chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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rhe KNG s c MBr A@epted. a risky defe.ce fisr<br />

LOPEZ oPENtric, 351, anolhcr name for the<br />

LORD YARIAaION, 536 in rh<br />

later revived as the 4NHAM vARIAlloN. Il was<br />

introdued <strong>by</strong> lhe English ptaye. John Inrd in rbe<br />

1860s.<br />

LO.SE A MOVE, an inexact term usualy meadng<br />

<strong>to</strong> lose a ienpo (below) but sometimes neaning <strong>to</strong><br />

an inmrect usage. BIRD in his<br />

<strong>Chess</strong> Hit<strong>to</strong>lt @d Remiti-rce@$ tells the follow<br />

ing lale of l9lh-centuryganesmanshiP. llNwrz,<br />

not quite so small6cuNsDERG, seened sinldng <strong>to</strong><br />

the ground, but lhe s<strong>to</strong>ry th.t he oncc disappea.ed<br />

oveiawed <strong>by</strong> srAlMoN's style and manner oI<br />

movingi and was, aller a search, fomd mder the<br />

iable, is a mere can.rd of Stsmlon's *hich need<br />

tut be 1oo conide.tly a@epted, Staun<strong>to</strong>n<br />

prelended som€rimes nol ro \cc HarruiE. anJ<br />

would h,ok r.und tic room and even under Ihe<br />

chairs for hin vhen he vas silting a1 his clboN,<br />

which greatly mnoyed HaNitz, wno . . . *6 nol<br />

slow <strong>to</strong> .eraliate. In a game one day, Suunlon<br />

natenaly danased his prospects . . . and leslily<br />

complained'lhavelosramove." Harruitzloldthe<br />

waitcr lo s<strong>to</strong>p his pork, and earch ihe roon for<br />

Slann<strong>to</strong>nt lost mo!e, and his manner of saying it<br />

caused adegreeof mcrriment<strong>by</strong>noneanspleasing<br />

<strong>to</strong> the Engljsh chanpion.<br />

LOSE A TDMPO, 10 play in n moles what @uld<br />

have been ac@mplished in n I moves. Throughout<br />

the game a player almost always endeavou$ <strong>to</strong><br />

gain time md i loss of onc or more iedPi is usually<br />

disadlantageou, btrt exceprions are not unusual.<br />

Forex<strong>amp</strong>le, alter 1d4 d5 2c4c6 3NBNl6 4e3<br />

e6 5 Nbd2NbdT 6Bd3d Blact hasasaiisfac<strong>to</strong>ry<br />

position altholgh the advance oI his pawo 10 d hs<br />

taken iwo 6oves i.stead of ode. Losing a <strong>to</strong>npo<br />

may happen at my stagd of the game and should<br />

nol be @nlused with losing lhe nde, m odgane<br />

mancuwe in which a player inEnliona,ly loss<br />

LO.SE ON IIMD, <strong>to</strong> lose lhe gme because thc<br />

stipdated nlmber of moves has not been compleled<br />

Iithin the allotred dme.<br />

LOSE IEE DXCEANGE, <strong>to</strong> lose a iook for a<br />

MNoR pEcE. Sonetimes a player sacrifices the<br />

exchange <strong>to</strong> gain positional advanlage. (See ou<br />

rc$ ror rwo exanPles.) oaasionaly a playe.<br />

rercyeE lost grcund after losine lhe exchango ad<br />

decides he has sac.fied the exchange.<br />

I-OSE TflD MOVE, <strong>to</strong> play as <strong>to</strong>uows: a player<br />

whose turn ir is <strong>to</strong> move mancuvres so that it shall<br />

be his opponenas turn io move in an identic.l or<br />

LOVEDAY ]93<br />

similar position, lhus placiog hin in zuczw^Nc or<br />

subjecring hin 10 a souEEzE. LosinS the nove,<br />

uually a mancuue that oeus only if, the<br />

endgame, nay be achieved <strong>by</strong> moving the king<br />

(rxNGUuroN), a oawn (a rmo'MovE), or a<br />

line piece (a wAmNG Mo!E).<br />

LOSgn\iSKY, LEV ILYICH (19iH6), Soviet<br />

high school teacnc r widely regarded as th e greatest<br />

of all problem conpose$. In 1956 he was elected<br />

Intcrrarional Judge ol <strong>Chess</strong> Conposiiions, and<br />

when in 1972 the title ol I.termtional Grandndter<br />

lor <strong>Chess</strong> Conpositio.s w.s inlroduced, he was<br />

one of o.lv four <strong>to</strong> re@ive it. Winner oi an<br />

exeprionanl ldge number of <strong>to</strong>mey awardr, nc<br />

is specially famous lor his ortnodox UREE<br />

MovERS. He won the rhree-nover secliotr of the<br />

first ni.e USSR conposins chmpionships, which<br />

<strong>to</strong>ok place lrom 1945 ro 1968: he won thc semnd<br />

0947 8), third (1949 52), Iourth (1953 5), and<br />

sirth (1959-61) UssR No MovrR ch<strong>amp</strong>ionshiPsi<br />

and h€ *on the eighlh (19614) MoE MovER<br />

chanpio.ship. Wbat he did', wites MmEws,<br />

'was <strong>to</strong> do lery much belter and carry very much<br />

lurther rhings that were being done <strong>to</strong> sme exreol<br />

already. <strong>The</strong> result was a standard of codposinon<br />

never previously attained.' (see BNrEr BLoc(.)<br />

Vladimirov. Koftnan, and UmnDvj Grasrnen e/<br />

shakhnattui Konposinii 1t980) contains a biography<br />

of Loshinsky and Bore than 500 of his<br />

LOSING CIIESS, an urorthodox gam€. Both<br />

playen mNt capture if they can but if nore lhatr<br />

one capture is possible they nay exercise choi@,<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is neither check nor checlmate. *ings may<br />

be captured and nay be noved inlo check. A pawtr<br />

may be p.omoted ro a king. A player wins when he<br />

h6 lost all his oen, including his kitr8, or sheo he<br />

is unable <strong>to</strong> nove any of his nen.<br />

ln 1876 walte. Cmpbel devisd Take Mo' i.<br />

which capture is coEpnl$ry only il denandedi the<br />

objecr is rhe same as in losing ches.<br />

LOSS. According ro the hws a player loses iI he is<br />

checkmaled or il he resigns. In conpedtions he<br />

lGerirhe exceeds the rinelinii. arives nore than<br />

one hou. (or other srated period) la<strong>to</strong>r $an the<br />

rimc set for the sran of play. makes atr indecipher<br />

able or ilegal saled move. or refuses <strong>to</strong> conply<br />

wilh the laws a.d RUB as interpreted <strong>by</strong> lhe<br />

I-OST FOSIITON, a position tbai should he ,6t if<br />

played cor.ectly <strong>by</strong> botn conteslanls.<br />

LOUMA VARIATION, 248 in ihe s<strong>to</strong>lN DE<br />

rENcE, &ned afler the Czech player Josef Iruma<br />

0898 1955).<br />


origi.a<strong>to</strong>. oI the NDN rsEME. (see also PnoBLEM

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