chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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was the nore proDablc cause. (See DEVEbPMENTI<br />

rAM[y cqEc(i our.osr, .^wN roMIoN.)<br />

v- L- vasilie\. 7,hizn Shakh ur,rta (19691, aus<br />

nentcd and translared as Tigrun Peoos<strong>to</strong>t, Hi\<br />

Life nrut Gand (t974), contains s0 sames and<br />

PETROSYAN VARIATION, 82 in rhe aUEEN's<br />

cAMBr Declined, played <strong>by</strong>cuNsBErcin 1904 and<br />

three dnes <strong>by</strong> pErRost^N in his wond chanpion<br />

ship natch, 1963:200, a line in thc rrcis NDhN<br />

DETEN.E known side the 1920s;165in theaulEN's<br />

lavoured <strong>by</strong> ?etrosian ii the<br />

196ils and <strong>by</strong> &spARo! in the 1980s. Aho 630 in the<br />

rrENcs oErENcr, played in thc game saldarov<br />

Pctrosyan, Tbilisi 1956. Blackt light bishop will bc<br />

developed at a6 and if in lhe meanNhile white<br />

plays 5 Qg4 Black wiu reply 5 . . . f5 guarding the<br />

mTROV, VLADIMIR (1907.15), Lateian<br />

playcr, ch<strong>amp</strong>ion ot Riga al the ageol19, wimer<br />

oI national ch<strong>amp</strong>ionship loumamenls in 1910<br />

( th a clean score), 1934 Ghared {nh Franz<br />

Ap$heneek, 189+1941). and 1937. Hc enlered<br />

several stronS lournaments during the 1930s,<br />

nsn,llv wnn moderate results. but Mth onc<br />

oubh;ding achievenent. at (emen 1937, when<br />

he came fiBt (+9=6-2) equal wilh rLoHR and<br />

rEssEvsH ahead oi ALEstN!- rcRrs j and FINE. Al<br />

I-6dZ 1938 hc sored +6=7-2 and shared thnd<br />

prize aftcr pRc and rARrAxowER. He nade lhc besl<br />

thnd-board score (+9:s 2) ar the Prasue olym<br />

Diad 1931. andwnile he wasplayinsin hisselen1h<br />

;ndlast Olympiad, BuenosAires 19:19, theSecond<br />

WorldWarbegan. He rcturnedhone, hh country<br />

-as an.exed (June 1940), and he became a soviet<br />

citizen. Subsequcndy he cane tcnth in $e USSR<br />

Ch<strong>amp</strong>ionship 1940, and sccond (+7=1 2) aner<br />

RAaozrN al Sverdlovsk 1942. He died in a Fison<br />

c<strong>amp</strong> al sdolensk. (see BLocrcD c.NrRt.)<br />

PETROVId, NENAD (1907 ), Yugoslav composer,<br />

lnternational Jndgeof Ches Compositions<br />

( 1956). Intematioml Graodmasre. Ior <strong>chess</strong> com<br />

positions (197s), cilil cngineer. He composcs<br />

problens of aI kinds: oRrroDox, relro-ana1yti.al.<br />


$irh an emphasis on bsm. Hc has held imPortan t<br />

posts in the problem world: President ofthe FrDE<br />

Comnsion for <strong>Chess</strong> Conpositionsi cdi<strong>to</strong>r oJ<br />

P/obl.-, a journal rhar reporrs the Commision\<br />

atfans; andedilorofEDEALuuMs.Ifl 1949 he Mote<br />

Sahovski Problem. . .of,pleie and aulhoritaiive<br />

teatise o. <strong>chess</strong> problens. (See '.oNc-tuNGE<br />

PTLDGER, HELMUT (194| ), wcst Cerman<br />

player, International Grandmaster (1975), phrsi<br />

cian. Hisfirslnotablc success was in 1965 when h.<br />

lied with uNzr.Gn lor n6t Place it rhc national<br />

ch<strong>amp</strong>ionship: they shared the titlc. Later<strong>to</strong>uma<br />


