chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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KNAAK 16? caied play iollowing 3 . . . g5, prelernng the sBAza DETENCE- 582, oi thc modcrn form of thc .IINNINGHAM CAMUN. 3 , . , 8E7 4BC'I Nf6, AIi tnat can be said about3. . .95, which h.s not been adequalely tesEd in recent times. is tnar thc AUMD!. SANSTEIN I TOSNNTRETERJ ANd KESERTZ{Y cAMEn arc supposed to offer white betrer chances ttan rhc M,DoNNlrL. PHILIDOR. ANd GAMBITS (SCE N[U{ANN,) ^LLG{B KNG'S rNIGET OPENING, 350. 8i!en by KING'S PAI{N OPENING, or 227. any opening that bceins t e4. (ING'S SIDE, or K sid.. an a.ea of the board consisdng ol all rhc squa.esonlheb g and lliles including on occasion the squares on thc c-lilc. (ING'S SIDE CASTLING, caslling on the king s side, representcd by the stmbol0 0. XIROV MNOV, NINO ( 1945 ),Inlemalional Grandmaster (1975), lwie Nin nci ofthe Bulsarian chanpionship(1973, l9?9). jointwinnerarvdac 1975, a tournamcnt ol aboul calegory 8. He rcprcsenred his couniry il rhe Nice olympiad XI,ECZYiISKI VARIATION. 37?, IhE DIWORTE KLETT, PHILIPP (1833 1910), Gernan conpos er specializinS in orthodox REE- and MoRE- MovlRs, am! olitcer. Hc was the 'Bach oI lhe problen ar1' wrotc Adoll Bayer orfer (18,15 l90l), who. Iike his mntemporaries, nghdy regarded Kleft as the leading cxpone.t of lhe so called Old German Style. (see PRoB!€M us roRy,) His mostcreati,e periodbeganaround 1860 and culminated i. rhe publication in l8rli oI his book Ph. Kkn's S.ha.hptobleh., conlainnrg ll3 oI his problems. (Scc Ri.^L pL^Yr PRoBLw {s 1. D. Bc^stey, A setectio of ches Problens br XLING, JoSEF (1811 76), cobposcr andpioneer ENDc^ttE analyst. Born in Mainzwberebebecame an organist, (ling movcd lo Paris in 1834 and setded in London years laler. Hc sas drc principal a..hitect oi a delinitive anallsis of ihe endgame R+B v. R, Nhich was printed in a. Palam?d., l&116. and in shuNroN s Cl.u-Plal./l Hdhdbook, 1A11. Klia{ gublished Ci,.ts Ez.lid in 1849. conlaining dore lhan 2m oI hn problens, but he .cbieved greatcr fame as co aurhor, wilh noRwrz. oI crc.r s,,dies (1851), a classi. that launched lhe arl oismDycomposition. From 1851 ro 1853 these rNo .ditcd The Ch6s Playr. x periodical rhich.onrai.s many joinlcompositiont andwbichcbioniclesiheevenlsof tnctimc. ln 1852 rlng eslablhhed his 'Cncss and CofieeRoons'in Ncw Oxford Stleet. and maierially assisled Hor $irz by appointing him residenlprolesional. (See DESPEMDOi TRIANGULATION.) KI,IN(: AND IIORWITZ'OTINTERATTA'I{. 599 in the KNG s GAmrAccepled- llsl published in cn.$ .sl!d,.s (1851). I.MOCH, JOHANN JOSEPH (18911973), helter knovn r\ Hrn\ lnicrnational Master (1950), lnlernalional Arbiter (1951). Aviennese playcr and writer ol Czech paienlage, he cmigrated to theNetherlands in th€ l930sandrhenlo rhe usA- wherc hc setiled, in 1947. He shoNed enorgh skill asayouthtowinaclubchanpionship. hut when asked to aliSn himself to a polilical pa y as a condiiion ol @nlinuing membership he lett fte club and gavc up the same lor about 1en yeare, During this pcriod his hobby *as priting ardcles, nany of them hunorous. Ater lhc Fnsr World War he nide wnling his profession and resumed his interesl in chcss. He shared lirst place with Reifitina eumrNrER orsanized by the Austrian Chess Association, Vienna 1921. bcgan hh inteF national caree. the following ycar, and achieved hn besl rouroament perlormance al Debre.en 1925 whcn he came 6rst (+9=2 2) ahead oI raRrAowm and cRnNrErD. Kmoch played for Austn. inrhe Olynpiads of 1927, 1930, and 1931. He is cniefiv rcmcmbered for his annotationsarticles, anA books. including a supplement lo Bilguer's tuNDBUcs in 1930, and uselnl biographies oIEUWE !nd RUBrNsr.'N. Perhaps hn nost enduring work n Die Kuilt det V*lerliguig (1927). Anothe. ofhn wel known bool6 is Pa,, Paw€r i, crdsr (19s9), in shich hc coined dozeos ot umecessary and oicn ngly ja.gon words. For examplc hcwrilcs ola pawn move nade by Black, -Tnc conlersion of the d,a into a leuco bouad chain crcares a bod run an l enhances the a./d,- r,c"io oI Black\ position', mcani.g that Bta.k furtber reshicts his bad bishop. KMOCL VARTATION, 152, rhe NoA vARrAroN ol IhE NIMZOTNDhN DETENG, KNAAK, RAINER FRITZ ALBERT (195} ), Intcrnatiooal GrandmasEr (1975). E6i Ccrman player, national chanpion in 1974 md 1978. In inteinarional tournamcnt play he came second (+7=7-l) to rAL at Hane 1974, shared filsi prize wirh M^xcH and sMEruL ar t ipziq 1917, c ne 6st(+7=a 2) equal with !^uc6 and usruNN at Hallc l9T8,androoksecondprne(+7=3 1)aftcr Sturua at Tmava i980. 1d4NI6 2c4c6 3Nc1Bb1 1e166 5Ne2Ba6 6Ns3 h5 7 h4 Bb7 3 Qdr d5 9 cxds exd5 10 O.2.5 11 a3

