chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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Black s lripling on rhc b-nb and his hold on llr. rrcHr<br />

sou^BEs eive him a decnive advanrase. 2s Ras (not 25<br />

Nxca Rxs2+) 25 . . lj 26 h3 h6 ?? Kn1N16 23 Rc5<br />

Ra2 29 RBI Qfl 30 c4 Rbb2 :rl Nxcr Rc2 l2 Qe3<br />

34Nb6 Rac3 35 ()d4(]h5 360xd5+<br />

Kh7 37OxrRrh3+ 33eih3Qrh:l+ 39Qh2NInatc.<br />

NAJDORT' VARTATION, 262, popular line in lbe<br />

sr.rlhN DEFENCE. <strong>The</strong> original idea was lhal Black<br />

would nswer 6 Be2 <strong>by</strong> 6 . . c5. suppo*dly an<br />

inprovenent on rhc Bor-Eshvsky v^i,^noN.<br />

White has scvoal other oplions on his sithmo!e,<br />

ro some ofvhi.h Black would nol ind thc reply<br />

6 .. e5expedient. Evenso, Najdofs5... a6is<br />

a usetul mole lbr thc defence. He Played and<br />

,dvocarcd his va.ialion iron .round 1947. bu1 it<br />

had been played previously, <strong>by</strong> caNAr. (Black)<br />

against BocouuBor, Cadsbad 1929. and <strong>by</strong><br />

omaENsd (on scvcral occasionr, (orov, and<br />

other mastc6. (See MEc(Nc: PoLUcAEvscl<br />


NAPIER, WILLIAM EWART (1881 1952),<br />

English bornptayervhose lanilycmigratcdtDthe<br />

USA wnen he vas live yea6 old and moved <strong>to</strong><br />

Brooklyn in 1895. <strong>The</strong>re he learned his <strong>chess</strong>.<br />

achieving seleral local successes nrcludine a 1ie<br />

qirh Eug.nc Delmar (1841-1909) lorsecond place<br />

,Ir.r r" 'sR',py<br />

and,hezd ofM^nsEAr r in the Neu<br />

York State Chanpionship 1901. Lalerrhalyearhe<br />

retumed <strong>to</strong> Engl.nd <strong>to</strong> study mDsic and moslly<br />

siudied <strong>chess</strong> instcad. ln each ol rhe three major<br />

lounaments in which he onpeted, Modte carlo<br />

1902, Hanover 1902. andCambridge Springs 190.1,<br />

he won a BRTLLTANCY pRrzE: and in lhe fi6tBritnh<br />

<strong>Chess</strong> Fcderation Ch<strong>amp</strong>ionship 1904 he tied with<br />

