chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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<strong>The</strong> evenl thlt kindled the enlhusilsn ol<br />

problcmhts qas thc publication of Lov.DAyi<br />

problem showing lhe Indian thene in Feb. 1845.<br />

For a long ine Slaunion reprinted il nonthly on<br />

ihe covcrolhis magazinc, hc and othcn dc.laring<br />

ir lo be the grealest problem ever composed.<br />

Problemins lound nany ne* ways oI showing<br />

citical play, Loveday\ ieBarkable inlendon.<br />

rouRNrrs for composcn bcgar in thc 1850s.<br />

Thc winner of the Bris<strong>to</strong>l <strong>to</strong>uney ol i861 vas<br />

the Englishman Frank Healey (1828 1906), and<br />

the Brislol theme becane almost !s tanous as the<br />

lndian thene. For ihc Lo.don <strong>to</strong>urncy. 1862.<br />

norc than 400 problems Nere submiited: tbe<br />

winner Nas rhe Austnan onposer Confud Bayer<br />

(1828 97)wbo becanelhellrslolrhe greal<strong>to</strong>urncy<br />

In thc sccond halfolthc 1gth cenrury ihere Nere<br />

diffcrenr ideas as io lhe form a problen should<br />

take. Tbe BoEEMAN style, fien as now. empha<br />

sized MoDEL uES. For rhe so callcd Old Ccrman<br />

sttle BrRGri madc a codc oI slandards in 1884:<br />

problems were <strong>to</strong> be rHREE Movms or MoRE<br />

MovERs, diifrcult <strong>to</strong> solve, Nnh Dany larialionsand<br />

with somc nodcl matcsithc pa$n lormarion<br />

sbould seem natural, as iI it might have arise! in<br />

play: ds far as possible Whne-s noves should nor<br />

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A problen <strong>by</strong> o rr. S.r,.rp<strong>to</strong>bleme , lAlA. Afiet<br />

I Od2 h6 2 ND several variations show nodel<br />

2...K93 3Nxe4+ Kf,l 4Ng3andnow4 ..<br />

(xg3 5Nfl or4...Kxe5 5 Nag,l<br />

2 . . . Be3 3 Nex84+ KI5 4 Nxh6+ Kx.5 5<br />

Neg4.<br />

INnoDUooRl Pi.AY (1 Qd2 h6) is added ro make<br />

tne problem harde. <strong>to</strong> solve and also, perh.ps, <strong>to</strong><br />

increase rhe nunber oi non lorcctul movcs. B,<br />

onnling this the probl.m could be sel as a mate in<br />

loui. Ccncrally probleN in thls style bad les<br />

xhite pieces (else nodel nates could not be<br />

achieved) and, unllne Bohemian problems, a lair<br />

nrnber olwhite pavns, often used lo guard {har<br />

would otheMise be FLrcEr salAREs.<br />

In Aneiic. .oyD was composing problens ol<br />

quile a djllerenl kiad. His aim sas <strong>to</strong> pnzzle and<br />

amuse. Neither solving dilficulty nor variations<br />

were souSht as ends in rhenselles and unham-<br />


pcrcd <strong>by</strong>the need lo prcvidemodelm.les he {as<br />

able<strong>to</strong> develop!wide rlnBeotide.s. Hisproblems<br />

{ere ingenious rather lha. complcx and showed<br />

distinct thcmes in sharply pointed form. He Nas<br />

followed <strong>by</strong>sENru$ rvho explored sone possibi<br />

hies ot the nurale Gee Br.oc() aid thc sclrmate.<br />

(For exanples of lhc work of these tNo see rurNo,<br />

rHdr. and PT.GNTNNY.)<br />

In EnCland composeB sought neat.ess oI conslruction,<br />

pleasing scttings, and good cr moles<br />

lbr all of which they evolved lhen osn artisric<br />

crircria, and the avoidance oi lesser DUAIsi in<br />

shorr, a concern sirh lorm althoueb content was<br />

nor disrcgardcd. <strong>The</strong> leading exponents sere<br />

n.ArHCorE aDd Percy Francis Blake (1873-1936).<br />

horh oftrhom.ifre lolhe iore inlhc lS9G.lForan<br />

exanple oI the English style applied lo a two<br />

nolel sec (NGT WHLEL,)<br />

Mosl problenists supposed lhal lhe diffcrcnl<br />

srylcs ol the lale 19fi cenlurywould mcrgc in<strong>to</strong> a<br />

univeBd stvle; but thc chanecs thal besan in tbe<br />

neq centur! rcscmblcd a renaissance raDer tban a<br />

Iusion. As regards three .nd nore mov.rs thc<br />

principal foundes ol thc ic$ movcmeot were<br />

rcErz and (oc(Fr.rcRN who pubiished lbeir<br />

lamous book D,s /dn.nc r/o6la in 1903 <strong>The</strong>y<br />

drcs then hpiration f<strong>to</strong>m the lransidonalperiod,<br />

in particul.r iron the lndian froblcm whcn the<br />

criical move madc its lint appeamnce Problens<br />

$erc <strong>to</strong> shoiv ihemes and <strong>to</strong> show then in lhe<br />

clearest nannerj il natural' senings, pure males,<br />

or solling dilncufty could aho bc shown, so nuch<br />

the bctl.r. but all such considerations Bere ro be<br />

subordinated ro purnyoiain(Z e.k4inh.n). Th.<br />

manner ot achieving the malc was <strong>to</strong> be of nore<br />

inporra.ce than thc mating posiiion. Tbese ideas<br />

eere ncarcr lo those ol Loyd whom the rulhors<br />

praise rhan ro those oi Berger's code Although<br />

odly fitical play is eaamincd in D6 /dn.n.<br />

Prorlm thc authors and olher composeE soo.<br />

dcmonsrrated rhar many themes could be used in<br />

accordance Nith the ner cnGria. <strong>The</strong>problem art<br />

urs enn.hed lor theie,re ihcmcs that.annot be<br />

shown il model mates are io be achieled. More<br />

move6 in this 'NeN Gern.n' style cane io be<br />

called loeical probteos- logical in the scnsc lhat a<br />

single idea doni.ales thc play. a rcquirementthat<br />

ncccssaril], Iimits thc nnmbe. ol vanalions <strong>The</strong><br />

solution may consist ol a single Iine ot play sith<br />

variet! achieved <strong>by</strong> w.y ofhies rhai relatc in some<br />

* aI lo the soiurion. (For problems b, tbe founden<br />

scc.RrrrcAL sau^tu and Ntu<strong>to</strong> rwo MovER.)<br />

the rvo'MovER, hnher<strong>to</strong> conparalilely .eglecred,<br />

also receiled a ne$ inlusion of lile, unity in<br />

rhis case hcing a.hieled <strong>by</strong> lhe provislo. oI<br />

variations thal relare <strong>to</strong> one another in some Nay.<br />

In i904 A. F.<br />

abic <strong>to</strong> shos a<br />

.Ross cHEc( in ca.h of thrce variations. Soon<br />

conposcrs began ro fearure E^LF p'Ns. lNprNSbatredes.<br />

hallbattenes. inlerlerence, and olher<br />

tacdcalelenenh, sonetimes uing onc ofthcm nl<br />

several vaiatio.s (whi.h are thus linked), son,

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