168 KNIGITI Ne5 16c4Re3 17.5bxcs 13brd'14 19Nd6dxc3 E ?Ht ffix w w'&,*,r. %a%: ruaw ',& % 'ffigw "& w % t A knighl is the only Piece lhat .annot lose tbe mo!e: ir dnnd he novcd trom e5 lo 16. ior exanple, in an clcn number ofmoles but never in lffi%?& ww% Whnc \ M(Nc RrsH oA gires hj m a decisnr advanrage 22 ag6 Bea I Qg5 e2 2,1Rh3 Rb3 25 B.3 Bc2 26 Rg3 Kfl 27lq4hxg,1 23h5R.3 29h696 l0Qxr6Qir6 ll Bxf6 Ke3 l2 Nrt Bb3 33Ns5+ Bxc4 34h?+ Ahck KNIGIIT, binor piece represenled by lbe ligunne a. BccaDsc ii hasthc same inilial lencraslhc king it is mstona.y i. nolalion lo use the synbol Kl or N. For conposnions, however, the synbol s (ior .tpihg?r. tnc Ccrman Nord for thh pic.c) is often used becauseNisthe symbol lor afai.ypiece. thc NrGsrRrDER. The kniShr is a LEAPER wirb a move of lixed lenath from onc corncr to rhe diaaonally oppositc corner of a rectangte thrcc sqlares by two. A knighl ate5 wo dalwalsartackd3,c4jc6. d7, fl,86, g4. and B regardles olrhe position of other men on rhe board. lk power is si8ni6canrly greatcrwhcn it is centralizcdr on tnc 6slmAME it attacks2, 3.or4squares, onihesecondlramc,,lor 6 squ.res, elserheie 8 squares. In the array Whitet knighk are onbl andgl,\onb8and g8i those on bl andb8 are called queen\ knighls, those on gl a.d g8 kings k.ights. Thcy can bc moved beiore any pas.s have been moved. As far as is knovn the knighl s mole has been fie same since chess bcCan In many countries ils name is linked witb the caval.y which ii oiginally rcpresenred, but the Geman,SprDser means leaper or jumpcr. and a few othcr countrics have lsed words with a similar meaning. ffi tr AzuGzwANGgiren by sAluo in 160,1. Blacktoplay loses:1. . .Kc8 2NBKC7 3Nd4Kc8 4Nb5and whitecanextncalehh king. whire to play drass:1 Nfl K.3 2 Nd4 Kc7 3 Nb5+ Kc8 4 Nd6+ Kc?i un.blelo losc themolelheknighlcan ncvcraltack c? or.8 without giving chcck KNIGI'| ENDING, an endgane with kings, knighrs ora knigbt, and one or nore pawns. (Fora cla$ic exanple see MAR6czY.) KNtGtIl PLAYER, a player *ho would €xpect to reeiveodds oI. tnieht from anrnclassopponent Thiswayolcla$ilyingplaycr,common in lhe t9th century. h noi! obsolete. KMGET'S loUR, rhe tour oI a knight ovcr an otherNise cDpty board visiting each square once only. 'rhcrc is almost an infinity oI *ays ol achieving this and nor€ tban 122,000,000vays ot performing tbe nore reslri.led,csion known as thererenrrantlour, inwhichtheknightonits64th movc could get back ro its slarting square. An exercise rhar hasliule lo do withches, rhetnighfs rour has long been widely popular. Matncmaticians have dcriled fornulae lor generalinS tours and artention has been directed lo particular versions such as lours. Thc cxample below is a re-cntrant tou where the sqnares numbcred in sequence oI moves form almost a M^6r.sou^kr (alnosi, Ior although tbe numberson each rank aid filc add up to 260 those on the diagonah do noi corespond.) 22 39 62 13 16 15 6,1 23 38 25 40 2t t6 61 t2 11 60 14429 21t2051 6 KMCHT VARIATTON. 302 Dr.Nc.. (Scc etrLMAN.) 26 35 10 11 50 27 52 934 33 28 49 48 53 8 55 32 41 30 754 54631

