chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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neilhersoonernorlate.. Tlereare noomcialrulesbul<br />

organizeB usually declare a game drawn il a<br />

daycr cxceeds the lime linil when his opponent<br />

hasinsuricienr marinsforce (c.c. aBARInNc). An<br />

e arly reterene lo liebt.ing <strong>chess</strong> was in 1897. wh en<br />

a l-ondon che$ club organized a rournamenl in<br />

which llayc6 vcre alloived 30 se@nds a nove.<br />

Subscqncnlly a period olten seconds becane more<br />

nsnal. <strong>The</strong> word bliiz (Cerman for liehhing).<br />

sonelimes used. should nol be confused with<br />

bitzkneg, an unorlhodoxgane. Once believed lo<br />

be conducive 10 bad play, lightning <strong>chess</strong> has<br />

bc.omc part of tnc trainingof ,nastcrs. developing<br />

their ability <strong>to</strong> make quick judgemenis aod<br />

decisions. Fa( games are otten marked <strong>by</strong> sh rp<br />

tactical play as in the following cx<strong>amp</strong>lc from a<br />

lighhing cvcnt. rAr. had <strong>to</strong> evaluale his combination<br />

pre.isely dcspite rime-pressur€.<br />

Tal I Ney trSSR,1953<br />

acrNc6 5 NBQb6 6Bdr da<br />

7qd4Bd7 30-0Nxd4 9Nxd4 Qxd4 10 N.3 Qrcs 1l<br />

Rel Qd6 lzNt'5Qb3 llQaBd6 14Qxd5Bxh2+ r5<br />

Khr Bc6 16Os5Nf6 17l,lh6 13Qxs7Rgs 19R\e6+<br />

txc6 20 ne6+ Kd3 21Qir6+ Rlack resiens.<br />


(l9ll ), Inlemalional crandnaster (1950).<br />

Born in Mos@w ot Hungarian parents. he $as<br />

liken lo Ilungary at thc age oI two. In lhe eady<br />

1930s he made lour notable <strong>to</strong>uname.t achieve<br />

ments: Bad Sluben (Stubnanske Teplicc) 1930,<br />

66r (+8=2-2) ahcad of prRc and noER: Hastinss<br />

1933-4, second (+5:3 l) eqnal wilh ALEGTNE<br />

after Flohri Hunganan Chanpionship, l9l4.list<br />

equal sith Pal R€1hy (1902i2); a.d Budapest<br />

1934, 6rst (+7:8) ahead ol Flohr. Playing for<br />

Hungary id three Olympiads, 1931, 1915, add<br />

1937. hc made the best seco.d-board score<br />

(+11:8) on thc sccond occasion. In 1935 hc<br />

emigraled lo the Soviet Union, where he bok a<br />

posl as lrainer <strong>to</strong> the rradesunions, a.d laler thar<br />

year he playcd three Balches, drawing sith<br />

AlAroRrsrv (+4=4 4) dcfcalins BELAVENETS<br />

(+3:s) and yuoovrcn (+1=1). rn 1937 he de<br />

feated LBTNTN (+2=3-l)i in 1938, ptaying n,rt<br />

.?u.o /s. he .amc 66t in the RSFSR (Russian<br />

Federation) Ch<strong>amp</strong>ionship. In 1939 he became a<br />

Soviel citizen. Subsequendy hc madc seleral good<br />

results in <strong>to</strong>urnametrr play: Lenins.ad-Mos@v<br />

1939. ihnd cqual Nilh LEVENESE after Flonr and<br />

REssEvsoi USSR Cn<strong>amp</strong>ionship 1939 -10. firsl<br />

(+8=i1) equal with loNDAREvsru aneadol(mEs<br />

a.d BNTNNT(i Moscow 1942, thnd (+9=3-3)<br />

equal with rcrcv aftcr sMysrcv and Bondarevskyi<br />

