chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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elecdcal engineer. Ailhough he mmposes problcms<br />

hc is bctrer knownforhisstudies.forsbich he<br />

olten discoveB bold nce idcas rcqunine a complex<br />

slruct u re ol many pieces and pawn s. S uch compositions<br />

hale been caUed cbess skyscraper!. He<br />

shared rilh ,.rD.RxrN the second I,SSR \tldvcomposins<br />

ch<strong>amp</strong>ionship (l9a?-8) and won rie<br />

sevenrh (1962 .4)outrighr. Hepublhhcd 108ol his<br />

studies in lzbrannie E utli(t9s8). (see poiroNAl<br />


(1930- J. Inlonadonal Coriespondence <strong>chess</strong><br />

Grandmaster(1979).SoviclplaycrNho<strong>to</strong>okthird<br />

place afte. soH and z^coxovsKyin the sth world<br />

Crrespondence <strong>Chess</strong> Ch<strong>amp</strong>ionship, 1975 9.<br />

KOSIIa! BORIS (1887 i963), International<br />

Grandnaster (1950), a scrbian who was a<br />

proiessional playerlormosr oI his life. He learncd<br />

chcss at lhc ag. ol 16 and obrained practice ar<br />

Vienna and Budapest whilc hc was a sludent. An<br />

excellent tingunl, hebegantraveUing in lql0whcn<br />

he wcflt <strong>to</strong> livc in Colog.e where he defeated<br />

MiRss,{LL (+r=2) and r.roNlARDr (+3=1 1) in<br />

mitch play. Moving on <strong>to</strong> Sourh Amcrica in 1913<br />

and f<strong>to</strong>m thcrc ro the USA. where he visitcd<br />

alnost evert slatc. hc carned a livelihood bv<br />

playing natcbes against Iocal cb<strong>amp</strong>ions and giving<br />

disDlays. His speciality *as sinultaneous blindlbld<br />

<strong>chess</strong>andononco@asion- ar NewYork in 1916. he<br />

s@red +19=1 in about six hours, challing ireely<br />

silh specralors at the same rime. Hc sctrled for a<br />

timc in Gary. Indiana,sbeie tbeschoolfriend$ho<br />

hadtaughthim.hesfoundhim a jobinabank His<br />

lounanentcareer in th€ US,{ ircluded Nev York<br />

1916, ChicaSo 1918 (where he von thc western<br />

ch<strong>amp</strong>ionship). andNeN York 1918 whenhe camc<br />

seond (+6=6) after.ApABrANCA. Ar Halana in<br />

the spring oI 1919 he ptaycd a nalch wnh<br />

Capablanca andlon everyoneolthe livc games, !<br />

result thar cndcd his inbnion for the hiShcst<br />

honours but did not crush hissriril A6o.thorso<br />

tatcr (osti6 ieturned 10Europe and continued his<br />

traveh. which in.luded, w.rrd nn,rf.om 192.1r.<br />

1926 when he ptaycd in China, lndia, and maDy<br />

olher counlies. Subsequenll], his ches career<br />

includcd four Olympirds lrom 192? ro l9l7 (he<br />

plaved lorYugoslavia) and roumanent licrories ar<br />

Trendiansk€ Tepli.e 1928 (+6:a l) and also at<br />

Ljubljana 1938 when he.ame ahcad olszAB6 nd<br />

rARr{(owER. Kosria nade his last bow in a<br />

veierans' <strong>to</strong>urnamenl, Zunch 1962i hetiedforfi isr<br />

prize witb cRor, ai 58lhc vomsest ompeti<strong>to</strong>r.<br />


(l9rl-81), lnremadon.l Grandnaster (1s50). Ir<br />

ternational Arbitcr (195r) Ko<strong>to</strong>v nade hn name<br />

qhen pl.ying in hn firsl USSR Ch<strong>amp</strong>iooship,<br />

L€.ingrad 1939 He and BonrNNr(joinily hcld drc<br />

lead when lhcy met in rhe Iast round and the<br />

crowds thar gatbered <strong>to</strong> $atch rh. DrroNsrRArroN<br />

Bo^RD oulside lhc tlaying hall brought lr.tlic <strong>to</strong> a<br />

halt. Ko<strong>to</strong>v<strong>to</strong>sl, andlooksecondprizc. Already he<br />