168 KNIGITI<br />

Ne5 16c4Re3 17.5bxcs 13brd'14 19Nd6dxc3<br />

E<br />

?Ht<br />

ffix<br />

w w'&,*,r.<br />

%a%: ruaw ',&<br />

% 'ffigw<br />

"& w<br />

%<br />

t<br />

A knighl is the only Piece lhat .annot lose tbe<br />

mo!e: ir dnnd he novcd trom e5 lo 16. ior<br />

exanple, in an clcn number ofmoles but never in<br />

lffi%?&<br />

ww%<br />

Whnc \ M(Nc RrsH oA gires hj m a decisnr advanrage 22<br />

ag6 Bea I Qg5 e2 2,1Rh3 Rb3 25 B.3 Bc2 26 Rg3<br />

Kfl 27lq4hxg,1 23h5R.3 29h696 l0Qxr6Qir6 ll<br />

Bxf6 Ke3 l2 Nrt Bb3 33Ns5+ Bxc4 34h?+ Ahck<br />

KNIGIIT, binor piece represenled <strong>by</strong> lbe ligunne<br />

a. BccaDsc ii hasthc same inilial lencraslhc king<br />

it is ms<strong>to</strong>na.y i. nolalion lo use the synbol Kl or<br />

N. For conposnions, however, the synbol s (ior<br />

.tpihg?r. tnc Ccrman Nord for thh pic.c) is often<br />

used becauseNisthe symbol lor afai.ypiece. thc<br />

NrGsrRrDER. <strong>The</strong> kniShr is a LEAPER wirb a move of<br />

lixed lenath from onc corncr <strong>to</strong> rhe diaaonally<br />

oppositc corner of a rectangte thrcc sqlares <strong>by</strong><br />

two. A knighl ate5 wo dalwalsartackd3,c4jc6.<br />

d7, fl,86, g4. and B regardles olrhe position of<br />

other men on rhe board. lk power is si8ni6canrly<br />

greatcrwhcn it is centralizcdr on tnc 6slmAME it<br />

attacks2, 3.or4squares, onihesecondlramc,,lor<br />

6 squ.res, elserheie 8 squares. In the array<br />

Whitet knighk are onbl andgl,\onb8and<br />

g8i those on bl andb8 are called queen\ knighls,<br />

those on gl a.d g8 kings k.ights. Thcy can bc<br />

moved beiore any pas.s have been moved. As far<br />

as is knovn the knighl s mole has been fie same<br />

since <strong>chess</strong> bcCan In many countries ils name is<br />

linked witb the caval.y which ii oiginally rcpresenred,<br />

but the Geman,SprDser means leaper<br />

or jumpcr. and a few othcr countrics have lsed<br />

words with a similar meaning.<br />

ffi tr<br />

AzuGzwANGgiren <strong>by</strong> sAluo in 160,1. Black<strong>to</strong>play<br />

loses:1. . .Kc8 2NBKC7 3Nd4Kc8 4Nb5and<br />

whitecanextncalehh king. whire <strong>to</strong> play drass:1<br />

Nfl K.3 2 Nd4 Kc7 3 Nb5+ Kc8 4 Nd6+ Kc?i<br />

un.blelo losc themolelheknighlcan ncvcraltack<br />

c? or.8 without giving chcck<br />

KNIGI'| ENDING, an endgane with kings,<br />

knighrs ora knigbt, and one or nore pawns. (Fora<br />

cla$ic exanple see MAR6czY.)<br />

KNtGtIl PLAYER, a player *ho would €xpect <strong>to</strong><br />

reeiveodds oI. tnieht from anrnclassopponent<br />

Thiswayolcla$ilyingplaycr,common in lhe t9th<br />

century. h noi! obsolete.<br />

KMGET'S loUR, rhe <strong>to</strong>ur oI a knight ovcr an<br />

otherNise cDpty board visiting each square once<br />

only. 'rhcrc is almost an infinity oI *ays ol<br />

achieving this and nor€ tban 122,000,000vays ot<br />

performing tbe nore reslri.led,csion known as<br />

thererenrrantlour, inwhichtheknigh<strong>to</strong>nits64th<br />

movc could get back ro its slarting square. An<br />

exercise rhar hasliule lo do withches, rhetnighfs<br />

rour has long been widely popular. Matncmaticians<br />

have dcriled fornulae lor generalinS <strong>to</strong>urs<br />

and artention has been directed lo particular<br />

versions such as lours. Thc cx<strong>amp</strong>le<br />

below is a re-cntrant <strong>to</strong>u where the sqnares<br />

numbcred in sequence oI moves form almost a<br />

M^6r.sou^kr (alnosi, Ior although tbe numberson<br />

each rank aid filc add up <strong>to</strong> 260 those on the<br />

diagonah do noi corespond.)<br />

22 39 62 13 16<br />

15 6,1 23 38 25<br />

40 2t t6 61 t2<br />

11 60 14429<br />

21t2051 6<br />


Dr.Nc.. (Scc etrLMAN.)<br />

26 35 10<br />

11 50 27<br />

52 934<br />

33 28 49<br />

48 53 8<br />

55 32 41<br />

30 754<br />


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