chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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sdnine the soviel masicr tiilc (1951) be becme a<br />

<strong>chess</strong> professional. bul he found tine <strong>to</strong> comPlele<br />

his srudies at Leningrad unileisily. grldualing ii<br />

From 1954<strong>to</strong> 1982 Korcb noi played in aboul45<br />

stroag international roumanents other rha. world<br />

ch<strong>amp</strong>ionship evenls, winning or sharing 28 n.st<br />

prizes and coning belos thnd only tsice. Most of<br />

bis best wins. all in <strong>to</strong>umamenls oI c.tegortr ll o!<br />

strongeri sere in rhe 1960s: Bndapcsr 1961<br />

(+9=5 l) ahead ol BRoNsrF,N; Yerevan 1965<br />

(+6-7) ahead oIp.rRoslAN; Budva 1967 (+5-6)<br />

ahead or rAr.i wijk aa. z.e 1968 (+r0=4 r)<br />

ahcad or Tali Palna de Mljorca 1968 (+11=6)<br />

three points abead oI a licld lhal included SPask,<br />

andPelrosya!. Rarelyontent lo drau ag!nc, nc<br />

nade somc cxceptionally high scorcs in scakcr<br />

<strong>to</strong>urnaments, noiably list priTc ( + 14= 1) 6ve and a<br />

hall points abe.d of thc seco.d pnze wimer .1<br />

cyula 1965, In national events his resuhs woc<br />

good if lcss consinent. He won thc Lcningrad<br />

Ch<strong>amp</strong>ionship in 1955, 1957 Ghared), and 1961i<br />

and he won rhe USSR Ch<strong>amp</strong>ionshiP lour lines:<br />

r960 (+12:4 3). 1962 (+r0=8 r). r964-5<br />

(+11:8). and 1970 (+12=8-1). Fron 1960 ro<br />

197,1 he played in six olympiads naking . btll<br />

scorcol +50=31 3. (Onelosswis <strong>by</strong>deLutt,lhc<br />

consequence oI oveBleepine )<br />

Korchnoi\ world ch<strong>amp</strong>ionship endeavouB<br />

began in 1962when he scored +9=10 I lo share<br />

Iourth pla.e id the S<strong>to</strong>ckholm intcrzonal thns<br />

qualilled, he @mpctcd in rhe<br />

,ncnt larcr thar yeari raking Efth pl.e.ln 1967be<br />

scored +10=8 3 ro share second placc in thc<br />

s.usse inr€,on,l dcfcatcd REsHLvsKy in the<br />

quarterhnal (+3:5). Tal in the seni linal<br />

(+2=7-l), and rhen Iosr <strong>to</strong> spasty. l. rhe<br />

Candidares natches oi 1971 Korchnoi dcfcatcd<br />

GSLLER(+.1=3 r). thcn losr ro Petrosyan.In 1973<br />

hc was 6rst (+ 1l=5 1) equal with Karpo! in lhe<br />

LeDingrad inlerzonal, von narches.gaidsl Mtrc(<br />

rNc (+3=9 1) andPebosyan,shoNilhdrcwwhcn<br />

1rliling +l= 1- l. and then, in l9?4.lon narrowly<br />

io Karpov (+2=19 3J. ln eflect the lasr w.s a<br />

world chanpiodship narch. for (arpo! sas<br />

avarded lhc tiilc ahcn Fischer declined io play.<br />

In 1976 Korchnoi lelt the Soliet Union. He<br />

suffered bothpersonalsorro{ bec.use hiswile and<br />

son {ere not permitted <strong>to</strong> cnigratc and profcssional<br />

disadvantagc because he could no longer gain<br />

ihe hard practice he needed <strong>by</strong> comPedn-E with<br />

other solierpl.yers. Hesetledin switcnand and<br />

played lbr thar country in thc olyhpiad of 19?8. By<br />

