chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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KNAAK 16?<br />

caied play iollowing 3 . . . g5, prelernng the<br />

sBAza DETENCE- 582, oi thc modcrn form of thc<br />

.IINNINGHAM CAMUN. 3 , . , 8E7 4BC'I Nf6, AIi<br />

tnat can be said about3. . .95, which h.s not been<br />

adequalely tesEd in recent times. is tnar thc<br />


cAMEn arc supposed <strong>to</strong> offer white betrer chances<br />

ttan rhc M,DoNNlrL.<br />


^LLG{B<br />

KNG'S rNIGET OPENING, 350. 8i!en <strong>by</strong><br />


227. any opening that bceins t e4.<br />

(ING'S SIDE, or K sid.. an a.ea of the board<br />

consisdng ol all rhc squa.esonlheb g and lliles<br />

including on occasion the squares on thc c-lilc.<br />

(ING'S SIDE CASTLING, caslling on the king s<br />

side, representcd <strong>by</strong> the stmbol0 0.<br />

XIROV MNOV, NINO ( 1945 ),Inlemalional<br />

Grandmaster (1975), lwie Nin nci ofthe Bulsarian<br />

chanpionship(1973, l9?9). jointwinnerarvdac<br />

1975, a <strong>to</strong>urnamcnt ol aboul calegory 8. He<br />

rcprcsenred his couniry il rhe Nice olympiad<br />


KLETT, PHILIPP (1833 1910), Gernan conpos<br />

er specializinS in orthodox REE- and MoRE-<br />

MovlRs, am! olitcer. Hc was the 'Bach oI lhe<br />

problen ar1' wrotc Adoll Bayer orfer (18,15<br />

l90l), who. Iike his mntemporaries, nghdy regarded<br />

Kleft as the leading cxpone.t of lhe<br />

so called Old German Style. (see PRoB!€M us<br />

roRy,) His mostcreati,e periodbeganaround 1860<br />

and culminated i. rhe publication in l8rli oI his<br />

book Ph. Kkn's S.ha.hp<strong>to</strong>bleh., conlainnrg ll3<br />

oI his problems. (Scc Ri.^L pL^Yr PRoBLw {s<br />

1. D. Bc^stey, A setectio of ches Problens br<br />

XLING, JoSEF (1811 76), cobposcr andpioneer<br />

ENDc^ttE analyst. Born in Mainzwberebebecame<br />

an organist, (ling movcd lo Paris in 1834 and<br />

setded in London th.ee years laler. Hc sas drc<br />

principal a..hitect oi a delinitive anallsis of ihe<br />

endgame R+B v. R, Nhich was printed in a.<br />

Palam?d., l&116. and in shuNroN s Cl.u-Plal./l<br />

Hdhdbook, 1A11. Klia{ gublished Ci,.ts Ez.lid in<br />

1849. conlaining dore lhan 2m oI hn problens,<br />

but he .cbieved greatcr fame as co aurhor, wilh<br />

noRwrz. oI crc.r s,,dies (1851), a classi. that<br />

launched lhe arl oismDycomposition. From 1851<br />

ro 1853 these rNo .ditcd <strong>The</strong> Ch6s Playr. x<br />

periodical rhich.onrai.s many joinlcompositiont<br />

andwbichcbioniclesiheevenlsof tnctimc. ln 1852<br />

rlng eslablhhed his 'Cncss and CofieeRoons'in<br />

Ncw <strong>Oxford</strong> Stleet. and maierially assisled Hor<br />

$irz <strong>by</strong> appointing him residenlprolesional. (See<br />



599 in the KNG s GAmrAccepled- llsl published<br />

in cn.$ .sl!d,.s (1851).<br />

I.MOCH, JOHANN JOSEPH (18911973), helter<br />

knovn r\ Hrn\ Km.ch lnicrnational Master<br />

(1950), lnlernalional Arbiter (1951). Aviennese<br />

playcr and writer ol Czech paienlage, he cmigrated<br />

<strong>to</strong> theNetherlands in th€ l930sandrhenlo<br />

rhe usA- wherc hc setiled, in 1947. He shoNed<br />

enorgh skill asayouth<strong>to</strong>winaclubchanpionship.<br />

hut when asked <strong>to</strong> aliSn himself <strong>to</strong> a polilical pa y<br />

as a condiiion ol @nlinuing membership he lett fte<br />

club and gavc up the same lor about 1en yeare,<br />

During this pcriod his hob<strong>by</strong> *as priting ardcles,<br />

nany of them hunorous. Ater lhc Fnsr World<br />

War he nide wnling his profession and resumed<br />

his interesl in chcss. He shared lirst place with<br />

Reifitina eumrNrER orsanized <strong>by</strong> the Austrian<br />

<strong>Chess</strong> Association, Vienna 1921. bcgan hh inteF<br />

national caree. the following ycar, and achieved<br />

hn besl rouroament perlormance al Debre.en<br />

1925 whcn he came 6rst (+9=2 2) ahead oI<br />

raRrAowm and cRnNrErD. Kmoch played for<br />

Austn. inrhe Olynpiads of 1927, 1930, and 1931.<br />

He is cniefiv rcmcmbered for his annotationsarticles,<br />

anA books. including a supplement lo<br />

Bilguer's tuNDBUcs in 1930, and uselnl biographies<br />

oIEUWE !nd RUBrNsr.'N. Perhaps hn nost<br />

enduring work n Die Kuilt det V*lerliguig<br />

(1927). Anothe. ofhn wel known bool6 is Pa,,<br />

Paw€r i, crdsr (19s9), in shich hc coined dozeos<br />

ot umecessary and oicn ngly ja.gon words. For<br />

ex<strong>amp</strong>lc hcwrilcs ola pawn move nade <strong>by</strong> Black,<br />

-Tnc conlersion of the d,a in<strong>to</strong> a leuco bouad<br />

chain crcares a bod run an l enhances the a./d,-<br />

r,c"io oI Black\ position', mcani.g that Bta.k<br />

furtber reshicts his bad bishop.<br />

KMOCL VARTATION, 152, rhe NoA vARrAroN ol<br />



Intcrnatiooal GrandmasEr (1975). E6i Ccrman<br />

player, national chanpion in 1974 md 1978. In<br />

inteinarional <strong>to</strong>urnamcnt play he came second<br />

(+7=7-l) <strong>to</strong> rAL at Hane 1974, shared filsi prize<br />

wirh M^xcH and sMEruL ar t ipziq 1917, c ne<br />

6st(+7=a 2) equal with !^uc6 and usruNN at<br />

Hallc l9T8,androoksecondprne(+7=3 1)aftcr<br />

Sturua at Tmava i980.<br />

1d4NI6 2c4c6 3Nc1Bb1 1e166 5Ne2Ba6 6Ns3<br />

h5 7 h4 Bb7 3 Qdr d5 9 cxds exd5 10 O.2.5 11 a3

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