar piccc o. a8

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