m.nr,.hievemenh includer Montilla 1973. firsl<br />

(+4=4 1) equal with uvAE(, a.d Manila 1975,<br />

seond (+4=4-2) equal snh hRsEN, MEcnNG.<br />

a.d polucAyrvs{! afier uuBorEua. In bis fi6t<br />

Olympiad, Tel Avi! 1964. Pflcgcr nade the besl<br />

routh board s@re (+10=5).<br />

PEALANX, a group ol unned pawns. ahc lem, a<br />

mhnomer, is geneially used oniywhen the parns<br />

PHASE. Conventionalr, a same may have three<br />

consecutive phases: oPENrNci MTDDLE-GAME, and<br />

.NDG ME. inthat ordcr. <strong>The</strong> chanse Iron middlegame<br />

<strong>to</strong> cndgame is marked hy a few exchanges.<br />

<strong>The</strong> change frod opening lo middte gane can<br />

rarely be denned precisely; the nost dilncuft parl<br />

of fte gane, this change usually takcs several<br />

noves , an d mi ght be caled lhe I ransitional phase.<br />

A problen nay b ave scvc ral phases, concurent<br />

hnt never 6.secntivc. Tlre solution (ux and<br />

posr cy phy) is a phase i il the conposer intended<br />

fiat rhere shoutd be nore tbanone soLUrIoN. then<br />

cach would be a pbase Olher phases, not<br />

necesarilyPresenr. areconcerned withwhatmiebi<br />

happen rather than silh what does happ€n. <strong>The</strong><br />

sE pLAy (what wotrld happen, in a D,REC' M^E<br />

pRonr-.M. if Black *ere <strong>to</strong> move liBr) is a phase.<br />

Each rilMrc rN (an aticmpted siution thal<br />

Iails) add irs lblovinp ny-rl^t is a phase. DUAr-s<br />

are parl oi the phase in which tbey occur.<br />

PfiEARSE, an occasjonal spelling oI ERs.<br />

PIIILATEI-Y AND CHiSS. <strong>The</strong> nBt posuge<br />

st<strong>amp</strong> depictiog a <strong>chess</strong> notif vas issued in<br />

Bnlgaria, 1947. ro omemorate the Balkan<br />

Games in *hich teams of<strong>chess</strong>-players competed.<br />

Sinc then nore than lorty countries bave issued a<br />

<strong>to</strong>tal oi seleral hundred per<strong>to</strong>tare slanps. Most<br />

.elebrare a cbess evenl or player, andthcsnbjcds<br />

include porraits and <strong>chess</strong> positions. <strong>The</strong> fiEt<br />

porlrayal oI a maslcr h on fou. oI a set ol seven<br />

Cnban st<strong>amp</strong>s. 1951i in two cArsLAN.A slikene$<br />

is based on a poflrail <strong>by</strong> rhe Cnban artht E.<br />

Vnldetana, and in two he sirs lacing the 6nal<br />

position of hh lasi march game against LscR. An<br />

carli€r st<strong>amp</strong> (Yusoslavia, 1950) shovsin@ftectly<br />

a posirion lrom tbe gane Capablan.a-Lasker.<br />

Ner York 1924. Various .ountries hare sho*n<br />

portraits ol other world ch<strong>amp</strong>ioG and leading<br />

playe^, Betrjamin FNtuN Geading pnuDoRt<br />

book) and Philip ll ol Spain. thc patron of Ruy<br />

L6pEz ln 1979 thc Rcpublic of Mali issued a set<br />

inicfldcd ro depicr lour grear naste(i besides<br />

and rANows( there is<br />

willi schlage (.. 1862-19,10) ao almon unknown<br />

German playcr. <strong>Chess</strong> has also been Iealured on<br />

labcls since 1938 and on list day cove6, one of<br />

sbich (cuba 1966)shoNsan in.ore.rversion oIa<br />

study <strong>by</strong> Lasler and Carablanca. Sone hundreds<br />

oldillerent postmarks rcler <strong>to</strong> <strong>chess</strong>. <strong>The</strong> firsl, in<br />

1923, was uscd <strong>by</strong>lhcPost Offie atBorstendorl, a

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