chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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indicaEs clearlylhrtir is whitcvho has resigned. A madc by o.e player onlt is called n srNcr.. Movr and not a half'nole. a tem used occasionaliy lor tnck problens b.tler callcd tuz- Secondly. lhc man that is noved nay need io hc idcnrificd. (This is not necessary when borh departure and adlal qunres ar. slarcd as in ,nd cRrN(;MLrH Nor^roNs.) The nen nry h. idcntilied by ncLRI\Es. inler n,tion.llv undcnlood but nol sunabb lor hand writing. ;r by rhe initiai leue6 ol rhcn na,ncs, ahhoughi. English N or Kt ma],bc usedlorknight because KdeanskinE. Frequently Ihe pawn is not id.nrificd L! rhe letter 'P'. the resr ol thc movc dcscriprion sufficing. v.rious attcmphi all obsolere. have beennade 10 idcnlify the men in othei wa$. ln (bnpl.t. Guida ro the Gane ol Chest (l8il2) H L. F. Meyer (183!) 1928) hh 'Univeral Norarion designating thc piecesbylhe Ierters K to Pi rbe book failcd to sell (Meyer. r prssion.te.on smokcr. can.eUed his srbscripton 10 a.hcss nragazine bec.use it puhlnhcd an illusrralion ol a plaler who hamcncd to have a pipe in hn dourh ) Somctimes instead oI naminC rhe 6les altcrpicccsthe nenwerenaned afterthe 6les on which rhey stood in lhe atray. Thirdly,lhequaresneedtobcidcntifred,eilher b! D.scRrrrvr NorAro\, a sho ened le*ionola lull lcrbal des.ription, or bt the use ol co ordinales o. sone olber syslem in irhich cach square has a unique labcl. the basis oI lhe now u.iversal STANDARD Nor{uoN Nas introdued to Europe id 173, xhcn srAMM^t book was pub lished in Paris. Afthough the second and third books using thh notation Nere published in London (Stanrnra. 17,15i Greco, 1750) itwas callcd Cerma. nolalion and not $ell rc.cit.d in Eneland. In 1818 LE\rrs said it was generally c.nsidcrcdso tcdious andlariguing. . . this.r. dne xlrcnthemovee2 e,lwasqrnlen Whitcadtdn.cs his king s parvn lwosquares-(P (4 in descriptive noradon). Standard notation nses letle6 in r nhaberi.a urLler ftum 1ro h f.r tlrc rrnls rnd ntrmbcA sa rnE lron I f.r rhe nle\ Mrn\ uLhlr *ays ol usidg Ielten and numbeN. allnunben, all lclrcs, and starliDg from othercorneB were lned. Ahhough a co-ordinate nolalionh.d been used in Arab countries since the 9ih century thc canicst e!.mple in Eurole is in lhc l3th'.entury French nranuscript of BoNls so.rus. tn this a diliering series of letrers is used Ior liles a.d ranks. Corespondence nolarion uscs numbcN for both llles and rlnks. (rrsrRrrzky also used nunbers in hisnragMine aa Riae,.e (18,19 5l), bulhclhc.d lhe rank nunber Ursl (Hc idcntilied the nren by lelre{ using a to h for rbe pawns, A to H ior the Iic.cs.) The onl, notation currentl! in use rhar uniquely idenriies squlres *nhotrt thc usc ol co ordinaresis Gringmuth notalion. Iialia. authom nunrbered the squares 1 to 64 Gcanninglronhl ioat. h2 to a2 and so on- much as in diaughts notalion). G, Ar-rrN calledthh the NOWOTNYINIERFERENCF 227 inrolerable noration oI the fiAt 64 numerah' and Muray said Its use has .lw!!s cifc.tilely des troled any influence the *ork c,nplorine it mighl Fourthly, conventional synbols are often needed lor.lescnbing castling (0 0 or 0-0-0 as used by^LEUNDRE in hn encyclopcdiaol 1837) and'nay be used. llthough not necessarr, for olb€r pur poscs. c.g. checks and crPtures Mnon Jamcs Hazelrine (1824 19!7) cdiror oi the Ncw lolt C/rrpdrches coluBi ftom 18551o 1905inlroduced rhe dash. c.g I-K4insreadof PtoK,l,burqAL(.R had alEady shoNn in his collection ol over a rhousand gines publishcd in 1844 that neither is necessary. that PK,lwas enough. Mlny suggcstions fo r svmbols have faile d becausc ol I hen con plexity and the dilicufty of producing legibly lhe range oI sisns chosen bv then inlenloB. The lolloqinr eiampl. with its explan.tion is hom Naxrur. |oldrian pow les partiet ou les cauPs dtche.s (1836)l 'le Pion du Fou du Roi laisant unpas A h 4..,scdu Roi adverse, prend lc Pion du Roi adlerse et Move numbcr arc generally used lor ail nola rions bui the otherlhree nain componenN nay bc usedindependenrlyoloneanother'lhclayouton the page in rhe lorfl ol RU\NL-C \or^ro,N, adaptablc to any merhod NOTEBOOII VARIaTION (pron. Nor e boom), 66. rhe *tu\E\!rs lkanoN olrhe a!.^ s {;AMBrr Declined ilvoured by lhc Dut.h player Daniel Notcboom (1910 32). IIe was nol the inlenmr. NOTTINGIIAI\{ VARIATION.276 in the scrlrA\ DrFFN... lrom the game AlekhinrBotvinnik, Noitingham tounranenr 1936. NOVoTEL\OV. NIKOLAI AI-EXANDRO- VICII (1911 ), Soliet Dhycr, lnternalional Masrer (l!51) He made hn mark by widning lhe Leningrad Championship in 1942 ndd lh. RSFSR (Rnsian Federxlion) Chadpionship lile years laler. Alsoin 1r47 he achicvcd his besl result. sixth plice(+6=6 3) cqualwith krREs rlterBorr\NI(, o!, lnd xorov in ihe caregory 12 Chigorin Nt.nrorial Tournamenl held NOWOTNY INTERFDRENCE h snnilar to cRrvbui Nirh sacrince on the nrtcmction square. (See rNrERFFrENcr lor an example lron pla.r.) ln rh. tllusbnt zetun| (Leipzig) 185,1 rhe Czech.omposer AntonNosotny (1829-71) ptrblished a problen sho*ing Dn kindolinlerierencepreceded by a cBIncArMo!E, a rHREE- orMoE MovERfornrharcouldbecalledthe