was knoNn ior his abihy <strong>to</strong> develop powcrful<br />

altacks against ihc cn.my king, the cbieicbaracte.<br />

DurinA rbe Secodd World Warhe so.kedasan<br />

cngineer in a tac<strong>to</strong>ry at Moscos. He Non the cit!<br />

ch<strong>amp</strong>ionship 1941, and camc $nd (+10=1 4)<br />

equal wnh ulrEN1x^L aiier sMyslov and uorr-s-<br />

L{vsn in the Moscow lournament 1942. His best<br />

iournamcnl rcsults came soon atler tbetr.r: Parn!<br />

1917, second (+6=6-l) aftcr (.Rrsi interzonal<br />

<strong>to</strong>urnament. Sallsjobaden 1948, aboul calcgory<br />

14, fourrh (+5=13 1)i USSR Ch<strong>amp</strong>ionship<br />

1948,68r equal wiih BRoNsrrrN-tncy shared lhe<br />

iitle: USSR Chanpionship 19,19. about calegory<br />

12. nfth (+8=7 .1) equal with Boleslavsky and<br />

FURMANi Candidates lournament- Budapest 1950,<br />

calegory 16, sixlh (+5=7-6)i intcponal, Salh<br />

j.baden 1952.6rst (+r:l=7), rhree poinrs ahcadof<br />

tbe lield: Caddidates roumamenr, NeuhauscD<br />

zurich 1953, caresory 16, sixd (+8=i2 8).<br />

Ko<strong>to</strong>v bccamc onc olthcworld\ besr ten plales<br />

<strong>by</strong> theseachievements, but evenbclorc tnc las<strong>to</strong>i<br />

tbem be had begun <strong>to</strong> chanee the dnection ol his<br />

.arcci, wriling books and arricles on the game and<br />

taking part in organizalion Hecondnued <strong>to</strong> play,<br />

compeling in the naiional ch<strong>amp</strong>ionship lbr $e<br />

ninrh and lan time in 1958.<br />

Hc srole lhe conprehensile tso volume work<br />

Shakhmatnoe Nan di. Al.khira (195!8) contain<br />

ine biograp<strong>by</strong> and :172 games. a.d made r<br />

shoGnedversion with 75 games forpublication in<br />

Lnglish. Alera tlet ALkhine (1q75). Hn Iditrr'<br />

Mlshldila Shakh atntu (19?0) sas published in<br />

English xs Think Like a Grundnoeet 11911 | scc<br />

bclow) lnd he wrole an equalll successlul sequel.<br />

Ptd! Likc a Crahd dn.r (1978). Korov yas<br />

.o aurhor Nnh YUDovrG olSotdskatd Shtkhnnt<br />

tur4.thtrtu (1951)j rhe seond edition (1955) sas<br />

rcvi;d and banslated in<strong>to</strong> nany laneuages, in<br />

EnElhh as Ih. Satiet S.hool of Ches {195AJ<br />

Kobv also published acoUection olhis oan ganes<br />

/zrra,,ye Prrrii (1962). (See wEAhrss).<br />

Ko<strong>to</strong>v Kerts Candinates ronrnamcnt 1950 Nimzo.<br />

r d4Nf6 2.1e6 :rNc3Bb4 4a3Bi.]+ 5bxc3N.6 6|l<br />

b6 7e.lBa6 8e5Ng,l 9NhlNr5 OQ.4Nc7 llBd3<br />

rl0 l2BgJ-h6 l:lBh,rd5 llBblg5 15Oc2Ne6 I6Nrl<br />

sxhl lr Nxs6 Re8 13Nh3 Rc7<br />

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