chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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MODEL MATE 215<br />

Tara*h-Tci.hiann O$e.d 1905 spanish Opening,<br />

1c4c5 2NnNc6 3Bb5a6.1Ba4Nl6 5rloBc7 6Rcl<br />

d6 7c3G0 lth3tsd? 9d4h6 10Bc2Re3 11Nbd2Br3<br />

l2NIlgi 13Ng3Bg7 lcBe3KhT r5OdOeT 16d5<br />

NdB l7 c4 al 18 b3 b6 19 a3 Nb7 20 M R.? 2l Qc3<br />

NgB 22Nd2Rcr3 23BNl6 24Bb3BeB 25Rac1Nd7<br />

26 Qc2 BA 27 Ne2 Bg7 2a Nc3 Nf6 29 Nb5 B$5 30<br />

crb5 Ne3 11 Qd3 axb4 32 a$4 NdB ll Qfl Qd7 31<br />

Ra1o.n 3iR*7R*7 36Ral Rial 37oxa1C)68 38<br />

<strong>The</strong> mi'rorily aiack n in tull swins 17...Qs5 1314 Ql6<br />

19 Od2 ts15 20 15 Qs6 2l Bxf5 Qxrs 22 a6 db5 2l<br />

Nxb5 Od7? 24 .xb7 a6 25 Ncl QibT 26 l{bl 0.6 27<br />

Rrcl Qd6 2.'l Ndl Ng6 (Black ha: delcndcd wca{y and<br />

soon 6nds he cannor d elnd both of his nohred l)arns ) 2s<br />

l0Q.2h4 3lQh5h4l l2hxg3Nl3 33Rc5Rd8<br />

-q-1h5<br />

34Rtc1g6 15 Ql3Ne6 36Rc3 Kg, 17 R!d3Nrd3 l3<br />

Rcs Ne6 39 Qxd5 Qb6 4{ Rcl QM 4l Nf2 Qd2 42<br />

Qc5+ 16 43 Qxf6+ Kxf6 aaNea+Kl5 a5Nxn235 ,16<br />

d5 gxr4 47gxl4Nxf4 48exl4 X{4 49 Rd-Rd? 50Nc4<br />

MINOR PIECE, rhe bishop or the knight. 1ne<br />

endgames K+B !.K and K+N !. K are drarvn.<br />

MIRROR MATE, a maie in which eigbr squares<br />

.djoining the king\ position are unoccupied.<br />

Bo*neQuimcrc Wijk aan Zcc 1974 Sicilia De<br />

le4c5 2NAd6 3Bh5+Bd7 4Bxd7+ QidT 5c4Qg4?<br />

(Blacl gcs rAwr srA,.n'rc ) 6 0{] Oxe4 7 d4 cxdl 3<br />

Rcl Qc6 9 Nxd4 Qrc4 10 Na3 Q.a ll BI4 Qd7 12<br />

t4Rxe5+ Be7 l5Rd5Q.a t6<br />

N15 KI3 17 NxeT (xe7 13 Re5+ llack resies. <strong>The</strong><br />

dia8ram sho*s rhc mirrcr marc rh.i wouldoc.urafter l8<br />

Kf6 19 QR+ Kre5 20 Rel<br />

w<br />

96,.<br />

,,&t<br />

mffi<br />

MOBILIIY, Ireedot oI movenent ior the pieces<br />

andpasns. A playefs pnncipal ain in the oFning<br />

and one ol his ains.t any stagc of ihe gane is <strong>to</strong><br />

obrain ge.ter mobilily, tne normal prerequisile<br />

for an attack. If he has greater dobihy lor his<br />

pieces he may onbine then norc €asily or<br />

resroup them more quictly. (Sec a^'r'oNAL pLA!,<br />

spacE.) pH -rmn showed I h at gre aler mobility lor<br />

the pawns (a nore flexible or nore el.sric pawn<br />

rolmtion) could also be advantaseous.<br />

Whi.chasmorcspacein*hich<strong>to</strong>movehispiees.i.e. rhey<br />

have greater mobiliry. By a sedes ol danauvrcs on borh<br />

6mk he lnnher rBnricG his opponcnas mobihy and<br />

incrcass his oPn. His DoUBLBD P<br />

srreneth: ihey cr<strong>amp</strong> Blach\ sm€ and unnot be<br />

4Os3 Kl3 41h4Nd7 42BflKc3 43Bh3Bfs 44Nc4h5<br />

45 94 Be7 46 BJ2 Bf6? 47 gxh5 gxhs 4lt Khr Ob7 49<br />

Ne3 NI8 50Nl5Ob3 51Qa1Ng6 52B33BM 3rn2<br />

Ob7 54 Bg2 Oc3 55 Qcl Qd7 56 Bh3 KflJ 57 Qh6+<br />

KC3 5ltQxbi (le3 59Qg5xir 60h5N14 61Bh4f6 62<br />

oh6+ Kgs 63 8:16 NI7 64 Ne7+ QieT 65 QxhS+<br />

Nxh3 66Bxc7Na/ 67!e6Nih5 6,lBd8 Black resisns.<br />


1976), Soviel player and che$ instruc<strong>to</strong>r. Throughout<br />

hn burnament career, wnich began in lh. mid<br />

1920s, Model played alsays in Russia and usualy<br />

in tf,ningrad, his home city. He entered the USSR<br />

chanpionship o.ly t*ie,in 197 and 1929, oi the<br />

nrsl occasion sharing third prize with DUz-<br />

(' rorMrRso aftcr ihe joint prize'wimers BoHATR<br />

.!u( and rcn^Novso. Playing hots .ot ours he<br />

tied for 6rst pnze in rhe Beloru$ia SSR Ch<strong>amp</strong>ionship<br />

1928. Around this tim€ he becme<br />

BonrNNrx\ trainer. He won the chadPionship oI<br />

Le.ingrad in 1944 while he was direc<strong>to</strong>r of the<br />

<strong>chess</strong> club .t rhe Pionees Palace. where in the<br />

samc ycar @rcHNor <strong>to</strong>ok his 6.st lesso.s.<br />

MODEL MATE. a tuE GE in which aI rhe<br />

atlacker's den wnh the possible exception of his<br />

king and his pasns lake part. In BoHEMTAN<br />

problems nodcl mates are always reqdred btrt<br />

oiherwise they are no longer in tashion. <strong>The</strong> tern<br />

was invented in 1902 <strong>by</strong> the English conposer<br />

Hen D Oyly Bernard (1878-1954) as a subslitule<br />

for 'pnre and cconomical maie'.

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