228 NUMERTCIALINOTATTON ww%t&,% L*&WW w%%3w. "& "*& % "& % "gl& ?H%,W A study by RrN.(, D.,rr.rc ,t nachzeitunE, 1906, shoNing Nowotny interference on Whitet third move. I a7 Bg2 2 d? Rd2 3 8.6 3...Rrd5 aa8:O 3...Bxd5 4 ds:Q. NUMERJCIAII NOTATION, a notation for which the noves ar€ desribed bynumber. (See coRREs Ior a specifrc exanple and No rroN lor a general discu$ion.) N[NN, JOHN DEMS MARTIN (1951 ),English player, lnrern.tional Grandmasier (1978), British champion 1980. He went ro Oxlord at the unusually young a8e ol 15, gradualed in 19?3, gained his B.Sc. the lollo*ing year and his d6.t.rare in lCTa A Jnnior Research Fellos he leclured ia marhematics ufltil 1981 whcn hc bccame a plofessional player. By then he had al.eady achieled sereral good results in idreina rional lournaments: Budapest 1978. fistj Haslings 1979-80, 66t (+5=r0) equat with aNDERssoN; Baden-bei-Wien 1980, category 12, thnd (+5:10) ,fier spAssR rnd nEryAvsn: Helsinki l93l 6rst (+5:6) .qual wilh MAroLolrai and wiesbaden 1181, Inst (+6:3). In the caiesory 12 Wijk aan z.e tournamenr 1982, Nunncame66t(+5=7 1) eqnal Nilh BALAsxov ahead oI rAr, EasNrR, and rleN and ar Helsinki 1981 he cane second (+5=6) after GR6soN. Possessins a rcmarkably quick sGHr or r.E BoARD, Nunn is an epe.t soiv€ri he nade rhe second hiChest individual score in the yorld lean solvi.g chmpionship.1978, aad *on the solling championsbip of Great B.itain in l98l , Polqaycvsky-Nunn European tean chamlioiship s6 7€48s7 3tse20{l 900Re8 10Nd2Nrd7 Q.2 Ne5 12bl Nh5 13 Bxh5 Erh5 14 Bb2 tsd7 15 Rael oh4 l6f4 Nq.1 17 Nl] Bd4+ 13 Khr Nf2+ 19 RrD App.€ntly Black\ quccn is tappcd bur he has piepaEd r qving move 20 . Bhr 21 R8r Kf3 22 Nxdl .xd4 2:l f5 dxc3 2,1 Oxc3 Rre4 25 sft3 KeB 26 Qdl Rel 27 Rxel+ Qxcl+ 23 Kg2 Rc3 29 f6 Kd7 30 QrIT odr+ 31 Ker oxd5 r2 Kh4 Res Wlrire resens NYIIOLM ATTACK, 435, vanadon i! the srNrsB opENNc naned atter rbe swedisb player Gustav Nvholm (1880 1957), bul known belore his time.

