chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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white cannotplay I Nl6+ because thiseouldplace<br />

OUTPOST 2]5<br />

and VtujatLa Banjr 1975. Insl eqnal with dpslrs<br />

ORSI\r GAMBIr,565, discarded varialion ot the<br />

(rN. s 6^MBrr Accepred. <strong>The</strong> llalian pl.yer Enilio<br />

onini (183! 98) produced thc n,asazinc N,orn<br />

riv;sra leeli r.4..ri lrom 1875 <strong>to</strong> 1893.<br />

ORTHODOX CtrESS,lhe game Pllycd nr accor<br />

dancc with ihe laws, as disdnct irom the many<br />

lariants oI the Sane known collectively as uN<br />

oRTHoIx)x DEFENCE. 93 in the oUEEN S cAM<br />

BrDeclincd.ananeoriginallygiven<strong>by</strong>rARiAsc"<br />

<strong>to</strong> shos hn contedpl lor its timidn! as contrasted<br />

with lhe rARE{scn D.FLN.[, 56, whi.h he consi<br />

dered the only corect line lhc most faloured<br />

c.ntin Mtions for White arc 7 Ocz and 7 Rcl. (Scc<br />

llNF !^.^TIoN] sTE'NrR: I-,: Y^Es ]<br />

ORTHODOX PROBLEM, t.aditionally a DtREd<br />

M^rr pRoBrlM consistinS of a leg.l posiion and<br />

plat fiar conlbrms ro thc laws. In 1968, hoircvcr,<br />

the F'DE Problcm Commhsion. meeting at<br />

Arcachon . de clared tha t sErPMArEs . nd s ELTTIAE s<br />

should.lso be resarded as orthodox{hcn, e{cepl<br />

lbr the special marnre rcqnircmcnt. the laas olthc<br />

eamc arcobscncd. Caslling is permilted unlessits<br />

illeeality can be proved. A conposer Bust not use<br />

nore nen ol any kind than thc numbcr in rhc<br />

aRRAY. Anotncr convcntion concerns oBrxuslL<br />

aru:s: somc <strong>to</strong>rmey jrdees would objed lo these<br />

:nd $nreNo ld rrke, m.re lenienivicw bur iew<br />

Bouid dpprove rhe use of an obtrusilc piccc if thc<br />

composer's idca.ould be shown olheMise. Prcblemsrhat<br />

requne drrocuDEANArysr Lodemons<br />

trate the correcrness ol rhe (EY(e.g !nrN-PA$ANr<br />

capture) nrsl <strong>by</strong> dennitlon conlorm <strong>to</strong> fh.lars ii<br />

