chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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184 LEWIS<br />

1821, .eceived odds oI paNn and move lrom<br />

nFs.HApFrr!-s,.d defealed him in ashort march<br />

(+1=2). Lewis had ahcady besun <strong>to</strong> srite and oi<br />

the mo.e usetul books he publisbed around this<br />

limewere translationsof GRlco andCaRRERAwhich<br />

appeared in 1819 and i822 rcspectively. Although<br />

be considered Sanatt\ ,4 ftcatis. on the Gane af<br />

Cn4s (1808) a poorly wrirten book, Lewis pub<br />

lished a second edition in 1822 in direct compctition<br />

wnh Sdrat\ last book. published in 1821 <strong>by</strong><br />

his idpoverished wjdo*. (In 1843 nany English<br />

nen @nlribuled <strong>to</strong> a tund for Mrs sarart in her old<br />

age, L€wis's nane is not on the slbscnption list.)<br />

In 1825 BoURDoNNAs visiled England. Lesis<br />

recalied rhal they playcd about ?0 games, and<br />

aeording 10 wALxER seve. of then constnuted a<br />

nalch which L.wh lost (+2 s). with no significant<br />

playing achievenents ro his credn L€wis<br />

acquired such a high reputatjon thal a correspondenr<br />

*ntin8 10 tbe weetly maeazine Bel s Lile in<br />

1838 ras moved 10 cau him GtuNDNm. Fron<br />

1825 hc pre*ned lhis reputation <strong>by</strong> the simplost<br />

means: he declined <strong>to</strong> Play on even terms. In the<br />

sane vear be opened a club vhe.e he save lessons<br />

ar hall a guinea each. M.DoNNET and Walter were<br />

mong his pupils. Speculating unvisely on a<br />

pi.no oating patent. L.wis $e.t banknpl in<br />

1827, and the club closed- After three precanous<br />

yean ol reaching ches (ncb pafions were bccomiDs<br />

fe*e, Lewis became actuary ol rhe Fanily<br />

Endormenl Sociely and enjoyed financial secunty<br />

<strong>to</strong>rthe rest Dfhh life. circumstances now nadc ir<br />

possible lor hin <strong>to</strong> @n@nlrate oo nis sriting and<br />

he published his two nosl important works: ,tenes<br />

ol P<strong>to</strong>qrcsiw L.so6lt83t) an

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