indicaEs clearlylhrtir is whitcvho has resigned.<br />

A madc <strong>by</strong> o.e player onlt is called n<br />

srNcr.. Movr and not a half'nole. a tem used<br />

occasionaliy lor tnck problens b.tler callcd tuz-<br />

Secondly. lhc man that is noved nay need io<br />

hc idcnrificd. (This is not necessary when borh<br />

departure and adlal qunres ar. slarcd as in<br />

,nd cRrN(;MLrH Nor^roNs.)<br />

<strong>The</strong> nen nry h. idcntilied <strong>by</strong> ncLRI\Es. inler<br />

n,tion.llv undcnlood but nol sunabb lor hand<br />

writing. ;r <strong>by</strong> rhe initiai leue6 ol rhcn na,ncs,<br />

ahhoughi. English N or Kt ma],bc usedlorknight<br />

because KdeanskinE. Frequently Ihe pawn is not<br />

id.nrificd L! rhe letter 'P'. the resr ol thc movc<br />

dcscriprion sufficing. v.rious attcmphi all obsolere.<br />

have beennade 10 idcnlify the men in othei<br />

wa$. ln (bnpl.t. Guida ro the Gane ol Chest<br />

(l8il2) H L. F. Meyer (183!) 1928) hh<br />

'Univeral Norarion designating thc pieces<strong>by</strong>lhe<br />

Ierters K <strong>to</strong> Pi rbe book failcd <strong>to</strong> sell (Meyer. r<br />

prssion.te.on smokcr. can.eUed his srbscrip<strong>to</strong>n<br />

10 a.hcss nragazine bec.use it puhlnhcd an<br />

illusrralion ol a plaler who hamcncd <strong>to</strong> have a<br />

pipe in hn dourh ) Somctimes instead oI naminC<br />

rhe 6les altcrpicccsthe nenwerenaned afterthe<br />

6les on which rhey s<strong>to</strong>od in lhe atray.<br />

Thirdly,lhequaresneed<strong>to</strong>bcidcntifred,eilher<br />

b! D.scRrrrvr NorAro\, a sho ened le*ionola<br />

lull lcrbal des.ription, or bt the use ol co<br />

ordinales o. sone olber syslem in irhich cach<br />

square has a unique labcl. the basis oI lhe now<br />

u.iversal STANDARD Nor{uoN Nas introdued <strong>to</strong><br />

Europe id 173, xhcn srAMM^t book was pub<br />

lished in Paris. Afthough the second and third<br />

books using thh notation Nere published in<br />

London (Stanrnra. 17,15i Greco, 1750) itwas callcd<br />

Cerma. nolalion and not $ell rc.cit.d in Eneland.<br />

In 1818 LE\rrs said it was generally c.nsidcrcdso<br />

tcdious andlariguing. . . this.r. dne<br />

xlrcnthemovee2 e,lwasqrnlen Whitcadtdn.cs<br />

his king s parvn lwosquares-(P (4 in descriptive<br />

noradon). Standard notation nses letle6 in<br />

r nhaberi.a urLler ftum 1ro h f.r tlrc rrnls rnd<br />

ntrmbcA sa rnE lron I f.r rhe nle\ Mrn\ uLhlr<br />

*ays ol usidg Ielten and numbeN. allnunben, all<br />

lclrcs, and starliDg from othercorneB were lned.<br />

Ahhough a co-ordinate nolalionh.d been used in<br />

Arab countries since the 9ih century thc canicst<br />

e!.mple in Eurole is in lhc l3th'.entury French<br />

nranuscript of BoNls so.rus. tn this a diliering<br />

series of letrers is used Ior liles a.d ranks.<br />

Corespondence nolarion uscs numbcN for both<br />

llles and rlnks. (rrsrRrrzky also used nunbers in<br />

hisnragMine aa Riae,.e (18,19 5l), bulhclhc.d<br />

lhe rank nunber Ursl (Hc idcntilied the nren <strong>by</strong><br />

lelre{ using a <strong>to</strong> h for rbe pawns, A <strong>to</strong> H ior the<br />

