chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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PROPEYLAXIS, a \rord coi.ed <strong>by</strong> MMzowrs.H<br />

<strong>to</strong> descnbe a ftateAicidea io which pHuDoR dreN<br />

atteniion: the aniicipation, prevention. or deter<br />

nenl ol ihe oppo.enas threats.<br />

Andersen wvvill 3dsameolamaln .h Londonl35l<br />

le4c5 2d4.xd4 3NBN.6 4Nxd4c6 5BrlNf6 6<br />

Bd3Bc7 70-000 3Nd2d5 9Nx.6bx.6 10c5Nd7 ll<br />

l4r5 12RBc5 l3Rn3Rfl 14b3g6 l5Nf3Nt6 16812<br />

d4 1rBh.lNd5 13Qd2a5 19Bxe7 RxeT 20NgsNe3<br />

21 QI2 Bb7 22 Bil Ng4 23 Qh4 Od7 24 Rd1 Rc3 25<br />

Bc2 hi 26 Rg3 QeB 27 Rd2 Rs? 23 cl Nc3<br />

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Bla.[\ 27ih nove *as rhe lEr ol sevenl pophyla..ic<br />

measuer in delence ol his king\ sid. white. {ho<br />

nevenhelcs conlinucd <strong>to</strong> rdack an unasailable position.<br />

has.hree ofhispieces misFla.ed and is unablc ro rcgroup<br />

them in rime <strong>to</strong> prevenr hn oppo<br />

29 .xd,l .xd4 30 tud4 Rc1 + 3l Kl2 Ndi 32 t{gd3 Q.6<br />

33 Rd2 Qb6 l4Bc4Rc2 35(e1Rxd2 l6Rxd2Qgl+<br />

3TBnRcr 33Rd1R.2 39Qg3Ba6 loQBBrtl whire<br />

PROTECTED PASSED PAWN, a pased pasn<br />

thar h protecred hy anorher pavn. For a game in<br />

which posse$ion oI such a pawn b<strong>to</strong>ught dcchive<br />

adlantage see ANNoUNCED MArE.<br />

PROTECTION, rhe delence of a piece or pawn so<br />

thai iI it were caplured tbe capluringpiece could in<br />

tum be taken. a move knoNn as a€captu.e.<br />

PROVINCIAL OPENINC,451- so called becausc<br />

ofWhne\ couNrRY Movrs (,1 a3. 5 h3).<br />

PRUSSTAN DEFENCE! 570, th e .ozro DEFENCT <strong>to</strong><br />

the RrN6's cMBtr, analysed <strong>by</strong> vod Hanneken ol<br />

Prussiai497, the No NrGErs DrrENcE. the subject<br />

oia monograph published io 1839 <strong>by</strong>lhePrussian<br />

player Parl Rndolf lon Bilsuer (1811-10).<br />

PRZEPIORKA (pron. p-shep-yorker), DAWID<br />

(1880-1940), Polish player and cooposer. Hc Nas<br />

active in <strong>to</strong>umanenr play lrom 1904lo 1931, and<br />

achieved hn bestresult in asmall but strong event<br />

at Munich, Dcc. 1926. whenhe caneli$t (+.1=1)<br />

ahead ol BocouuBow and sprErMANN. An<br />

amateur, on one occasion requesting a medal<br />

instead of prize money. he <strong>to</strong>ok se.ond place lo<br />

.uwE in rhe worldt seond and last amaleur<br />

cbanpionship nr 1928. trzepi6rla playcd in lNo<br />

Olympiads: 1930, the only oc.asion on which the<br />

Polishre.d<strong>to</strong>ok ihcgold nedal, and 1931. A <strong>chess</strong><br />

all rounder, Przepi6rka conposed prohlcms<br />

(espcciauy oR! Mo!ER, andsludics, cdited<strong>chess</strong><br />

columns. and contributcd <strong>to</strong> lhe Polish naqazine<br />

Swr,.tza.lo,r. Also a palriol, he sold hniousc<br />

lo nnancc thc Polish 1ean\ lrip <strong>to</strong> thc Bnenos<br />

Aircs Olrmpiad 1939. His namc meansquail, afan<br />

descnptionolhis bnd-likc appearance. Dunng$c<br />

second world war the occupying Gcrma.s<br />

aresred those present at a forbiddcn meeting ol<br />

th. Wa6aw <strong>chess</strong> circle. _fhe JeNs. including<br />

Pzepi6rka, Nere scnt <strong>to</strong> concenlradon canps and<br />

Weeai,ak, Davitl Ptzeti1tka. a nottet ol ntut\t<br />

(1932) conrains 126 conposilions 6y PzePi6rka.<br />


playcr lron Sibeiia, lnlcrnationai Grandmasler<br />

(1982). HeNdco-.h<strong>amp</strong>ion oltbe USSRlNicc nl<br />

succession-scoring +8:5 4 <strong>to</strong> ie witn UELYAIS(Y<br />

alvilnius 1980 1andscorine +9=7 lloshareDe<br />

ritlewith GspAnovatFtunze 1981. Ininiernalional<br />

events he c.ne 6st (+?=8) at s.raielo 1981 and<br />

rhnd (+5=5-1) after Eonr and<br />

Dorhund 1982. ,AllhouAh Psaknh scored well<br />

(+6=8-l) ro sh e a secoid place in the Yerelan<br />

zonal <strong>to</strong>urnament 1982. he made o t a oodcst<br />

resulrin ihc LasPalmasinterzonal hterin thcyear.<br />

Ir 1983 he won (+8=3) a <strong>to</strong>ur.anent at cien<br />

Belyavsky-Psakhis tjssRchanpionship Vilniuslg3o l<br />

I d4Nr6 2c4e6 3N13 b6 4glBa6 5Nbd2Bb7 6 tsg2<br />

Be7 7000-0 3Qczd5 s*d5 exd5 l0Ne5d 1l b3<br />

NbdT 12 Bh2 R.3 13 Od3 Le3 14 Racl Rc7 15 Rfdl<br />

NIs l6drBd6 17h3Nc6 13f4Q.a l9Kh2h5 20O1t<br />

qxd4 21exd4B.6 22Qr2h4 2re4R.2 2lQelBb4 2i<br />

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25 . . . Be2 26 Rsl BrB 27 NxB N.7 (Black neals a<br />

pie€ in bruad daylighl ) 23 Nei Rxb2 29 Rc6 Bd2 30<br />

Ql3 Re6 3195 Ne4 :r2 Rlt Rx.6 33Nrc6Qc3 :r1Ne5<br />

Nc6 35 QC4 Nxd4 Whitc rcsigns<br />

PSEI,-DO-SACRIFICE, a sacnlice in appearanc<br />

only: a player accepting such an offer would not

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