chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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,ct ro be discolered. his book is a renarkable<br />

conpilatio! which gives a Iair rcprcscntation olihe<br />

developmen! oflhc opcDnrgs. It was published in<br />

Parh (1837) and conrained an inlroduction in En<br />

glnh, French. Gernan,.nd llalirn. He uscdsrAN-<br />

D^iD NoraroN and i.hoduccd thc castliDe synl<br />

He then sertled in l-ondon i.r thc rc$ of his<br />

days. gavc Ocman lessons, opened another<br />

unsuccesstuI che$ club, and wtate fhe B(aulilr ol<br />

Cr6s (1816). It coniains 1,884 problems.nd 116<br />

endgrnes. lhe Inst hrge conpilation of its kind,<br />

hul itwas carclcssly made. <strong>The</strong> acceleralingplce oI<br />

chanse Gee rrcuLtM EfroRr) soon made lh.<br />

.olle.rbn l,nk on<strong>to</strong>f dire whilens hk<strong>to</strong>ricalvalue<br />

islinned bec.use sources arc noi quotcd. Alexan<br />

dre didror marh up io thc ercatest manersbut he<br />

platldalair gamc in the aitackingslyleolbis dBe.<br />

and su.cesstully eave odds ro se.k play.rs<br />

Alerandrc NN (rcnon whiie\ queen\ rook)<br />

lele5 2rld5:rexd5Qxd5 {NcrOe6 -{Nfl elf4+ 6<br />

K:Ber 7d4g5,lBb5+.6 9RelOh6 10ts.4N16 1l<br />

QclNgl+ LzXEI Q{6 l3 d5Rd7 tlNcl Qh6 15 d6<br />

ts l x, Nl6+ Kd8 17 Oe8+ Bxe,i 18 RxeN mat.<br />

ALI'tl-, a Enropean name lor tbe piece knoNn lo<br />

playeB ol ssArtuNr as a E1. a 2,2. (v8) LEApER;<br />

aho knosn as an AUrrN.<br />

ALFONSO MS. An importanr hisrodcal sour.e oI<br />

inlormalion aboul <strong>chess</strong> and otber indoor direr<br />

sions. this beaurilully illusrrnted nanuscrifr ol98<br />

leales sas comflctcd in 1283 b], ordcr of Allonso<br />

thc Wisc (122i 8l), King ol Castile and Le6d<br />

1251 8.1 <strong>The</strong> fr61 oi rven pdrs (li. 164b) is<br />

.levoted wholly <strong>to</strong> <strong>chess</strong>lndconiains 103 problcnrs<br />

both Arahic (uA\suBAr) and European. Tbe<br />

fourth pa (ft. 8la+5b) contrins 14 rArRr pRoB<br />

rEMs and desciptions oise!eral unorthodox ea.rcs<br />

including lorms of(iRrAr cHEss and i,!sr-.!ruRE<br />

chc$.'l\. significant departures lrom the hws ol<br />

sHArxAN' are nored tbe queen s leaP (Previouny<br />

mentioned <strong>by</strong>Ezu) {nd thepawn\ doublc nrovc.<br />

Pilar Garcia Morc.cos, Lbl,leAiedrez Dddos!<br />

Tdbh<strong>to</strong> d? Alfansa x elSabio (r9r7) conshts or58<br />

pages wnh Spanish rexl and 20 colou. reproduc<br />


,lr'r{i<br />

t\r*:i.<br />

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,$li, 'i ,:r tfal tli::ail<br />

',::1:.t ;f,a t111,1 fl:ii ,l1r<br />

': .7,rt:,1i..iaj il,,:it ";<br />

\t<br />

.l?*.arr,* d. i'. ;<br />

lr":r4ffi&q!0r4c&6.<br />

( Pn.,Lt d b{d{Uam fuil&!<br />

El4rE itrrfl&re nqhflei'i<br />

d gd ,l4ro ot A f4 pr Uiro.,<br />

a$*, dlrfnl'f'fl dt - t-<br />

OneottheinsilluiurionsfronrheAlron$Ms Acondirio alprohl.m,Elzck<strong>to</strong>'noverndmatein(hrc!lnhdr.Pa*n<br />

on d4. Black h.s l. or dl. R on ll. N on !4. firzii.i d2. narns on d4 rnd 93. Whir. hrs K on d1. R oi h]. til on.l<br />

S.lution: I Kcl. til or ruok molrs.2 Nb2+ Kez r d3 m c 1Nb2+ \.uLJ hc o c, bur nor <strong>by</strong>fte paM on dl

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