Iic.cs.) <strong>The</strong> onl, notation currentl! in use rhar<br />

uniquely idenriies squlres *nhotrt thc usc ol<br />

co ordinaresis Gringmuth notalion.<br />

Iialia. authom nunrbered the squares 1 <strong>to</strong> 64<br />

Gcanninglronhl ioat. h2 <strong>to</strong> a2 and so on- much<br />

as in diaughts notalion). G, Ar-rrN calledthh the<br />


inrolerable noration oI the fiAt 64 numerah' and<br />

Muray said Its use has .lw!!s cifc.tilely des<br />

troled any influence the *ork c,nplorine it mighl<br />

Fourthly, conventional synbols are often<br />

needed lor.lescnbing castling (0 0 or 0-0-0 as used<br />

<strong>by</strong>^LEUNDRE in hn encyclopcdiaol 1837) and'nay<br />

be used. llthough not necessarr, for olb€r pur<br />

poscs. c.g. checks and crPtures Mnon Jamcs<br />

Hazelrine (1824 19!7) cdiror oi the Ncw lolt<br />

C/rrpdrches coluBi f<strong>to</strong>m 18551o 1905inlroduced<br />

rhe dash. c.g I-K4insreadof P<strong>to</strong>K,l,burqAL(.R<br />

had alEady shoNn in his collection ol over a<br />

rhousand gines publishcd in 1844 that neither is<br />

necessary. that PK,lwas enough. Mlny suggcstions<br />

fo r svmbols have faile d becausc ol I hen con plexity<br />

and the dilicufty of producing legibly lhe range oI<br />

sisns chosen bv then inlenloB. <strong>The</strong> lolloqinr<br />

ei<strong>amp</strong>l. with its explan.tion is hom Naxrur.<br />

|oldrian pow les partiet ou les cauPs dtche.s<br />

(1836)l<br />

'le Pion du Fou du Roi laisant unpas A h 4..,scdu<br />

Roi adverse, prend lc Pion du Roi adlerse et<br />

Move numbcr arc generally used lor ail nola<br />

rions bui the otherlhree nain componenN nay bc<br />

usedindependenrlyoloneanother'lhclayou<strong>to</strong>n<br />

the page in rhe lorfl ol RU\NL-C \or^ro,N,<br />

adaptablc <strong>to</strong> any merhod<br />

NOTEBOOII VARIaTION (pron. Nor e boom),<br />

66. rhe *tu\E\!rs lkanoN olrhe a!.^ s {;AMBrr<br />

Declined ilvoured <strong>by</strong> lhc Dut.h player Daniel<br />

Notcboom (1910 32). IIe was nol the inlenmr.<br />

NOTTINGIIAI\{ VARIATION.276 in the scrlrA\<br />

DrFFN... lrom the game AlekhinrBotvinnik,<br />

Noitingham <strong>to</strong>unranenr 1936.<br />


VICII (1911 ), Soliet Dhycr, lnternalional<br />

Masrer (l!51) He made hn mark <strong>by</strong> widning lhe<br />

Leningrad Ch<strong>amp</strong>ionship in 1942 ndd lh. RSFSR<br />

(Rnsian Federxlion) Chadpionship lile years<br />

laler. Alsoin 1r47 he achicvcd his besl result. sixth<br />

plice(+6=6 3) cqualwith krREs rlterBorr\NI(,<br />

o!, lnd xorov in ihe<br />

caregory 12 Chigorin Nt.nrorial Tournamenl held<br />

NOWOTNY INTERFDRENCE h snnilar <strong>to</strong> cRrvbui<br />

Nirh sacrince on the<br />

nrtcmction square. (See rNrERFFrENcr lor an<br />

ex<strong>amp</strong>le lron pla.r.) ln rh. tllusbnt zetun|<br />

(Leipzig) 185,1 rhe Czech.omposer An<strong>to</strong>nNosotny<br />

(1829-71) ptrblished a problen sho*ing Dn<br />

kindolinlerierencepreceded <strong>by</strong> a cBIncArMo!E, a<br />

rHREE- orMoE MovERfornrharcouldbecalledthe

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