chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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was not conducive <strong>to</strong> success 1n shong burnr<br />

nents. inwbich his hcst rcsultsircre lourth prizes<br />

at Drcsdcn 1892 aDd Canrbndee Spnngs 1904<br />

(+5=8 2) and fiIth pnze at Munich 1900 ln<br />

natch pl.y he drew with $uFi{Ar.'N in l89l<br />

(+5 5), .nd with Schh.hter in 1893 (=10) and<br />

1891 (+,1=3-4). and he deieared Albin in 1901<br />

(+4=4 2).<br />

Nlarco was a nan oI considcrablc starurc and<br />

llne nuscul.r .mclrancc . . . jokingl,called "the<br />

strongcst chcs$tlayer in tbe worll . always<br />

bubbling over sith fun and cracking jok.s wilh any<br />

3nd7ll,hurh€w,sserionsbothinhiseffortslo<br />

secure better reslrds lor prole$ional playeB and<br />

in his lil.ra,y Nork. IIe srole Nnh humour and<br />

stylc, and h chieflI renenbered lor hisruthoritarive<br />

annotadons in rhe ivie,./ Schdchzeitung,<br />

which he edited jonrll], in 1898 and 1899 and tben<br />

solely until 1916, and lor his <strong>to</strong>umament booksi<br />

Vienna 1903. Ostend 19tr6. Cirlsbad 1907 (in<br />

collaboradon silh Schlechlcr). Vicnra 1908, a.d<br />

MARIDNBAD VARIATION, 216. a lorm oI thc<br />

DErEN.r introduced <strong>by</strong> NrMzo<br />

wns.H in a match againn BRTN.KMANN in L92l and<br />

played <strong>by</strong> hin ag.inst RUurNsr.rN at Maricnbad<br />

19251 233 in th. sor-rA"" DEtsLN.t. played in the<br />

gamc Spielmann Saniscb in the sane eve.l.<br />

IIARIOTTL SERGIO (1946 ), Ilalian player<br />

Iror Florencc. nalional ch<strong>amp</strong>ion in 1969 and<br />

1971. Hc playcd in two Olynpiads. 1972 ind 1974.<br />

scoring +6=7 2 and +12=.1 3 rcspcctivcly.<br />

therebt be@oing rhe lint ItaliaD <strong>to</strong> eain rhe title ol<br />

lnrernational Gra.dmasier (1974) Ilis ben resull<br />

in <strong>to</strong>ur.amcnl play was at Venice 1971 rben he<br />

rook secoDd prize (+6=3 2) alier lRowN! ind<br />

,herd dI HoRr Ai Manila nr onc ol lhc tso<br />

MAR6CZY 2ll:]<br />

inierzoDal rournamcrts ol 1976 M,riotri sh.red<br />

lenth place. He plays cnterprhinCly. has a flan for<br />

tacics. dd enjoys lwo-ed8ed positions. oien<br />

using old openings such is the EvANs cAMBrr and<br />


Itr{&IANOVIC, SLAVOLJUB (195! ),<br />

Yugosl.v phyer, lnternntional Grandmaster<br />

(1918). Hc a.hicvcd r{o cxcctlcnt <strong>to</strong>un,anent<br />

results in 1979: a wnr (+8:5) lso poinls ahcadol<br />

the lield al Belgr de. andnithplace (+6=6 3) at<br />

Bled Porroroz, a c.legoi! 12 event.<br />

MARoczY (pron. Marotzy). GEz{ (1870<br />

1951), Hnngaria. plaler, lntcrn,tio.!l Granddas<br />

tcr (1950). Altcr LAS(ER, then world ch<strong>amp</strong>ion.<br />

Mar6czy was lhe nosl successlul playerin the firn<br />

iewyearsoithe20lhce.lury. Helearned<strong>chess</strong> is a<br />

yotrth whilc studyine nr Zurich. Hc Non thc<br />

amatcur ch<strong>amp</strong>ionshif at Hastings 1895. delcatcd<br />

.u^RousE( (+6=6 2) later rhar ye. and<br />

achieved a grandnasler perfornance in his firsl<br />

bajor <strong>to</strong>urnadenr qhen he c.ne second<br />

(+E=9-l) aicr l-askcr ahcad ol rARRAsdr and<br />

ltLsBUr! at Nuremberg 1896 Dunng lhe nexl<br />

three years Ma16czy chadged his enploynent lron<br />

xal.Norks engineer <strong>to</strong> marh.nalics reacher. and<br />

had inditlcrcnt rcsults in two <strong>to</strong>urnamcnts.<br />

From 1899 <strong>to</strong> 1908 he competed in 15 rournanenls,<br />

o.lyonce comine lowerthan thnd. His besr<br />

rcsults in th.lisr part olfin period sere: London<br />

1899. sc.ond (+12=10-4) cqual with iANows(<br />

and Pilisbury alter Laskeri Pa 1900. thnd<br />

(+11=2 3 addfourdrawsnorcounted)equalwith<br />

MARSHALL aftcr Laskcr ard Pilisburvi Muni.h<br />

1900. Iirst (+10=4 1) equal wirh Piusbury and<br />

scErEcErER but placed lhird aier a play-olf<br />

(gainins a prize, however, lbi baving won rhe<br />

grcatestflunnnrof ga,ncs)I Montc Carlo l9(]2- li{t<br />

tlrxnor & l!t6 lir! tl iffitn'!:-.t'ii<br />

' r0l3 le$ir 1,6al1itg.$t"&rnc<br />

3i9*n_ teler $3ua$5-<br />

ll.lr*rout6 ql6a<br />

Ai illndranon rroD rhe Melirdus MS...l350irqo kinss playi.s chc* arc inrcmpled <strong>by</strong> thc a !doI. m.$cngcr

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