Ba(u 1944,661(+6=4-l)i and Parnu 1947, thi.d<br />

altcr (eres and (olov. Lilienthal's lasr importanr<br />

achievement was a shared thnd dace afte. AVERuaxs<br />

and lNYUkov, Moscow 1962. Shordy aiteF<br />

wards he withdrer lronnasre.playandin 1976 he<br />

went ba.k <strong>to</strong> Hunsary.<br />

Pn. L'lienihal wana- olynpiad 1935 Englnh Oper<br />

i.g, Four rrish* Vanation<br />

1c.le5 2Nc3Nf6 3NBNc6 4c3Bb4 5Q.20.0 6Ndi<br />

Bc7 7i3d6 3Be2Nxdl 9cxd5 NbB l0b4Nd7 11d4<br />

Nb6 12dxesdxe5 13Bb2Bd6 1,10-0 Oc7 15RIdl.i<br />

16 b5 a4 17 Q.3 Rc3 13e4 Bg4 19 Rel Nd7 20 Ndl<br />

Bxc2 2l Rxe2 Nc5 22 Rfl Od7 23 M *b6 24 Nc.l Oc7<br />

xtun6 26Nxd6Oxd6 2?tre5t:c5 23Rt5Nd7 29Rcl)<br />

RJ8 30RiA+ RilS 3l Rxf3+ QrfS 32 gr Qc5+ 3l<br />

Kg2 Qb5 l1Kfl h6 :15 Ke3 Kh7 16 Kd2 Ot1 37 Od3<br />

Ohl r3 Qe2 Qbr re Ke3<br />

m<br />

't&<br />

n<br />

G1<br />

B<br />

39 .. b5 40 Qxb5 Nc5 (Thc Lnighr n indncc.ly gu.rded<br />

<strong>by</strong> rhe rhrcar oI a sruwER.) al Ocab5! a2 axb5 Qxea+<br />

a3 Kd2 Oxd5+ aa Kc3 Qda+ 45 Kc2 Of2+ 46Kb1<br />

Ql5+ 47KrO.2 43OMNc4 19Qc1Nd2 50Qcl<br />

Qb3+ 5l KalNc4 52Od Orb2+ 53 Qxb2Nxb2 54<br />

Kxlr2 Kg6 whire resigns.<br />

LINDI], ANTONIUS VAN DER 083}97).<br />

Dutch <strong>chess</strong> hGbnan. born Anronie van der<br />

t-inde.. A theologiao andptilosopher (his doc<strong>to</strong>r<br />

al ihesis was on Spinoza), he possessed great<br />

energy lor research, a penetraling mind. and an<br />

acidpen.In l8T0bepublished his demolilion ol lhe<br />

popularlegend rhal the lather ol prinling ras no1<br />

-Gntcnbcrg but L. J. Costcr who. like van der<br />

Linde, Nas bo.. in Haadem. As a consequence he<br />

became the unpopular participant in a lilerary var,<br />

and Nhen the real war broke oul the FDnco<br />

Prussian. hc fonnd himsclfcvcn norc a<strong>to</strong>ddswith<br />

the niddle and upper classes, whose sympathies<br />

were Nilh France. He went <strong>to</strong> Berlin in 1871and<br />

livcd in Gcrmany for thc resl ofhis days.<br />

llis Geschicht und Linenrut dd Schacn\piel\<br />

(Berrin, 1874, t*a \nts.), Quettenstudien zul<br />

Cekhi.hte des S.na.rrp,e[ (Berlin, 1881), and<br />

Dd\ e^te la ausehd d.r kha.hlilterutl. (B.rlin,<br />

1881) are sumciently nnpo.lani <strong>to</strong> have been<br />

rep.inted a cenrury laler (1979, 1968, and 1978).<br />

'Ihe mosl valublc of hk olhcr chcss boots are D.<br />

schaakpattiien von Giaachina G/e.o (Nijnesen,<br />

1865) and D6 ltla.*rpiel ler xvt Jah undets<br />

(Bcrlii.1874).<br />

Va. der Linde was the fi.st <strong>chess</strong> his<strong>to</strong>rian <strong>to</strong><br />

clear the nylhs about the ongin ot ches d <strong>to</strong><br />

establish the game s early his<strong>to</strong>ry. He had followed<br />

Dnncan FoRBEs nntil bc discovc.ed thal Forbes had<br />

labricaled evidence <strong>to</strong> support his own theories:

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