ArkrNs for fiEl place, gaining rbe rifle atrer !<br />

ptav-off (+1=3). In 1905 Napierdrewanalchwith<br />

MrBEs (+4=2,1). lost<strong>to</strong>rE,.HMANN (+1:4-5),<br />

and thcn returned <strong>to</strong> New York. Soon altetrards<br />

he gave up 1i6t-cla$ compelitive ches, becnme a<br />

naruiatized Us ciiizei (1908), and moved <strong>to</strong><br />

PenDsyl,ania 10 make hn .areer in the S.ranlon<br />

Lit€ Assurance Conpany (ot which be becane<br />

lice presidedt. He nariied oLLsBURy snie.e, aod<br />

brougnt up a lamily ol tso dauehters. For some<br />

iimc he edired a <strong>chess</strong> columo in rne Pjtsbutgh<br />

Dqa,.r, and otherwis€ nainlained bis interest in<br />

lhe gane. Fiom 1932 he liled in Nes York,<br />

Philadclphia. and washiog<strong>to</strong>n wherc he eDjoyed<br />

NAPOL(ANO! MARIO (191CL ), halian<br />

player, Internntional Cotrcsponde.ce <strong>Chess</strong><br />

Grandmastc! (1953), local sovernnenl otlicer.<br />

Althotrgh he played in severrl Binor ovrR-rn.-<br />

BoARD rournanents rvith some succcss and in rhe<br />

olynpiads ol l935 and1937. he isbetterknornior<br />

his achievenents in postal <strong>chess</strong>: Ninner of thc<br />

Ilalian cnanpiotuhip 1941 and 194?. sccond equal<br />

Nilh @wcnEN after puRDy in the nBt World<br />

Corrcsponde.ce Ch<strong>amp</strong>ionship 195G53.<br />

NATIONAL MASIER, a title awarded <strong>by</strong> a<br />

national orga.izalion for perfomance in events<br />

under ns onrol. and sooerines connned 10<br />

citi&ns oithe host counlry. Thcre arc no intcrnationall,<br />

imposed requnemenls. Both the method<br />

oI qualifying and the slandard oI perlornance vary<br />

between counrries. Such awards were f6r made<br />

regularlyin Gernany. (Sce EAUmuRN,rR.) Fron<br />

thc 1950s. shen FIDE introdued itsintemationdt<br />

titles and when rating nelhods vere developed,<br />

the practi@ ol awarding nalional lilles became<br />

NATIONAL TOURNAMENT, an cvent for sbich<br />

entry is restricted io nationals olone ounrry. Tle<br />

most important are lor the litle ot nalional<br />

.h<strong>amp</strong>ion. <strong>The</strong> leading <strong>chess</strong> countries holdmany<br />

<strong>chess</strong> <strong>to</strong>umaments thronghDnt lhe year and<br />

alrhough c.try h not always resricred dany of<br />

them do not altraci players lron abroad so thal<br />

they become. in eitect, national lournamcnts. and<br />

are often so called. Since 1939 the skongesl<br />

national <strong>to</strong>urnamcnts have laken plae in tbe<br />

USSR. where ihe chanpionsbips are somelines<br />

.ategory 13. An elcep(onally strong <strong>to</strong>Drnament,<br />

Leningrad Moscow 1941, a so-called 'absolule<br />

chanpionship ofthe USSR', was Non <strong>by</strong> BoNN-<br />


(1880-1953), Rusian player, IniernationalMaster<br />

( 1950). Beginning his cdeer in the lis! All Russia<br />

<strong>to</strong>umanenr, Moscow 1899 (wo. <strong>by</strong>cHrcoR,N). he<br />

went on <strong>to</strong> sin the Moscow City Chanpionship lbe<br />

following year. He drew a 6atch vilh rAnrA(owER<br />

rN1905(+2 2),DEFEATEDDUz-GorrMrsnin1907<br />

(+5=1 3), and again won ihe Moscow ch<strong>amp</strong>io.ship<br />

in l908.ln the same year he won all 1hree<br />

games of a natch against ALETTNE| curiously<br />

Nenaroko! is chieiy remembcrcd for this malch<br />

'againsl a 16 yeaFold, probably because Alekhine<br />

ncvcr meniioned lhis defeal in tbe record of his<br />

ca.ee.. Duringihe 1920s Nenarokovplayedin iour<br />

Mosow and Iive d.tional chaopionships with a<br />

bes! result ol equal thnd in thc second USSR<br />

Ch<strong>amp</strong>ionship 1923. He t$ice won the Moscow<br />

Ch<strong>amp</strong>ionship hy deleating the boldercfl coRrE! in<br />

march play: 1922 (+6=2 3)add1924(+6=,1 4J.<br />

Nen!roko! wiotc somc nrtru.tional books including<br />

a book oD the sP^Nrss orENrNc.<br />

NENAROKOV VARTATION, 3?9, a litlle-played<br />

linc in the sPANrsH orENiN..<br />

NEO-CATALAN OPENIN(i, 688, a sequence ol<br />

moles rhat oft€n leads<strong>to</strong> thecatalansynen Gee<br />


called tbe rcMERI vARhnoN.<br />

NEo.oRTHoIx)x VARIATION. 101 i. the<br />


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