rhe normal board and mcn are usediret the_v arc<br />

classified as EIRY rRoBLrMs.<br />

J. E. Rice,,4,,4ac o/ Cl.$ Prabkns (1910)<br />

osNos. vIAaHFst.Av vULF()v(tH<br />

(1915- ). Soviet playcr. Intcrnarional Mastcr<br />

(1965), joint.h<strong>amp</strong>ion of Leni.srad in 1968 and<br />

outrigbr cbanpion id 1971 add 1980. radio rechni<br />

cian. Osnospl.yedin thc USSR Chanpionshipslx<br />

timescoDsecuiivcl,!from l963<strong>to</strong> 1968.$ith modesl<br />

re{,lts, hn he* inremsftrnal kn,rn,menl re$,lr<br />

was probably his 116r pnze (+7=6) a poinr and a<br />

half aheadof ALrcH,hhnearestival.atDebrecen<br />

1969 (abour catesory ?).<br />

osToJIa, PREDRAG (rs38- ), Yusosla!<br />

playcr. International Grandnaster (197s). joinr<br />

narional chanpion id 1168, ch<strong>amp</strong>ion in l!71.<br />

joutu.lisr. Hn besr achicvcncnh wcrc in <strong>to</strong>urnamcnls<br />

of about catcgorr T: Sao Paulo 1973. n$tl<br />

O-T-B, abbreliation for ovER Er BoARD, usualty<br />

printed in lowei c.r lene$ (or-b).<br />

OUIPOSI, a square o! the fiIth. sixth. or seveDth<br />

rann lhal n guarded bJr a p.sn but caonor be<br />

all.cked <strong>by</strong> an enemy paxn. cspc.ially su.h a<br />

squarc on an opcn filc. One playels outpost h hn<br />

opponenas eoc. Possession oid ourposr islikely<br />

ro be id!.ntageous riir can he occupicd <strong>by</strong>piec.s,<br />

n salicnl in cncmy lc i<strong>to</strong>ry. $r\L and R. N<br />

Coles. in lheir book Aotrarl,S.d,,,otr (1975). dr.w<br />

atrenlion <strong>to</strong> the sinil.rit! olstatceic idcas h lhc<br />

tullowing ga,ncs. onc played rnore than a ceDturt<br />

rn.r ih. orh.r F,.h winner mrle\ r PosIrI.NAr<br />

s^cRrFrcE <strong>by</strong> moving a rook <strong>to</strong> an ourpost at c,1,<br />

gainidg in retLrn. pRorrcrD pAssrD pawN and an<br />

dlrick th.t is based on thc weaknes ol the light<br />

squarcs on Whilc\ king\ side.<br />

SriitAmaDt stannron 2lnandlinalmatchgrne.ls43<br />

1d4 d5 2c4 c6 :l c3c5 1Nq3 Nf6 5\IlBc7 6Bd3 h6<br />

70.001) 3blRh7 9-d5exd5 l0O.2Nc6 llara6 lr<br />

Rdlcxd,l llexd.1h6 14b4tsd6 15Rc]b5 t6h3Rc3<br />

1?Qb3Q.7 13Bd2Qb6 l'rBc:lNc7 20Raq1Nh5 2l<br />

Od1Nr6 22NhaRc7 2lad2Nh7 laac2Nr6 25Khr<br />

Nes 26 Nls Nxf5 27 tsx15 a5 2ll Qb3 rxb4 29 axb,1<br />

29 . . . t{.,r 30 Na2 Nt6 l1 Bd3 Qc6 r2 Qb2 Qd7 l3<br />

Ksl Nh5 14 Qd2 f5 l5 14 NCI 16 Bx.4 dxc,l 37 Qb2<br />

Rf6 l3NdNe,l r9 Rez Rg5 40Rdl'\i.3 llQtcl<br />

Bt3 42 Rdcl Bxc2 4l Rxc2 Qe7 11Obz Re6 15 Kr2<br />

Rc1 16 O32Kfl 17gr Ob7 .1$ Qa3RcS 49 Q.3 Ohl<br />

50h495 slQelOh2+ 52Kl1Qh3+ 53Kgl Qe4 51<br />

hxss BxI,l 55BxftOxc? 56 Qxez Rxe2 57gxh6c3 53<br />

KtlR.l sqBd Kg6 f d5r 6rBd2RxU4 62d6Rd4<br />

6l Kez Rxd6 6.r (c3 Kih6 65x.1+ Kg6 66Kelb4<br />

Sp.$ky Pc<strong>to</strong>s)'an llth math gaBc, world Ch.n.<br />

tioDship 1969 Oneen.s Indi.n Dcrcre<br />

I d4 NI6 2.1e6 I Nr b6 I i:l Bh7 5 Ncl d5 6 e3<br />

NbdT 7.rd5 cxd5 3 Be2 Bd6 9 b.10 0 100-0 16 11<br />

ObrOeT 12RblNea 13alNdl6 l4h5Nr.l l5Qx.l<br />

Nc.l r6O.2Rts lTBb::.6 l3hx.6Bxc6 19Ob3Od7<br />

20RaLh5 2l 15 ElrT 22Ne5Od8 23 RIdl Qh,l 2431<br />

Oc7 25f:]Nei 26haNe6 271416 23 Nlll r"d3 l9 Kf2

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