chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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256 PIRC DEFENCE<br />

PIRC DEFENCE, 114,line piayed <strong>by</strong> L. TAULSEN<br />

in the 1880s lnd revived <strong>by</strong> prxc in tbe 1940si also<br />

knoyn 6 ihe Antdl or Ufimtscr Defence. It can<br />

anse lrom other sequences, e.g.314. Compare the<br />

and PrRc RoB^rs.r sYsrEM.<br />

PIRC ROBATSCE SYSTEM. combinalion of the<br />

prR. and RouArscn DEENCB, sometimes called tbe<br />

Modern Defen.e although playcd rcgularly in the<br />

1860s <strong>by</strong> Moheschunder Bannerjee, onc of<br />

cocsMNE\ lndian opponeflts. white n permited<br />

<strong>to</strong> movc both his cenre pasns <strong>to</strong> lhe <strong>to</strong>urth rank:<br />

Black plays Pd6, Pe6, Bg7, and Nf6. not ncce$anlyin<br />

rhat order, and may later strike at the centre<br />

<strong>by</strong>. . . Pe7 e5orin some otherway. This system<br />

became popular ]n the 1960s in answer <strong>to</strong> 1e4. but<br />

mat also be playcd altcr I d4 whcn lranspositions<br />

<strong>to</strong> other openings, e.g. the (N<br />

nay be a1 Whne\ dnposal.<br />

PIRC VARIATION.69. avanationinthe o!trEN s<br />

caMBrr Declined piayed in tbe gane Grnnleld<br />

SoultaDbeiel'f. Folkcs<strong>to</strong>nc Olympild. lS33a 150 in<br />

tbe lrMzorNlrN D*!N.r.<br />

PLACSEIXA, JAN (1945- ), Czechoslovali<br />

player, Internarional oraDdmaster (1'rr8). Hh<br />

besr <strong>to</strong>urnamenr wins Bere ?olaoica Zdr6i 1975<br />

when he shared thc pri2c with AVERBAKS, Soiia<br />

197' (+7=6), and Trnava 1979 (+6=?). (Sc.<br />

PLACHUTTA THEME, a c.mposirion thcme<br />

shown b! LorD in 185?. and <strong>by</strong> the Ausidan<br />

conposer Joseillachuua (1827 83) in the lolloq<br />

ing ycar Ithsimjlar ro rhew<br />

THEME. bnr with sa.ri6ce on thc intc&ction<br />

"'*):<br />

"tt,<br />

%* ?& 7&<br />

"&. l,&.<br />

"'4&<br />

tr%<br />

A sl!dy <strong>by</strong> coRcrEv rhat sas asarded 6st honorary<br />

mentio. i. a lourney organized in conjunction with<br />

rhe Moscow Inlernational <strong>to</strong>urnament 1936. Tbe<br />

Phchutla lhene begins witb ihe sacrifice on<br />

Whitc-s5thmo!e. 1d7g2+ 2Lag2Re2+ 3KB<br />

Rd2 ,1K14 Rcl 5 Bd3. and now.<br />

i... Rdxd3 6Rhl+ Rh3 ?d8=O+<br />

5 . . Rcxd3 6 d8=Q Rxd8 7 Rhl+ Rh2 8<br />

(For anolher ex<strong>amp</strong>le olthis thene see ^Nrr<br />

.)<br />

PLACIARISM, the deliberate copyi.g of<br />

anothels game or composition. Games have<br />

o(asionally been repedted <strong>by</strong> coincidene. bul<br />

sonednes almost unknown playcrs havc laid claim<br />

<strong>to</strong> games played <strong>by</strong> grandmastes. ComposeN<br />

comnonly suller on accouflt of ANncrP.noN when<br />

an idea has been used beloie allhough rhe setling<br />

na!nor hale been idcnti.al. Plagiarhm n rare, irs<br />

A problem <strong>by</strong> B^rRD that wo. srcond prize in lhe<br />

Leeds Mercutyweeklt Suppln tu theme lourney,<br />

1895. TIe king Nas 10 beplacedintheniddle ollhc<br />

board ard allrhe sbiie men qere ro be as lar oli as<br />

possible. <strong>The</strong> solution: I Nc1 Ke6 (l . . . Kd4 2<br />

Ql6+) 2 Nd3 Kd7 3 Nc5.<br />

"'&.<br />

%w,<br />

?&"<br />

w% ail<br />

A probtef,lron One Hundru1 Publishetl Proble$<br />

(194-4) b_\, Fran.is Pcrcilai wenoan (1891 1972),<br />

the problem world\ most no<strong>to</strong>rious plagiarist.<br />

Baird-s posinon has been rotated ninety dcgre€s.<br />

Thh was onc ol ar leasr 16 probleds in this book<br />

rbar were instaDdy .ecogrized as anlicipared, a<br />

6ucb hieher p roportion thancould have arhcn <strong>by</strong><br />

chancc (scc sRrNous cAuEs.)<br />


(1931 ), Soliercomposerrrom Moscotr, rbeleading<br />

specialht o. RErRocNr ANarysN ot bis<br />

gene.ation, reacher. He published 100 rerro<br />

an a |ttical .omposirio n s i.l965and anothe.50. all<br />

based on the Em Mo!! hw. \n Prnhlcm tia 191<br />


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