chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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LDWIS COUNmR-GAMBIT, 335, an aggressive deferce to the rsuDoR v.MroN of the BrsHoP's opENNc, launched by LEws in 1834 wirh 21 Pages of analr5h. AlthooSh probably sound it wa nol much played, for olher add simpler defences h..,me,v.ilable arou lhis time. I BTJRT,ON. VI,ADIMIR MI(HAILOVICH (1937 ), soviet-bom player, tnremtional Grandmaster (1%5). He played in live USSR championships fion 1960 to 1970 naKng his besr resu,t. a fonrth ptace, in 1968. His toumaoent a.hievements around this time inctude a fourth pla@(+4=8 1) atYerevan 1964, as@reoI+7:8 to share fBt p.ize wirh uslGNN at Zinnowitz 1967. and a *6nd piace (+5=10) after rcRrscH ahead of lAsnEov and srDrN at Ansterdan 1969. In 1973 he emierated to israeli there he won the national championship 19H, playfd for his adopted country tu sevelal Olympiads from 1974, and shared tust prize at Beesheba 1976 and Natdya 197. He also won n6r prne ( +7=5 - I ) at venice 1974 and twice came Iisl in swiss system toumameals at Lone Pine, California, an ournght win in 1975, a shared *in in 1979. sicilian Defen@. lc4d 2NBe6 rd4cxd4 4N 4N.6 5Nh5d6 6c4 s 0.0h6 l0 Br4 Bb7 11Re1 Rca D BIl Nc5 13Nd2Nrd7 llBg3 LICHINING CHESS 185 higgcst and fi.esl in private hands. vith more lhan LIBURKN, MARK SAVEL\EVICH ( 1910 53), Soviet study composer, accounhnl- He shded with oRol(ov the second USSR Study Composing championship (1947 8) and won the third (1949 52) ourighl. His studics were original and of a high %w. % w.iw. A study by Libukio that won *cond prize in the Shoknnatu! rotmey l93l- lnspired by tbe su vEDu study, Libdkin creates a task record for conorent promotions to root and bishop. while be8ias1Nc1, andnoP 1... R\b5 2c7Rd5+ l Ndl RxdS+ 4k2Rd4 5c8=RRa4 6Kb3,orl .. Rd5+ 2KCRC5+ 3 K.L3 Rxb5 4c7Rb8 5 db8=B (no15 qb8=R or O sralemate). Boumeester and Spinhovcn, D. Schaoklgutua (1976) contains 2?8 studies, 83 ol them by Libukin; R. M. Kolnan, .I2bla4rte Eryudy S. KmindaiM. Libul&'d(1981) includes LICHTENTIEIN COUNTDRATTACK, 570, the 10 the KNc's cAMBrr AccePted, naned afler the Cernm-Anencan Player Theodor Lichtenhei. (1829 74). la. S5 r5Rclat IbRKhs lTarzRs* 13LlRg7 19 h. h5 ra3Oq3 2tRelQhT,Ne:R(S3 2lR(l Rsb 24 f4 erl{ :5N!ERnd 20RglR\31 27Biglh4 2RBnBie4 19c5&.5 30bx.5Brcs ll B\c5b\5 12 Nc4 Ql5 33 Od2 R!6 34Nie5 Nxe5 35Q'13+Xg7 36 g3 Nl3+ 37 RxR BrB 38 Bd3 Oe5 Whi.c resiens LI}RARIES. Three oDtstanding colleclions exisr in libraries open ro tne public. The J. G. wlm ollection in Cleveland, Ohio. isthe largesi in the vorld. In rhe Royal Library at Tte HagE ihe van der LrNDr-MEMEIER colledion is based on the chcs libranes of lhe two men whose name it bcas. and rh€ Aaderso. CnessCoucdio. i. Melboune. Australia. also lakes the name oI its benelacior, Masnus Mdor Andenon (1884 1966). The ches library of Grandnaster Lothar scoMrD is the LICII'ITNIIEIN ITEFENCD, 548 in the PmRoFts DEF.NCE, played in the game Morphy-Lichtenhein, New Yort 185?. LIGHT BISEOP, a bishop that is ooved on lignt LIGITTNTNG CIiESS. or rapid lransit ches, games played nuch more quicklythanthe nomal time limit alows. The term generally neans ganes for which tnere is a 6xed dde linit foreach mo!e. but is somelimes also used 10 dcscribe rrvE M'NUrE .H6s. When each movc h timed an electonic tiner is often used lo cnsure precGion, and a Player must move immediatelv he hears lhe sisflal,