dcrcarn,s ?etrosyan (+2=9 1), FLUGAYESn<br />

(+5=7 1), and spasky (+?:7 4) in rhc ca.didares<br />

ritchcs of I97? Korchnoi ai last became<br />

challcngcr. He again losl narowly <strong>to</strong> (arpov<br />

(+5=21 6) subsequendy be *on sever.l srong<br />

rournamedls: south Alrica 1979. carcgory 1,1<br />

(+6=5-l); Bucnos Anes (July) 1979 (+8=5)<br />

sharedYith LruBorEvra: London 1980, categor] 13<br />

{+5=7 1), sbnred wnhNDERSSoNand wEsiand<br />

Bad Kissinsen 1981, catceory 12 (+8=2). Attcr<br />


\riming Candidates matchcs againsl Pelrosyan<br />

(1980, +2=7), Polugayevsky (1980, +3-9 2),<br />

afld HnBNm (198G1, +3=3 2 Hiibner reriring)<br />

Korchnoi .gain became challcngeri and again he<br />

los110 Karrov. al Mcrano. 1981 TNo years later<br />

hcwon (+4=4 l) the quarter Iinal match against<br />

rcRrscs, losing the seni 6na1 io cspARov.<br />

Korchnoi\ stylc is charaderized <strong>by</strong> his Nilling<br />

ness io nght every gane wilh deterdin,tion An<br />

cxpert in delensive Play, he xritcs: 'if a player<br />

believes in Biracles hc can sometines perlorn<br />

rhcn Hc rarch makes a cNDusrER DRAw and<br />

on one occasioirebuked f<strong>to</strong>se sho uscdthc term<br />

which he regardcd as a slight on the grealest<br />

playes. Hc is vematile. able <strong>to</strong> tlay any kind ol<br />

position in any phase ol lhc game. and lo exploit<br />

rhe diflerent nelhods of different opponeniF<br />

chsri.iernics likc those ol csrcR- shon hc<br />

Areally admnes. An English translation oI his<br />

aurobiocraphy c-liejr 6 M) ad. (1977) contaiB 75<br />

olbis sames.<br />

(See aDvANcE,.'Nr: INTERERENCE.I<br />

D. Lely and K. J. O'Conncll, (a/.n,,i's ahds<br />

6au.r (1979) conrains 1.700 sanes.<br />

G.Icr (oi.hnoi USSR ch<strong>amp</strong>Dnship 1960 alcthinc<br />

Dcrctr.e. Four Pasn! Alr.k<br />

1 c4 Nr6 2 e5 Nd5 I d4 d6 4 ..1Nb6 5I,l BIi 6 Nc3<br />

dxe5 7lxe5e6 8NABcr 9Bc20.0 100.015 11Btu<br />

Nc6 12 crl6 8116 l3 d5 Nal l4 Ne5 Bxe5 15 Bxe5<br />

17 tsxs7 Nc3 13 Qc2 Nxll lq<br />

tsxlt Nxhf 20Bc5Ng4 21drc6 Qh1 22e7 Qhz+ 2:l<br />

Kl Qr4+ ll Kgl RcB 25QBOh2+ 26Kl1Oh5 27<br />

Qd5+ I(97 2r Od4+ Ks6 29 Nc2 Qhl+ loNsl?<br />

10.. b6 3lQd3Nf6 :12 Ba3 Bc4 :rr Qd2c5 :r4b4c.l<br />

l5 bi Bd3+ wlrire resign!.<br />

KORKSER CHESS. a lbrm ol uNoRr HoDoi .E[ss<br />

which sunivcd long in rural areas. Tbere re no<br />

standard rules. Frequently occutinE diiferenccs<br />

Iiom the standardgane are thatcach side hasrso<br />

consecuile moves ro sta the gane, canting n not<br />

,ffmirted il rhe kin8 has been checled. a pasn<br />

maybepronoledonlylo apiccc aheadycapiured.<br />

and check <strong>to</strong> thc queen' must be dnouned.<br />

Playcnwholollowrheseobsoleie rules maystill bc<br />

found. and the tern n derisory.<br />


vlCH (1907- ). Soviet conposer, lntcrnalional<br />

Judse or Cbess compositions ( i956), I.te.national<br />

Gra.dnaster ior cbes Compositions (1975),

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