chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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LtvlNG CHESS 189 Anong the many poels who have wd ctess imagery are Dante. Skelton,, Donne, Abrahm Cowley, Pope, Cowper, Byron, Keils, Temyson, Bropning, Yea1s, Maseneld. T. S. Eliot. and Graves. Ho Chi Minh, in the interual between being a London chef and the Vier Cong leader. wrcte a chess poem which inclndes lhe line 'At iimes a pawn leads all to viclory'. Moden poens @ntred on che$ include: Ezra Pound. Tne Gamc of Chc$' (1915), Madimn Mayakovsky, 'NagMhka na Maknshku' (1928), L.un Ma.- Neie, 'cbess (c.1938), Paricia Beer, Check mate' (1959), Elizabeth Jenninss, 'A Game Dr Ches'(1961). A poem by the A.sentitrian Ltris Bo.ges translated 6 'Chesi (1%8) begrns: h ten senous 6rter, the playem nove rhc Sradud pi(es. The boaid dcrains lhem nntil da*n in its h,rd mmpas, rhe hahd or rso colours. Allred de Mussct. told rhar nate witb two knights was impossible, @nposed this prcblem. published in Za Rlge,.", 1449. +3 Whire mares i. thee beainnina 1 Rd7 Nxd? 2 Nc6. There are many anthologies oi chess quotations fron literaturc. the bestkno{nolthem by eNs. Andrcw walerman's flr. Poerly o/ cnds (1981) excludes prose quotations. LITERATURE OF CEE!iS. The trords chess literalure", by the way, are applied to ihose text-books reproducing openings and ganes in notation, which look, Ior .ll the *orld, like lists ot rhe numbers oi nolor cas and which coovcy absolutely nolhing to thc uninitiared' wrote a tdiewet io the Florcnce bdli,n Gozene. 1912, aa.J n n rue thdt tew chess books have literary distindion. In his Hritor] ol CraJ (1913) MURRAT expres*d a held opitrion. 'The game possesses a literarure which in content Prob.bly exceeds that of all other games @mbined. He esrimated lbe rotal number of books, magannes, and ne$paper olunns to be.bout 5,0U1al lhat rime. ln 1949 B. H. wood suggesled in the lu rute.l t,ond.n Ne$ column. which he efited, that the bral .umber tras about 20,0011. Sincc tho. ih€re has been a steady i.crease ye by yed of the nunber of .ew chess publications. No one knows how many have been pri.tedi thcre is no @nplete lisr atrd it rhere wcrc the qrcslion of defnition would need to be resolyed. The largest single list is lhe J. G- *HrE catalogue. bul ot its 12,U10 cards nore than 6tro are various edilions oI Omar Klayydn. ls this one chess book, 6110, or The lisl che$ books lo be published were vesions of cEssoEt norality; but the fi6r practic al chess books ol the mod.rn gsme Nere by LUCENA and qcEM in the 1490s followed by D MNo (1512) a.d Ruy L6pu (1561). Today lhere is prcbably an average oI orc new chess boot daily. Edniotu ot the early books had betveen 50 ed 300 oues. abour one bundrtdth Df an avera8e nsue loiay; e(eprionaly Lso or three hudred thoNand copies hale beetr pnnbd. The ldgest calegory, the nost amerous beause addressed io lhe widest public, consisls ot primeB. l0 sme lhe authoro know neilher lhe ruleqnorhow to play and insome rheaulhou(nnw the gme wel but are nnable to connuni.ate vith $eak player

190 LJUBOJEVI. Livnrg che$: . ganc plalcd on London\ Soud nank duins the Fe ival orBrirain,1951, bds.e! Roisolimo and bis queen, the loser invned hcr to dinner: ex UUBOJEVIC (proi. Lioobo-yevich), L,UBO MIR (19s0 ), Inte.narional Grandmaster (1971), the leading Yugosiav player lron 1974. and oilen lnong ihe world\ besl dozen subsequently: he was ranked third aller GRhv and trPNov in 1983. His early lonrnament achievements include a liBt place (+7=8) equal with paNNo ahcadolrcRTso and LARSEN al Prloa de r9?r andase.ondpracc (+9=5 1) after LaBen at Manila 1973. Playing in his nrst Olympiad. Skopie 1972, Liuboievia nade the besi thnd-board*ore(+13=5-l) In May l974heNas severely injured in a ca. accident and during convalescence he reappr ned his slyle. Subsequcntly he achieved more onsistent results, amone ihem several excell.nt tournamcni lictories: Las Palnas 1975 (+8-6) ahead ofr^LiMa.ila 1975 (+,1:6) ahe.d ol poLUGAyEvsc and Laseni Wijk aan Z. e 1976(+5=5- 1)ab.adofTal;Titovo Uace 1978 (+8:4 1)i seo Paulo 19?9 (+?:6) equal with (oRGNoI; Buenos Anes 1979 (+8=5) equalwith Korchnoia and Brasilia 1981 (+5=5). In a cate8ory 13 iou.nament Buenos Ancs 1980 hc came third (+4=8 1) after Larsen and N ^N ahead ol Karpov. an.l in a caleAory 14 tournament Bugojno 1982 he cane second (+3=10) equal wilh Polugayelsky atrer Kdplro! ahead of nijBNER. spAssky, Lasen. pErRosyAN, and Timman. Ljubojevia plays the opening in onginal and somerines hazardous lashion bur withgreat 1ac1i caL still. a slyle that is intcrcsting althougb it may -havc conrributed to hh uneven results. He .onverses,rapidlyandfo.cefully.inseverallanguages. I-ruborevi. AideB\on wljk M. z* 1176 sicilia. 1e4c5 2Nl3e6 3d4.xd,l 4Nxd1Nc6 5NclQc? 6 Be2a6 70-nNf6 3Be3Be7 9ftd6 10Qel0-0 1l QBI Bd7 12 e5 dxe5 ll lxe5 Nxe5 14 Bl4 Bd6 15 Radl Qb3 16 Rd3 Nc3 17 Nc4 8.7 13 Rc3 N.6 19 Bxc? Nxdl 20 Bdl Qa7

