chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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ioblcm <strong>by</strong> Shinkman. D.,rdi, Ire? Pr.u, l8E5<br />

key h L Qhl<br />

. d6 2BI2<br />

d5 2 Ocl<br />

PIECE. specjfi cally a queeD. rook, bishop, knight.<br />

or king-a l)awn is nol a piece: fr ot. Ecncrallyused<br />

PIERCD CAMBIT,323, VTLNNA GNEIr laiialion<br />

analysed <strong>by</strong> thc English pldler Willian Iimbreu<br />

Picrce (1839 1922) in the R.rishChes Mogazin?,<br />

Ian lRR6 aw T Pi.rcc also deserves fedn t or h is<br />

atrenpt <strong>to</strong> inhoduce sraNDAo NorAtroN in Eng'<br />

land as eany as 18?8. Bben he uscd it in the<br />

PIDTZSCE (lxo.. peach), WOLFGANC<br />

(193(! ). Internatioflal Grandmastcr (196s).<br />

East Gemran chrnpion 1949, 1960. 1962. and<br />

1967. His best rournamcnt{in was rt Leipzi8 1965<br />

(lbout .atcsorr 8) Nhen he canc ahcad ol<br />

r rBEkzoN, cvALEx, and u r.iraNNi the eve.l w.s<br />

held idcelebralion olthe 800th anni versary oi lhc<br />

cily s <strong>to</strong>unding. Pietzsch played in six Olympiads<br />

PILLSBURY, HARRY NELSON (1]J72 ]906).<br />

Amencd playcr, one ol the bes! lhrcc oi lour nr<br />

the world lrom 189i lo 1903. As a<strong>to</strong>uth he wenl <strong>to</strong><br />

Bosion <strong>to</strong> studt lor a commcr.ial career. butspent<br />

nuch oi his tiDe playi.g whisl, dr.ughls, and<br />

.hess In Api. 1893, le$ lban 6v. yeas after<br />

learninC the moves. be beat thc visiting naster<br />

\!Ar BRoD. (+2=1), and a month o. so hter beea.<br />

his professional carc.r with some ches engaecments<br />

in Philadclphia. Besides chc$ <strong>to</strong>uflralis'n<br />

and actine as rhe h den playcr in the au<strong>to</strong>na<strong>to</strong>n<br />

JEEB Pillsbury sPecitlizcd i. snnuhaneous blind<br />

lold dnplays. On occasion he qould piay hotlr<br />

cbess and draughls blindlold and takc a hand ol<br />

whht at the same dne Couitcous. anriable. Nnb<br />

an outSoing Peisonalitt<br />

and unassuminl nanncr.<br />

he qas a lavouritc guesl i! mrny <strong>chess</strong> clubs.<br />

ln 1895 he sailed <strong>to</strong> Europe and plared nr the<br />

Hasrings <strong>to</strong>umanent. o.e oi the strongen erenrs<br />

beld up <strong>to</strong> thar rinrc. Belore play began lhc<br />

nomallt sociable Pilhbury declincd <strong>to</strong> sla, in a<br />

horclNhere he might neet olh$ maslers:'I wanl<br />

<strong>to</strong> be quier: I Be.n <strong>to</strong> rin this <strong>to</strong>urn.ne.l-<br />