I86 LILIENTHAL neilhersoonernorlate.. Tlereare noomcialrulesbul organizeB usually declare a game drawn il a daycr cxceeds the lime linil when his opponent hasinsuricienr marinsforce (c.c. aBARInNc). An e arly reterene lo chess was in 1897. wh en a l-ondon che$ club organized a rournamenl in which llayc6 vcre alloived 30 se@nds a nove. Subscqncnlly a period olten seconds becane more nsnal. The word bliiz (Cerman for liehhing). sonelimes used. should nol be confused with bitzkneg, an unorlhodoxgane. Once believed lo be conducive 10 bad play, lightning chess has bc.omc part of tnc trainingof ,nastcrs. developing their ability to make quick judgemenis aod decisions. Fa( games are otten marked by sh rp tactical play as in the following cxamplc from a lighhing cvcnt. rAr. had to evaluale his combination pre.isely dcspite rime-pressur€. Tal I Ney trSSR,1953 acrNc6 5 NBQb6 6Bdr da 7qd4Bd7 30-0Nxd4 9Nxd4 Qxd4 10 N.3 Qrcs 1l Rel Qd6 lzNt'5Qb3 llQaBd6 14Qxd5Bxh2+ r5 Khr Bc6 16Os5Nf6 17l,lh6 13Qxs7Rgs 19R\e6+ txc6 20 ne6+ Kd3 21Qir6+ Rlack resiens. T,ILTDNTEAL, ANDREI ARNOLDOVICH (l9ll ), Inlemalional crandnaster (1950). Born in Mos@w ot Hungarian parents. he $as liken lo Ilungary at thc age oI two. In lhe eady 1930s he made lour notable touname.t achieve ments: Bad Sluben (Stubnanske Teplicc) 1930, 66r (+8=2-2) ahcad of prRc and noER: Hastinss 1933-4, second (+5:3 l) eqnal wilh ALEGTNE after Flohri Hunganan Chanpionship, l9l4.list equal sith Pal R€1hy (1902i2); a.d Budapest 1934, 6rst (+7:8) ahead ol Flohr. Playing for Hungary id three Olympiads, 1931, 1915, add 1937. hc made the best seco.d-board score (+11:8) on thc sccond occasion. In 1935 hc emigraled lo the Soviet Union, where he bok a posl as lrainer to the rradesunions, a.d laler thar year he playcd three Balches, drawing sith AlAroRrsrv (+4=4 4) dcfcalins BELAVENETS (+3:s) and yuoovrcn (+1=1). rn 1937 he de feated LBTNTN (+2=3-l)i in 1938, ptaying n,rt .?u.o /s. he .amc 66t in the RSFSR (Russian Federation) Championship. In 1939 he became a Soviel citizen. Subsequendy hc madc seleral good results in tournametrr play: 1939. ihnd cqual Nilh LEVENESE after Flonr and REssEvsoi USSR Cnampionship 1939 -10. firsl (+8=i1) equal with loNDAREvsru aneadol(mEs a.d BNTNNT(i Moscow 1942, thnd (+9=3-3) equal with rcrcv aftcr sMysrcv and