chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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OBLIGATORY CEECT, a term u*d <strong>by</strong> Idrt<br />

PRoBLEM composers indicatinc thai one side nar<br />

give check ifablc ro do so Of medieval origin- this<br />

stipulalion is used ior eranple in a chccking<br />

OBSTRUCT, <strong>to</strong> plae a man on a ce.tain square so<br />

thil anotncr matr ol the same colour cannot be<br />

moved <strong>to</strong> that quarei loo*ly, rointerferc. In the<br />

ARut all tbe nen cxcept lhe knights aad Pawns are<br />

OBSTRUCTION, the action ol obstructingr the<br />

man that causes anotner nan <strong>to</strong> be obstructed.<br />

OITRUSM PIDCE, a piece in a legal position *r<br />

<strong>by</strong> a omposr that musi bave been created <strong>by</strong><br />

promotio.. <strong>The</strong> rem n not used lor pieces so<br />

crealeddunngtheplay. PlaceWhite Kc6,Bb8, and<br />

Pc7, and Black Ka8. and While mates in three <strong>by</strong><br />

t Ba7 L\a7 2 c8:R (A. F. McnN^E, Jamai.a<br />

Glearel.1891). <strong>The</strong> bnhop is oblruive lorBlack\<br />

lastmovemusthavebeen., . (ar-a8a.dWhite\<br />

belore tha! Pb7 b8:B+. isee oarEoDox PRos-<br />

ODDS, GAMES AT, see naNDIcaP.<br />

6IM, ToNU (1941 ), soviel playcr. Iarema'<br />

tional Correspondence Cness Grandnasrer<br />

(1981), winner (+10:6) or the 9th world Cortespondence<br />

Ch<strong>amp</strong>ionship 1977 83. An Es<strong>to</strong>nian,<br />

he was bo.n i. Talinn tlbere he works in lhe P.<br />

Keres <strong>Chess</strong> houe and lor the Es<strong>to</strong>ni.n Sports<br />


Belgian professional player, Intemational Grand<br />

mastcr (1956), Inremational Corespondence<br />

Ches Crandnasler (1962), l.ternational Arbiter<br />

(1962). A lrequenl competi<strong>to</strong>r in ronrnaments, he<br />

made his best ovER-rEE soARD licrory a1 Dort<br />

mund l9s1 (about ategory 8). but hh b$r<br />

achievement ras probably the winnine of the dird<br />

world Correspondence chanpionship 1959 62.<br />

Six times winner olthe Belgian chanpionship lrom<br />

l95l <strong>to</strong> 1958 and elelen tihesvinner ofthe Royal<br />

Belgian <strong>Chess</strong> Federatioa chanpionship lron 1937<br />

<strong>to</strong> 1956. he played lor his @un1ry in eight<br />

olyMprDs lron 193710 1968.In his laleryeas h€<br />

gavenoreolhistinelochcssorganizaiionandpas<br />

chiet ATBTER for the world ches cha6Pionship<br />

matches oI 1966 and 1969. A good Unguist aid a<br />

prolilic author. he srore nany articlcs and books,<br />

oltcn in languages other lhan lhis oM<br />

O'KELLY VARIATION, a39 in the stcILhN<br />

DEENCE, irst made popular <strong>by</strong>rARr (owERin thc<br />

1920s, ard r€-exanided <strong>by</strong> o'KELLY in the 1950s<br />

OLAFSSON, FRIDRIK 0935 ), lntemaiional<br />

Grandnaster (1958), the strongesr Icelddicplayer<br />

up <strong>to</strong>histime. He le{ned <strong>chess</strong> al tne ageofS,wo.<br />

the,aiional chadpionship lor the frrsl titue when<br />

hewas 17, and became $idely known at rhe age of<br />

20 when hc shared firsr prize with (oR.HNor,<br />

Hastings 195tu. In the Porloroi inte.rcnal<br />

lournanenl 1958 he cane fif1h cqual wih F scsR<br />

and qualiied <strong>to</strong>i the Ca.didales <strong>to</strong>umaoenl of<br />

1959. ln rhis cvcnt his lack of <strong>to</strong>p levelexperiencc<br />

<strong>to</strong>ld against him: consisrenlly io time trcuble, he<br />

<strong>to</strong>ok seventh place. Around thn dme he conpleled<br />

his la{ studies andoblained a post in the Ministry<br />

oi Justicc. Du.ingthenext Iewyeas his bcsi resulis<br />

wcre: Ls Aneeles 1963- about category 15, ihnd<br />

(+1=7 3) equal with NATDoRF after rcREs and<br />


Lugano 1970. atDut calegory 12, seond<br />

(+5:7 2) arter uRslN ahead of Glison6i wijk<br />

aan Z.e 7971, about caiegory 12, second<br />

(+6=7 2) equalwith drcv, Gligoria, and Petrosyan<br />

arter Korchnoi: Reykjavit 19?2, fiBr<br />

(+8=6 1) equal wirh GHEoRcn,u and roRr ahead<br />

ofsErNiand Las Palnas 19?4, seotrd (+7=6 2)<br />

equal witt BELtAvs( alter uuBorEvre and ahead<br />

l. 1974 Olatsson gare up his gove.nmenl posl lo<br />

become a proresional playcr, and al wijt aan<br />

Zee 1976, catcgory 12, achieved his besl <strong>to</strong>uraamcnt<br />

res lj n6t (+1=7) equal rb Ljtrbojevia<br />

ahead oI r L. Ar Reykialit later i. the year he<br />

rored +7=8 and sharcd 6Bt prize snh nMMAN.<br />

Olafsson played in seve.al olynpiads lrom 1952,<br />

norably makingthe bestRrst boardserc (+10=8)<br />

at Varna in 1962. His few nalches include a<br />

ctushing defeat (+4:2) oI prhrx in 1955.In 1978<br />

Olafsso. was eleded president of EDE for a<br />

fouFyear tem in su.ession <strong>to</strong> EUVE.<br />

Smeikal Olalssn R.vttavik 1973 Kins\ Indian De<br />

I c,l NI6 2 Nc3 g6 I Ni3 Bg7 4 e4 d6 5 d4 0.0 6 Bs2<br />

c5 70 0c6 3 QC NbdT S Rd1Qc7 10Rbl ex'14 l1

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