chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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in Vienna. <strong>The</strong>re be became secrciarv <strong>to</strong> GriAor!<br />

Alexandrovicb Kushelev Bezborodko 0832-70),<br />

a banker rho was presidenl ol the St PeteBburg<br />

<strong>Chess</strong> Club. Togetner tbey travclled Euiope lrom<br />

1859 and Koinch played matches against leading<br />

p1aye6 in faris, London, and Sr Peiersburg. Hc<br />

defcated naRRwrrz (+2=1 1), EoRwrrz (+3 l).<br />

T W. BARNES (+ I0-ll.Ilya S. Snumov (1819j1)<br />

(+6 2). and RosEN.tu^L (+7 1). Hc drcs sirh<br />

oEN (+1 4), NDETSSEN (+5=1 5), andsergci<br />

S. Urusov (1827 97) (+2 2), and losr ro AndeBsen<br />

(+3=2-4) and r_ pAUrsnN (+6=18 7). While<br />

playing ?aulsen in London he staycd with a Mr<br />

Slrode, owner oi Cbnlehurn , larer tb e resi dence<br />

ofNapoleon Ill. tror.En wrote that Shode.likine<br />

Koliscb scompany. offcrcd<strong>to</strong>pay him !5 foi every<br />

maich game he did nol lose, lhe .esulr bcing an<br />

excePdonal dumber ol dra*n eames. In Feb. 1863<br />

Kolisch gave up his employnent and went lron<br />

London <strong>to</strong> Pa.n. TlEre he m€i inrRpr ry. who broke<br />

his promise lo play a matcb. From 1864 10 18tj? hc<br />

indulged in fnancial specuhnon, spending six<br />

monihs of 1866 in Sardinia. Hc sas able 10 gile<br />

valuable advice lo the Pans branch ol lhe Rothschild<br />

lamily 10 whom he had heen introduced in<br />

1859: he was laler reNarded for il Somewhal<br />

annoyed that be bad not been coosuhcdaboul the<br />

organizadon oi the P.ris loumament of 1867.<br />

Kolhch nevenncbss attended as a visi<strong>to</strong>r. PeG<br />

suaded <strong>to</strong> play, he won 66t prizc (+20 2) ahead<br />

ol sErNrrz, uNAwER, and NELM^NN. his finest<br />

<strong>chess</strong> achievenenr. Steinitz recalls that Kolhch at<br />

oncc sold nis prizc, a Savrcs vase ralued at 4.000<br />

Ir., and one account suggests hc invested the<br />

Proeeds in ProPeny specuiation roliscn Nas<br />

alvays thc busnrc$man 66t, che$ playersecond.<br />

'A young nan with mustachios j short sighted eyes,<br />

and a swaggering mien , Kotisch possessed un<br />

dolbted char6 and seened adept at linding<br />

iDduential lriends whcrclc. he went. Rolhschilds<br />

helped him <strong>to</strong> sei up as a bank€r in Vienna in 1871,<br />

he became well esrablished within two yeas- a<br />

millionanc <strong>by</strong> 1880, and was created a baron ric<br />

following year. Soon aieNards he bougbt a<br />

newspaper, the Wi * Allqeh.i e 7jitu.E, in<br />

$hich nc wotc edi<strong>to</strong>rials under a pen-name. Hc<br />

indulSed i. Liendlv play and renained a eenerous<br />

patron of <strong>chess</strong> until hn death.<br />

Kolisch played in the attackine manncr preva<br />

lent in thc 1860s, a sryle superseded amoDg rbe<br />

ieading nasler duing tnc 1870s. Fron 1872 <strong>to</strong><br />

1874 a Viednese leanheaded <strong>by</strong> Kolisch nlayed a<br />

lamous coresponden e nath of rwo gamcs<br />

againsta Londontcam hcaded<strong>by</strong>Sreirirz. London<br />

hiudphed. Steinitz renarkine that wirh these No<br />

