chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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Philidor lcft no litcrary work on musi. and lor<br />

many years his compositionswere rarely heard. a.<br />

Maftchullenant eas periorned in Dreux, bis<br />

bnthplacc. in 1926 10 cclcbralc thc conposers<br />

bicentenary, and Akdc L Sav.rier, revil€d in 1976<br />

lor a 250th annileBary celebralion in London.<br />

marked a ienewal ofintereslin his nusic. ANooD<br />

iecordedsome ganeslron Phjlidor\hsryeasand<br />

6F s.or.s xr..rixni: hnr n. s.or.s $r!i!. ofrh.<br />

Eames he played in bis prime. His innuence on the<br />

slrategy oiche$. hoBever. n Penasive, although<br />

fully iecognized only since rhe Secondworld War<br />

(See pAwN aND No Mov.si posrroNAL sAcRrFrcEi<br />

O . Allen. <strong>The</strong> Life of Philidot. 1863, reproduced in<br />

PHII,IIIOR aOIJNTER-(:AMBIT- 5:17 Vinrr n<br />

naned ailer ns inlenror, reconne.ded <strong>by</strong> hin !s<br />

the besl play for Black but no lonecr rcgardcd as<br />

sou.d. (See DoDEN's Mrti sr! oG G^MB.)<br />

PHILIDOR I)ETENCE, -532. Deience <strong>to</strong> tbe Gc's<br />

noicd b, LLCTNA and recom<br />

nended <strong>by</strong> Ruy L6pEz. pHrLrDoR was its stronecst<br />

advocate: he disliked blocLidg his pawns Niih<br />

knighls and consid.rcd2 d6betler than2. . .<br />

Nc6. a prelerence not shared b, subscqu..l<br />

Seneiations. (see BoDEN S M^rri<br />


PHTLDOR GAMBIT,603, variation ol ihe nNG's<br />

GAMBTT Accepled given <strong>by</strong> sArrro a.d r.commended<br />

<strong>by</strong> mLrDoR, but lcss popntar ihan lhe<br />

main attcrnativc. ihe HANSEN c^Mctr (605).<br />

PEILIDOR'S LEGACY. the name for onc kind of<br />

Grc.o: I c4e5 2NANC6 3Bc4Bc5.{ir0Nf6 5<br />

Rel G0 6 c3 Res 7 d4 exd4 I e5 Ng,1 9 crd4<br />

Nxd4 t0 Nxd4 Oh.l 1l Nf3 Oxe+ l2 Khl<br />

Qg1+ 13 N or R\g1Nf2, a kind ofmatinennish<br />

that is also not u.common. <strong>The</strong>se checknatesare<br />

not cspccially.onflccicd sirh Philidor. TIe dame<br />

$as o.iginated <strong>by</strong> Thomas ?rucn in his undistin<br />

euished book,4tr hrodr.nb tu the Hittary a"d<br />

l/!4 ,l arft.s (chelrenhad, 1804).<br />

PHILIDOR VARIATION. 3l,l in thc nmnop's<br />

orr\rNc, Siven <strong>by</strong> Ruy L6Ez and advocated bt<br />

PETLTDoR as the proper w.y robuildaPAWNcExrrE.<br />

Thc lariation had aD cxhordinarily lone ru.<br />

dudngwhich sr^vu s continualion. 3 . . . Nl6 4<br />

d4 exd4 5 e5 d5, was lhougbl <strong>to</strong> lavour Whire.<br />

Eventually- improvements for Rhck qere found: 6<br />

cxf6 dx.4 7 Qh5 0-0 (?ratr, 1825): 6Bbl Ne4 7<br />

cxd4 Qh4 (.^rvr, 1M2). <strong>The</strong> Enslishman leter<br />

Prart was nor a nrongplayer. buthe wrote id lively<br />

sttle, challengine thc orthodoxy othis conreBpor<br />

ancs. (scc BouRDoNNArs.)<br />

PIATIGORSXY, CRECOR (1901-76). famous<br />

celht {ho wirh his <strong>chess</strong>playing wilc Ja.quclinc<br />

(,4? Rothschild) save (rhrousb the Piatiso6ky<br />

Foundltion) a cup ror a tiennial <strong>to</strong>urnameot <strong>to</strong><br />

includc iwo Erandmastcrs lrom the USA. tso iroB<br />

ihe IISSR :nd f.nr fr.m .rh.r ..nnhi.! ls.<br />

<strong>to</strong>umanenls Bere held: Los Angeles 1963, won <strong>by</strong><br />

ru8Es and prrRosyANjandS.nt.Monica 1966, won<br />

<strong>by</strong> spAss(y. l hcy werc thc strongcst <strong>to</strong>urnanenh<br />

<strong>to</strong> be held in the USA since NeN York 1927. For<br />

tbe second evenr there sas a prze tund ol$20-000<br />

a.d thc numbcr oI comlrclilo( aas increlsed <strong>to</strong><br />

PICTTININNY, a problem hs(: a black paND<br />

(o$ei than a rook\ p.wn) on ir seond rank is<br />

mo!.d in cach of thc lour po$ible ways ({o<br />

forvard moves, two captures): rhcs movcs. each<br />

answered bl a dillerent mating continualion. may<br />

be shosn in rhe soLUroN or the sEr pL\!. FiBt<br />

show. <strong>by</strong>sHrNkMAN in 1885, ihclaskwasnamed<strong>by</strong><br />

Frank Ja.ei [,, Elias Silhe6rein] (1875 1957) in<br />

1!i1. (conpareALBrNo.)<br />

A position <strong>by</strong> Lucena..1497. White males in 6!e<br />

wirhoul capturing any blach men: 1 Oe6+ KhS 2<br />

Nfr+ KaS 3 Nh6+ KhS 4 Oss+ R\a8 5 Ni7<br />

nate. From lime <strong>to</strong> tine in maslcr play tnc<br />

possibili ty o i chechnales o I this kind influ ences the<br />

Beare in bis xo)d, Aahe af <strong>Chess</strong>e Pldt<br />

(lnndon. 1656) sives the loUosins sanc <strong>by</strong>

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