LtvlNG CHESS 189<br />

Anong the many poels who have wd ctess<br />

imagery are Dante. Skel<strong>to</strong>n,, Donne,<br />

Abrahm Cowley, Pope, Cowper, Byron, Keils,<br />

Temyson, Bropning, Yea1s, Maseneld. T. S.<br />

Eliot. and Graves. Ho Chi Minh, in the interual<br />

between being a London chef and the Vier Cong<br />

leader. wrcte a <strong>chess</strong> poem which inclndes lhe line<br />

'At iimes a pawn leads all <strong>to</strong> viclory'. Moden<br />

poens @ntred on che$ include: Ezra Pound. Tne<br />

Gamc of Chc$' (1915), Madimn Mayakovsky,<br />

'NagMhka na Maknshku' (1928), L.un Ma.-<br />

Neie, 'cbess (c.1938), Paricia Beer, Check<br />

mate' (1959), Elizabeth Jenninss, 'A Game Dr<br />

Ches'(1961). A poem <strong>by</strong> the A.sentitrian<br />

Ltris Bo.ges translated 6 'Chesi (1%8) begrns:<br />

h ten senous 6rter, the playem<br />

nove rhc Sradud pi(es. <strong>The</strong> boaid<br />

dcrains lhem nntil da*n in its h,rd<br />

mmpas, rhe hahd or rso colours.<br />

Allred de Mussct. <strong>to</strong>ld rhar nate witb two<br />

knights was impossible, @nposed this prcblem.<br />

published in Za Rlge,.", 1449.<br />

+3<br />

Whire mares i. thee beainnina 1 Rd7 Nxd? 2<br />

Nc6.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are many anthologies oi <strong>chess</strong> quotations<br />

fron literaturc. the bestkno{nolthem <strong>by</strong> eNs.<br />

Andrcw walerman's flr. Poerly o/ cnds (1981)<br />

excludes prose quotations.<br />

LITERATURE OF CEE!iS. <strong>The</strong> trords <strong>chess</strong><br />

literalure", <strong>by</strong> the way, are applied <strong>to</strong> ihose<br />

text-books reproducing openings and ganes in<br />

notation, which look, Ior .ll the *orld, like lists ot<br />

rhe numbers oi nolor cas and which coovcy<br />

absolutely nolhing <strong>to</strong> thc uninitiared' wrote a<br />

tdiewet io the Florcnce bdli,n Gozene. 1912, aa.J<br />

n n rue thdt tew <strong>chess</strong> books have literary<br />

distindion. In his Hri<strong>to</strong>r] ol CraJ (1913) MURRAT<br />

expres*d a held opitrion. '<strong>The</strong> game<br />

possesses a literarure which in content Prob.bly<br />

exceeds that of all other games @mbined. He<br />

esrimated lbe rotal number of books, magannes,<br />

and ne$paper olunns <strong>to</strong> be.bout 5,0U1al lhat<br />

rime. ln 1949 B. H. wood suggesled in the<br />

lu rute.l t,ond.n Ne$ column. which he<br />

efited, that the bral .umber tras about 20,0011.<br />

Sincc tho. ih€re has been a steady i.crease ye <strong>by</strong><br />

yed of the nunber of .ew <strong>chess</strong> publications. No<br />

one knows how many have been pri.tedi thcre is<br />

no @nplete lisr atrd it rhere wcrc the qrcslion of<br />

defnition would need <strong>to</strong> be resolyed. <strong>The</strong> largest<br />

single list is lhe J. G- *HrE catalogue. bul ot its<br />

12,U10 cards nore than 6tro are various edilions oI<br />

Omar Klayydn. ls this one <strong>chess</strong> book, 6110, or<br />

<strong>The</strong> lisl che$ books lo be published were<br />

vesions of cEssoEt norality; but the fi6r practic<br />

al <strong>chess</strong> books ol the mod.rn gsme Nere <strong>by</strong> LUCENA<br />

and qcEM in the 1490s followed <strong>by</strong> D MNo<br />

(1512) a.d Ruy L6pu (1561). Today lhere is<br />

prcbably an average oI orc new <strong>chess</strong> boot daily.<br />

Edniotu ot the early books had betveen 50 ed 300<br />

oues. abour one bundrtdth Df an avera8e nsue<br />

loiay; e(eprionaly Lso or three hudred<br />

thoNand copies hale beetr pnnbd.<br />

<strong>The</strong> ldgest calegory, the nost amerous<br />

beause addressed io lhe widest public, consisls ot<br />

primeB. l0 sme lhe authoro know neilher lhe<br />

ruleqnorhow <strong>to</strong> play and insome rheaulhou(nnw<br />

the gme wel but are nnable <strong>to</strong> connuni.ate vith<br />

$eak player

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