gamcs modeo <strong>chess</strong> began.<br />

S. Jona$on, 1gtrd: ron Kolisch, Schdckhnndre<br />

a.ll Me.e,at (1968) sduins 60 eames and bio-<br />

TOLISCH DEFENCE.6ll in rhe KNG'S.^MRrr<br />

Accepred, given in Bilguels IANDBU.g. 1843,<br />

played <strong>by</strong> szfN in tbe i830s<br />

KOLTANOIVSKI, GEORGE (190! ), Interia<br />

tional Master ( 1950), Inrc.narion.l Arbiter ( 1960),<br />

rvinner ol lhe Beleian Chcss Federation ch<strong>amp</strong>ionshipin<br />

1923, 1927. 1930, and1936,.o winder<br />

in 1932. chcss jounralist. Lealing Europe <strong>to</strong>sards<br />

lhe end of 1938 he <strong>to</strong>ured Cenlral .nd North<br />

Anerica giine simuhaneous dhplays, sode oI<br />

ihem blindlold ,nd so.n ifter the se..nd w.rln<br />

War began he sculcd in the USA. He played in<br />

three Olympiads, rvice lor Belgium (1927, i928)<br />

and once ior the UsA (1952). Hn <strong>to</strong>urnamenr<br />

rcslhs were modesr, allhough he son some minor<br />

Koltanowski is besl knosn as a joumalist,<br />

arbner-.nd blindlold <strong>chess</strong> expert. IIe madc radio<br />

broadcash and educational 0lns on <strong>chess</strong>. srote<br />

more than a dozcn books on the gane, and<br />

supeNised nany loumamenrs. Playing blindlold<br />

he olten gave several displals in a Neek. sithont<br />

apparcnt straini at Edinburgh in 1937 be set up a<br />

sorld blindlold record. playing 34 boards sinul<br />

laneously and sconnS +24=10 nr lll hous.<br />


MARKOVICH (1910 ). lnternational Grandmaster<br />

0983), Irternation.l corespondcncc<br />

<strong>chess</strong> Maner(1966). Sovierplayer, be was ar his<br />

best around 1950. when therc sere lewopportunitics<br />

<strong>to</strong> play abroad. He competed in six USSR<br />

ch<strong>amp</strong>ionships lrom 1937 <strong>to</strong> 1950i in 193? hc<br />

shared semnd place with RAcoz'N ailer LEVENFGE.<br />

and in 19115 and 1950, against stro n gc r opposilion,<br />

he shared fourth and lillh place respeciiv€ly<br />


duced lo naster play in the eamc Konslanlino<br />

pohky Ragozin, tean cb<strong>amp</strong>ionship. Mos@*,<br />


78).-Sovier railwa! lechnician. It mad€ somc<br />

conrribulions <strong>to</strong> openings knowledge. and lor<br />

endgamc trearise he Nrole the section<br />

^vED^kH.s onroo(END'Ncs. sbichbeunderslood betier th,n<br />

KOPAYEV VARIATION, 358. linc in lhe sp^N6H<br />

oPENNG e!.nined <strong>by</strong> (oP^rrv and pAn"ov in the<br />


INcrnational Grandmaster (1956), one ol the<br />

world's leading playeis treo about 1960. rankirg<br />

third after !6.HER and spAssxy fron about 1967 <strong>to</strong><br />

1975- seond <strong>to</strong> kRpov lron l9?5 <strong>to</strong> lS30 ln<br />

Leningrad. his nadle city, he learned the game ar<br />

lhe age olsix andgained hk carlv expenence. He<br />

sufered hardship dnring ihe sicgc oI Leningrad<br />

(1941-3) and, advised thathe was roolraillorlhe<br />

rigours ofa chcss career, <strong>to</strong>ok <strong>to</strong> eadng poridge<br />

daily, which. he belieles. strengthened his constitution.<br />

Certainly he hecame onc oflhe loughesr<br />

and most te.acious playea ol his time. Soon after

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