Emanuel.AS(.R. raRus.H.<br />

a.d nany other leading nasletr were conpeling.<br />

yet the 22 re.r old Pillsbury won lirn priz.<br />

(+15=3 3). No player had preliouslt vo. the<br />

6rn najor rournament in shich he had played, an<br />

achicvcment equalled subsequcnily only <strong>by</strong> caPA<br />

BhN.n.AllredEnery(1865 19.13).ache$playcr<br />

and <strong>to</strong>urnalist Nho was present- qritcs that<br />

Pillsbury\ 'best conbinnrions scrc made with<br />

apparently little foublc An nrvelerate smoker,<br />

often codsuning a dozen.isars wilhoul pausc, hc<br />

PILLSBURY 25]<br />

would. when {orkiDg out some parliculrr con<br />

6i.ation, se.d acloud ol snoke rnong the pieccs<br />

'Ihen. tilti.g hischanlke an American rockcr, he<br />

vouu sun up. !s ir s.cmcd. the Niderprocress ol<br />

rhe ganc, hnnscll often the cooiesl ol the con<br />

pany ' Pithbnry neat piayed in lhe 51 Pet.(huig<br />

ronF'n,der msth r.urnamc.l 1895-6 laboul<br />

categor! 15)i he scorcd {cll againn Lasker<br />

(+2=l l) a.d chiso.nr (+3=1 2).butsobadly<br />

.ganNr Steiniiz thar he <strong>to</strong>ok only third placc. Al<br />

Nuemberg 1896 Pillsbury wasm{elt (f<strong>to</strong>m s)'Phi<br />

lis conrr.cted it Sr Pctcrcburg) but he loughthdd,<br />

s.ored +10=4 4. and shared third prizc with<br />

'Iarrasch after Laslerhd MAtulczy. He ended his<br />

riBt visn <strong>to</strong> EuroF <strong>by</strong> taking rhnd place llier<br />

Chisonn and.rhRolsl( at Budapesl 1896.<br />

Ba.k home, he played two malches against<br />

sro$^rr.R. rhe Iirsr grining and the second<br />

retaining lhe US Ch<strong>amp</strong>ionshiP: 1891. +11)=3-8:<br />

1898. +7=2-1. Four nrong lournamcnts lol<br />

low.d: Vienna l898.lirst (+2.1=7-5) equal with<br />

latrasch, who Bon the play-otl natch: Llndon<br />

1899. scodd (+14=6-5) equal with Mlr6czy and<br />

rANowsK aitcr Laskeri Pnris l9U)- sccond<br />

(+12=l i) alter Laskeri Munich 1900, 6rsl<br />

(+9=6) e{tual Bnh Md6-y and s.HLt.HrEr In<br />

1901 he narried in Philadelphia aid made his<br />

hoBerher. At Hanover 1902 heloot second prize<br />

(+10:4-3) alter Janovski. Duri.g this <strong>to</strong>urnament<br />

Pillsbury played thc <strong>to</strong>ughest ever simul<br />

taneous blindlold dhplay: he scored +3=11 7<br />

ag.i.st 2l opponents. all oINhom sere conpcting<br />

i HauNu tierc for lhe masrcr tiilei yer he<br />

achieved berter results nr the <strong>to</strong>umam€nt ganes<br />

plxycd ailcr this event than in rhose piayed helor.<br />

In tro <strong>to</strong>nrnanents ar Monte Carlo Pilkburycame<br />

second in 1902 (+11=6 ,1) alt.r Mar6czy, and in<br />

1903 was rhird (+1a=9-l) arter T Rsch .nd<br />

Maidczy Hc playcd in lhe King\ Ganbitlournameni,<br />

Vienna 1903, bur cane only lourthl he Nas<br />

unable <strong>to</strong> use his lavourne orcningsi the au$N S<br />

cAMBr and th€ spANrsH opENrNc. lo Bhich he<br />

conhihurcd many orignral ideas In hn llsr rourna<br />

mcnl, Cambridge Sprilgs 1904. he railcd lor the<br />

firsr rime <strong>to</strong> win n hish prize in an importanl evenl:<br />

Ge lerninal srage oI hh illness had begun.<br />

Against Laskcr. theD Norld ch<strong>amp</strong>ion. Pillsbur!<br />

madc a betrer score (+4=4 4) in sronp rourna<br />

ments than any olhn contemporarics. His playwas<br />

vigorous.nd conbinativc. and althouSh he sone<br />

dnes losr through overplayinS his hand hn sryte<br />

{as matuingi had he nor died young hc mighr<br />

seriously have dvalled l-ask.r\ supremac, (See<br />


?. w. seigeanrandw. iL watls, Piltr,rl ! ar.rs<br />

arza (1922) was repirted in pllcrback in 1966.<br />

Janowrki PLllsbul l'i 1900 Four Krigh6 Opening<br />

1e]e5 lNfl Nl6 3N(3 Nc6 4Bb5 Bb4 50 00 0 6d3<br />

Exc3 I bx!3 d6 SRcl Bd? 9 Rbl Res l0B!5 h6 ll<br />

Bh4.6 12 Ea4 RlrF lr Khl Nc? 1,1Bbl i"A6 15 Bg:l<br />

BC4 16hl tsh5 L7 Re3 NI,l 13 BrJ,l exf4 19 Rel Od7<br />

l0lG2Kh3 21Qd2Bia 23xl]Re5 23RhtRhj 24

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