Bondarevskyi Ba(u 1944,661(+6=4-l)i and Parnu 1947, thi.d altcr (eres and (olov. Lilienthal's lasr importanr achievement was a shared thnd dace afte. AVERuaxs and lNYUkov, Moscow 1962. Shordy aiteF wards he withdrer lronnasre.playandin 1976 he went ba.k to Hunsary. Pn. L'lienihal wana- olynpiad 1935 Englnh Oper i.g, Four rrish* Vanation 1c.le5 2Nc3Nf6 3NBNc6 4c3Bb4 5Q.20.0 6Ndi Bc7 7i3d6 3Be2Nxdl 9cxd5 NbB l0b4Nd7 11d4 Nb6 12dxesdxe5 13Bb2Bd6 1,10-0 Oc7 15RIdl.i 16 b5 a4 17 Q.3 Rc3 13e4 Bg4 19 Rel Nd7 20 Ndl Bxc2 2l Rxe2 Nc5 22 Rfl Od7 23 M *b6 24 Nc.l Oc7 xtun6 26Nxd6Oxd6 2?tre5t:c5 23Rt5Nd7 29Rcl) RJ8 30RiA+ RilS 3l Rxf3+ QrfS 32 gr Qc5+ 3l Kg2 Qb5 l1Kfl h6 :15 Ke3 Kh7 16 Kd2 Ot1 37 Od3 Ohl r3 Qe2 Qbr re Ke3 m 't& n G1 B 39 .. b5 40 Qxb5 Nc5 (Thc Lnighr n gu.rded by rhe rhrcar oI a sruwER.) al Ocab5! a2 axb5 Qxea+ a3 Kd2 Oxd5+ aa Kc3 Qda+ 45 Kc2 Of2+ 46Kb1 Ql5+ 47KrO.2 43OMNc4 19Qc1Nd2 50Qcl Qb3+ 5l KalNc4 52Od Orb2+ 53 Qxb2Nxb2 54 Kxlr2 Kg6 whire resigns. LINDI], ANTONIUS VAN DER 083}97). Dutch chess hGbnan. born Anronie van der t-inde.. A theologiao andptilosopher (his doctor al ihesis was on Spinoza), he possessed great energy lor research, a penetraling mind. and an acidpen.In l8T0bepublished his demolilion ol lhe popularlegend rhal the lather ol prinling ras no1 -Gntcnbcrg but L. J. Costcr who. like van der Linde, Nas bo.. in Haadem. As a consequence he became the unpopular participant in a lilerary var, and Nhen the real war broke oul the FDnco Prussian. hc fonnd himsclfcvcn norc atoddswith the niddle and upper classes, whose sympathies were Nilh France. He went to Berlin in 1871and livcd in Gcrmany for thc resl ofhis days. llis Geschicht und Linenrut dd Schacn\piel\ (Berrin, 1874, t*a \nts.), Quettenstudien zul Cekhi.hte des,e[ (Berlin, 1881), and Dd\ e^te la ausehd d.r kha.hlilterutl. (B.rlin, 1881) are sumciently nnpo.lani to have been rep.inted a cenrury laler (1979, 1968, and 1978). 'Ihe mosl valublc of hk olhcr chcss boots are D. schaakpattiien von Giaachina G/e.o (Nijnesen, 1865) and D6 ltla.*rpiel ler xvt Jah undets (Bcrlii.1874). Va. der Linde was the chess historian to clear the nylhs about the ongin ot ches d to establish the game s early history. He had followed Dnncan FoRBEs nntil bc discovc.ed thal Forbes had labricaled evidence to support his own theories:

