chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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A study <strong>by</strong> Plaksh. Problen 188 193. Black<br />

tb.eatensnare, bul Whiteplays 1 Nh6, complering<br />

his liltielh move withoul a capture or Pawn<br />

move I he 'genesiJ position. i<br />

h:,lk1NN/p1pppp1p/2q2bp1/1p2n1n1/b7/Rr4P1/<br />

PI?PPPP1/RO I ( I82. White Plays axb3, his last<br />

crprure, and besins <strong>to</strong> counr 50 .roves (Black\<br />

N.i1i.e moves are omilted):<br />

lQ.2 2Rd lobl 4Rat 5Qr 6Oa3 ?Qd6 3<br />

Rar 9R.al 10K.] llKbl LzKr2 LSRcl llKbl<br />

liRa1 L6Ka2 l7Ka3 l3(b4Q6+ 19Ka5Qa3 20-<br />

Ot 2l- Qbl l2 Ral O, 23 Ral Qbl 2,1- Qcl<br />

25Rdl 26R3al 27Qa3 2ri OJ2 29QbL 30Ra3:11<br />

Oa2 32 Rar 3r Obl 3.1 Qdl 15 Kbl 16 Rcl 37<br />

R3al 38(a3 l9k2 40Khl llRa3 42 Ka2 1:lRal<br />

1-1Kb1 45RlalNd3.16KalNIl 17Qhl Qdl 13Nh6<br />

POCKET SET 257<br />

PLEIADES, an iniuential bul ePhemeral (1837-<br />

43) group oI Berlin piayers oI whom ihe most<br />

important were von der LASA and BLtDow. <strong>The</strong><br />

name is denved IJon sevcn oflhe 12 daugbFis ol<br />

Pleione Iathered <strong>by</strong> Atlas in Greek nythology. and<br />

n conmonlyused ior any group olseven. Depend<br />

ing on conditionsbetseen six and nine oI the nany<br />

star in the constellario. oaned aller the Pleiades<br />

are visible <strong>to</strong> ihe naked ele.<br />

PLUS, an adv.nlage. (See.o<br />

for sone ways in which thls might be indicated.)<br />

PLUS-TLIGHIS, the loui FLIGHTS lateralLy adjoin<br />

ing the square occupjcd <strong>by</strong> a king tbat does not<br />

stand on the cdge oI the board. (ComP e<br />

PLANINC (pron. Planints), ALBIN (194+ ),<br />

Yusoslav player. lnternatiotul Grandmaslcr<br />

(192). IIis besr <strong>to</strong>urnamenl vic<strong>to</strong>ries were at<br />

Ljubljana 1969 i+7=7-1) ahead olcllcoRta, dnd<br />

at Asnerdam l9?lwhen he scored +7=6 210de<br />

with pmRosyAN ahead ol uvalE( ltd spAssxy<br />


1952), Soviet conposer, epidcniolosist. With<br />

rRorrzn.nd K. A. L. (UBBEL he pioneered sludy<br />

composirgin Ru$ia. He cane iroB Latviawhere.<br />

id rhe 18c0s, t h e art was being ac tivcly e ncouraged<br />

in the .olumns ol rhe EiSddl ldSerlat and $e<br />

Ba|itche S.huchblAuet. Many olhis srudies wcrc<br />

conposed ii collaboration with his brother<br />

Mikhail N Pla<strong>to</strong>v (188!1938) <strong>The</strong>y publisbed<br />

two collecrions ol deir joinl or irdividuaL conposi<br />

rions: sannluns dn Endspi.lstul,e, (191a) and<br />

:tbo ik Shdkhharhrkh Ettulov (1928), conrain'<br />

ing 153 and 200 studies rcspedivelt For an<br />

ex<strong>amp</strong>le oi their woik sce DoMINAnoN<br />

PLAYER! specincaly the contcstant whose rurn n<br />

n ro plar; gener.ily eilhcr conlestant or anyone<br />

PLAY-OFa, whcn lhere n ! ie lor a p.ize in a<br />

<strong>to</strong>utua6en1 a play-olf datch k sometines held<br />

Morc comnonl)r a sialistically based rrE BREA(IN{;<br />

A problen <strong>by</strong> BA(cs that won 6rst prize in the<br />

Maglar Sakktlet <strong>to</strong>ntney,197 3. <strong>The</strong> key is 1Oxb5.<br />

follotred <strong>by</strong> a differert datine continuation lor<br />

each of the plus flights:<br />

...Ke5 2Bc6+ Kxd6 3Qe5<br />

...KI6 2Be4Kg? 3Qe5<br />

... Ke5 2 Be6+ Kh,l 3Ng6<br />

. . Kf,l 2BclKe3 3Oes.<br />

POCKET KNTGETCIIESS, an uno.thodox game<br />

in whi.h belore plat commences bolh Playe6<br />

rcmove a knight lrom the a.r.y (usually the<br />

queen\ knight) and at any tine durine ihe game<br />

mal placc rhn pocker' I'nighL anylvhere un lhe<br />

board n \ubn turun lorJ move At rhe besinninA<br />

ol the 20rh century this game ras popular in<br />

conrinental Europewhereit*aslnown aslombola<br />

<strong>chess</strong>. ln klep<strong>to</strong>nraniac<strong>chess</strong>somepieceothertban<br />

POCrcT SET, ! set designed lo be lblded lnd<br />

carded in a pocket. Unlike a R{ELrrNc sFr it is<br />

t*o dincnsional thenenlieia<strong>to</strong>n thesquares as<br />

they qould appear in a diagra.r Perhaps lhe lirst<br />

slch set *as delised <strong>by</strong> Peter Maik Rogct<br />

(1779 1869) of lreJa",6 f!ne. In 18,15 he<br />

regislered the design oi TIe Econonric <strong>Chess</strong><br />

Board, provided *ilh . complcte set of che$ menadapted<br />

lor playng glmcs in cariages, or out oI<br />

doos. and lor Ioldi.g up and carryirg in the

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