chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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PACITMAN, l-LrDiK (1924 ). Czech-bom<br />

pl.yer and author..ational ch<strong>amp</strong>ion seven tiBes<br />

lrom 1946 <strong>to</strong> 1966. Inter.ational Grandnaner<br />

(1954), brother of vhdimn !^CEMAN. He ron<br />

rhree zonal lournaments and corpctcd in iour<br />

onseculivc interzonals: Sallsiijbaden 19,18, Salls<br />

j6badcn l952, Gijreborg 1955. andlor<strong>to</strong>ror 1958i<br />

nc .ame nearesl <strong>to</strong> bei.e a.^NttDArE on ihc last<br />

occasio! when hc canre seventh and the 6st six<br />

qualined. Al Mar del Plala 1959, aboul cateeor! 7,<br />

he shared firsl place Nith N^rDoE, and he won<br />

minor <strong>to</strong>utuanents at Sarajevo 1960, Maridtrska<br />

I;i7nE 1960 a.d Gru 1961. His bcst <strong>to</strong>urnanent<br />

.chievemcnr was at Hivana 1963 Nhen he cane<br />

sccond (+i1=10) equal with cLLrB andrAL halfa<br />

point behind (oRcHNot. Iacbnan rcprcsenled his<br />

.ounlry in all eight Olvnpiadslrom 1952 <strong>to</strong> 1966.<br />

plarine atistbo.rd exccplin 1956 when he wenl<br />

dosn one place. Hc won (+7=8) $e lirs!international<br />

rournament <strong>to</strong> be Played in Crcece, Aihens<br />

1968. A lew months larcr hc was in p.ison.<br />

An unquestioning Communi lron hn youth.<br />

Pachnan ie examined his position in lhe lieht of<br />

the consequcDces of lhe Prague spring ol 1968.<br />

and becanre implac.bly hostile <strong>to</strong> hn fomer<br />

beliefs As a resuli he was inpnsoned twice<br />

(1969ta,1912) Describing his political lile in his<br />

checkhate in Ptasue (1975) he relares tbat he<br />

inlcntionally junped lrom hn bed <strong>to</strong> land head {irst<br />

on rhe floor oi his ccll, which caused perFancnt<br />

injury ro hn hcad and spine. ln 1912. obtaining<br />

permission <strong>to</strong> leave Czechoslo,akia, heiecane a<br />

<strong>chess</strong> profe$ion.l in wcsi Cemany. For sone<br />

yea$heslsboycotlcd <strong>by</strong>iheComnunislbloc, but<br />

.t the Manib nrteponal 19?6 he hld a sinDltancousdGaslerand<br />

tnunph: hcsharedlastplace<br />

but lorced recognition lron biseneniesEbo were<br />

obliged <strong>to</strong> mccl him in play. Later tbal ycar he<br />

played in the Olympiad Ior his.doplcd counllr,<br />

Pachnan\ lirs1 book, published in Prague in<br />

194,1, was devotcd <strong>to</strong> lhe games oIloEArrRcn!(j<br />

whose cmigration <strong>to</strong> Canada a lcw ycan laler<br />

brought loud abuse irom Pachmani but aiter his<br />

oNn enle the lso became re.onciled. <strong>The</strong> lirsl ol<br />

Iachman\ writings 10 becone popular wcre hn<br />

fst books on openines, published in PraSue in<br />

lS.lR <strong>The</strong>v were rra.slaicd inro Ge.nan and<br />

English, a;d a similar cou$e foloqed public,ation<br />

of his three-volunre Strategie Moderniho Sochu<br />

I o4q 50) dnd htr<br />

'*o<br />

volumc fdktika Mo,leralhu<br />

Sa.r! (l"o2l Tne Enslish \eBUns of the\e r\o<br />

books Ferc.ot complete: Mdlon Ches Sbdkgt<br />

(1963) was ab.idqed lo brm .nc volune. and<br />

Motlern <strong>Chess</strong> lrdi6 (1970) was a shonencd<br />

version oI lhe li6t of his tro volumcs on lhe<br />

subiecr. A book ol his sanes was traDslaled in<strong>to</strong><br />

Englisn in l9?5 as Pa.L-a,t De.nire Ganes<br />

PACHMAN, VLADIMIR (1918 ). Czech composer-<br />

International J!dse oI <strong>Chess</strong> Composilions<br />

ire5hr. Inremduonal CranLlna(er<strong>to</strong>r Ches\Cum<br />

f.\iruns (lu75l Berdcs orthodo\ ftBEE a,d<br />

M.eF M.\rR\ h. il\L'.omooses rudres and n one<br />

oirhe lcw who hale achi;ed succe$ in bothfields.<br />

He h the b.orher of Ludet PA.HMAT_ and the<br />

srcat-nephew ol the czech problenin loscf<br />

Cumpe (l8nx-lo1l). who\c he Jcl'no(_<br />

'nfluerue<br />

tcdAc\ibLthisiJleFhrgh i rnJ udua he neirher<br />

slavishly foloNs Czech lrlditions nor cares ior<br />

erenr tushions. (see PTNDULUM Duw.l<br />

V. Pachnan, /lDznl Sothota Sklodbr 11912)<br />

coDrains 427 compositionsr a sccond edition was<br />

PA.IIMA\ VARIATION. 195 in the (INC,S INDI<br />


Bulsarian .h<strong>amp</strong>ion 195,1, 1955, 1962, and 1964,<br />

lntcrnarional Grandnaslcr (196,1), lalter. Hc<br />

playedineveryOlynpiadlron 195610 l9Tliexccpt<br />

1976 Hn besr lournament Perlormancc was at<br />

varna 1975 (.aresory 7) when hc tied wirh vu a<br />


PAIRING, arranging opponents iD a loumament.<br />

For !n ALr-pLAy-^Lr event PArRlNc TABLES arc<br />

used- rhc plale^ driwing <strong>by</strong> lot <strong>to</strong>r numhct. A<br />

swrss sysrErr <strong>to</strong>urnameDt Presents grcater prob<br />

lens. ftere arc three basic rulcs for pairing in such<br />

a conpctition no t*o playc.s should neet more<br />

rhan oncei as tar as possible Pla],e6 should be<br />

dratrn dtscLnn.pmnenb t rh LhL same !.ure Jnd<br />

erlh plarcr.hould hale J balancrJ numher ot<br />

AaFcs wilh \rhire and black Pieces Thcse condi<br />

nons mplv rhat Lhe parr ns fora r.und.an be mrde<br />

onl\ cir;r !ll same\ [iom nrccedrns rounds ha\e<br />

bee; .omplet;d. This is nor alwlls possible and<br />

various wals have hcen devised <strong>to</strong> make sritable<br />

paninss wiei some ganes rcmaio u!finished<br />

sone organizeB interprel Swiss rysten Paning<br />

reirurrcments hb

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