LDWIS COUNmR-GAMBIT, 335, an aggressive<br />

deferce <strong>to</strong> the rsuDoR v.MroN of the BrsHoP's<br />

opENNc, launched <strong>by</strong> LEws in 1834 wirh 21 Pages<br />

of analr5h. AlthooSh probably sound it wa nol<br />

much played, for olher add simpler defences<br />

h..,me,v.ilable arou lhis time.<br />


(1937 ), soviet-bom player, tnremtional<br />

Grandmaster (1%5). He played in live USSR<br />

ch<strong>amp</strong>ionships fion 1960 <strong>to</strong> 1970 naKng his besr<br />

resu,t. a fonrth ptace, in 1968. His <strong>to</strong>umaoent<br />

a.hievements around this time inctude a fourth<br />

pla@(+4=8 1) atYerevan 1964, as@reoI+7:8<br />

<strong>to</strong> share fBt p.ize wirh uslGNN at Zinnowitz<br />

1967. and a *6nd piace (+5=10) after rcRrscH<br />

ahead of lAsnEov and srDrN at Ansterdan 1969.<br />

In 1973 he emierated <strong>to</strong> israeli there he won the<br />

national ch<strong>amp</strong>ionship 19H, playfd for his<br />

adopted country tu sevelal Olympiads from 1974,<br />

and shared tust prize at Beesheba 1976 and<br />

Natdya 197. He also won n6r prne ( +7=5 - I ) at<br />

venice 1974 and twice came Iisl in swiss<br />

system <strong>to</strong>umameals at Lone Pine, California, an<br />

ournght win in 1975, a shared *in in 1979.<br />

sicilian Defen@.<br />

lc4d 2NBe6 rd4cxd4 4N 4N.6 5Nh5d6 6c4<br />

s 0.0h6 l0 Br4 Bb7 11Re1<br />

Rca D BIl Nc5 13Nd2Nrd7 llBg3<br />


higgcst and fi.esl in private hands. vith more lhan<br />

LIBURKN, MARK SAVEL\EVICH ( 1910 53),<br />

Soviet study composer, accounhnl- He shded<br />

with oRol(ov the second USSR Study Composing<br />

ch<strong>amp</strong>ionship (1947 8) and won the third (1949<br />

52) ourighl. His studics were original and of a high<br />

%w.<br />

%<br />

w.iw.<br />

A study <strong>by</strong> Libukio that won *cond prize in the<br />

Shoknnatu! rotmey l93l- lnspired <strong>by</strong> tbe su<br />

vEDu study, Libdkin creates a task record for<br />

conorent promotions <strong>to</strong> root and bishop. while<br />

be8ias1Nc1, andnoP 1... R\b5 2c7Rd5+ l<br />

Ndl RxdS+ 4k2Rd4 5c8=RRa4 6Kb3,orl<br />

.. Rd5+ 2KCRC5+ 3 K.L3 Rxb5 4c7Rb8 5<br />

db8=B (no15 qb8=R or O sralemate).<br />

Boumeester and Spinhovcn, D.<br />

Schaoklgutua (1976) contains 2?8 studies, 83 ol<br />

them <strong>by</strong> Libukin; R. M. Kolnan, .I2bla4rte<br />

Eryudy S. KmindaiM. Libul&'d(1981) includes<br />


10 the KNc's cAMBrr AccePted,<br />

naned afler the Cernm-Anencan Player<br />

<strong>The</strong>odor Lichtenhei. (1829 74).<br />

la. S5 r5Rclat IbRKhs lTarzRs* 13LlRg7<br />

19 h. h5 ra3Oq3 2tRelQhT,Ne:R(S3 2lR(l<br />

Rsb 24 f4 erl{ :5N!ERnd 20RglR\31 27Biglh4<br />

2RBnBie4 19c5&.5 30bx.5Brcs ll B\c5b\5 12<br />

Nc4 Ql5 33 Od2 R!6 34Nie5 Nxe5 35Q'13+Xg7 36<br />

g3 Nl3+ 37 RxR BrB 38 Bd3 Oe5 Whi.c resiens<br />

LI}RARIES. Three oDtstanding colleclions exisr<br />

in libraries open ro tne public. <strong>The</strong> J. G. wlm<br />

ollection in Cleveland, Ohio. isthe largesi in the<br />

vorld. In rhe Royal Library at Tte HagE ihe van<br />

der LrNDr-MEMEIER colledion is based on the<br />

chcs libranes of lhe two men whose name it bcas.<br />

and rh€ Aaderso. CnessCoucdio. i. Melboune.<br />

Australia. also lakes the name oI its benelacior,<br />

Masnus Mdor Andenon (1884 1966). <strong>The</strong> ches<br />

library of Grandnaster Lothar scoMrD is the<br />

LICII'ITNIIEIN ITEFENCD, 548 in the PmRoFts<br />

DEF.NCE, played in the game Morphy-Lichtenhein,<br />

New Yort 185?.<br />

LIGHT BISEOP, a bishop that is ooved on lignt<br />

LIGITTNTNG CIiESS. or rapid lransit ches,<br />

games played nuch more quicklythanthe nomal<br />

time limit alows. <strong>The</strong> term generally neans ganes<br />

for which tnere is a 6xed dde linit foreach mo!e.<br />

but is somelimes also used 10 dcscribe rrvE M'NUrE<br />

.H6s. When each movc h timed an elec<strong>to</strong>nic<br />

tiner is often used lo cnsure precGion, and a Player<br />

must move immediatelv he hears lhe sisflal,

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