chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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272 OUEEN<br />

QUIuiN, (2) <strong>to</strong> rromolc (r pawn) roaqueeniused<br />

loosely for promotion <strong>to</strong> aD,v pic.c.<br />

QITEEN ENDING, an cndglme with kings. queens<br />

or a queen. and usually onc or m.rc tawns. (For<br />

exnmPles see B^sIc ENDG^ML aDd rE.H{ori. )<br />

QUEENING SQUARE, the squ.re on Nhich a<br />

pawn n promotcd or on w|i.h it would be<br />

promoted iI its advance were unhindcrcd<br />

OUEEN'SFIANCEEIIODEFDNCE.228. a l6thccntnry<br />

invcition sometines c.lled the Orven<br />

Delence or, lor no good rc,soi. the Greel<br />


timcs called thc Larscn Oicning h wls gi!e. br"<br />

LU.ENA, plaled regularll <strong>by</strong>JohD owEr, and often<br />

used bl srAUNroN and MoRpsr when givingodds oI<br />

th. quecn\ knight (Scc DA\cEnoG DTAGoNALi<br />

QUEEN'S CAMEIT, 26. When Blacl{ declines the<br />

gambil he has a {id. .hoicc or llriationsprincrprll!<br />

lhe<br />

and oRnnDox<br />

DEF.Nc.s (n' which while mighl choose an<br />

Lx(H^NarlaRrarn,N) a.d rh. TARRAS.E DEFENCE.<br />

Sone orher line\ for Bla.k,'. rh. M!NnrrrN<br />

and LlsKEk DlrtNLEs. rhe<br />


Mentioned first <strong>by</strong> ru{r:NA. ihc openlng sas<br />

reconmemled <strong>by</strong>srrtrtM. after whose honrc low.<br />

Al.p<strong>to</strong> il is sonetrmes nnBed. In 183.1u!!RDo\'<br />

N^6 played it 16 rim.s against M.DoN!ELI wrlh<br />

outstanding succe$ (+12=l-l). Evcn so rh.<br />

gambn wasnor wideltuseduntiltheendolrh. lgth<br />

ccntuiy, alterwhrchils populaitl grelv <strong>to</strong>apeak in<br />

the 1920s and l9:lh In the world chinptunship<br />

march, 1927. allbur tso ofthirtr.lour eanr.s began<br />

wilh lhis opemng. (See,rr{Nsi BLoc{ED cENrRFi<br />

.o{iP.RAToN i rUNGE: GRPov<br />

of RxnroNi Rmr r1 nMr 1r)j rorus' )<br />

OUEEN'SGANIBITACCEPTDD.i7. Inre thatwas<br />

coDsidercd b.d lor Blacr lion the (ineolL!.rNa<br />

unril the i930s.$he. itbccamc a..srabhhedpa<br />

oi a n.sreis reper<strong>to</strong>ne. (see sr$x;AMr )<br />

QUEENS INI)IAN DEFENCE. 16,1. 217 This<br />

oNes much <strong>to</strong> NrMTowrrscl\ ldvocacr and is<br />

complementart <strong>to</strong> the Nriizo<br />

be plated when White plays Ngl A belore<br />

Nbl c3. <strong>The</strong> sruggle concerns control ol e{:<br />

Black maintains hisgrip o. thissquare with his N!r<br />

16and his B at b7. Nilhholding.lor tbe tnne bcine.<br />

the ndv.nce oIn pawn lo ns fourth rank Also i30.<br />

a rarclv playcd linc shich Ar.(nNE tried nA.idn<br />

Bo. nr!B.s in then World Ch<strong>amp</strong>ionship match<br />

of 1929. (See .LosE! .^!tri .oloun-wL\$rssl<br />


Ps{(r si s7AD6iIMMANl7uc7w{Nc )<br />


QLTI]EN'S PAWN COUNTER-CAMBiT, 531, line<br />

oI doubtlul Dre.it 66t mcntioncd bv {spERrrNc<br />

QUIjEN'S PAWN OPENING! 18. l he tenn G aiien<br />

used more narroNly <strong>to</strong> describe those openings<br />

that begin I d.l d5 andinrvhichWhrle does nor play<br />

dn edir- Pc2 c'1. (See URE ER: corNcrrENcEi<br />

.]n tFi {niNsB.Rci rANorvs(rl r.rP(ri rPURro$<br />

L^{Esi'oRRt..,i z!$(.RI,)<br />

QUEEN'S-SIDE. an area oithe board consnlnrgof<br />

.ll fie squares on lhe a , b , and c liles including.<br />

on o.casl.n. fios. on rhe d llle<br />

QUEE}r'S-SIDE CASTLTNG! .a(ling on lhe<br />

quccn s side represented b lhe symbol 0 0 0<br />

QUEEN'S-SIDEMAJORIlY!a rnrRxrotpawns<br />


prolession.l pl.ler lron Argentinr, lnternarional<br />

G.andn'ancr (1971) ,At the age ol 1li he became<br />

the yonnge( player <strong>to</strong> iri,r thc narlonal chim<br />

?ionship(1966), rdlrom 19r0hctlarcdrcgllanl'<br />

ior his counlry in Olympinds lln best resulh nl<br />

<strong>to</strong>uinam..t plly were: Torremolinos 197:1. first<br />

.qual {ith R.Nk.: Bauang lc7l. second<br />

(+6=l l) equal Bith rwov aftcr &v{rr(i<br />

LanTarolc 1974, fi6t (+6=6 l)i Orense l9?5,<br />

iouiih (+7=6 2) equal wnh GEEoRGHT! after<br />

1971. second (+,1=1=l) equal wilh M.sr.r and<br />

sBN after HoRri Mor6. 1982. a zonal <strong>to</strong>urnameir,<br />

06t (+10=1 1)j NeE York 1983, second<br />


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