chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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JUNGE 157<br />

forerunner ol thc problem. <strong>The</strong> word is denved<br />

iron thc Old French./.u pdri, 1i1erally a divided<br />

Eame of uncertain issuei in English thG sas<br />

corrupred in various wars, e.s. juPerty, and<br />

elenlually dhappeared lron <strong>chess</strong> 10 pass inlo<br />

gcncral Lsage with its curenl mcaning.<br />

JEROME GAMBm. ,193 in thc 'rALr^N<br />

oprNrNc:<br />

an uNound gambit thar can lead ro nuch amuse<br />

menl in light-hcarted play.It fitst appeded in rhc<br />

Anericaa Ches laumal.1a76, reconmcndcd <strong>by</strong><br />

thc Amedcan player Alonzo whccler Jerone<br />

(183+1902) oI Paxron. Illinois.<br />

JoENER (p.on. Yoaner), HANS (1889 1975),<br />

Inte.national Master (1950), sNiss player.dd<br />

problenconposer, for45yeas amusicianwithlhe<br />

znrcbner Tonhalle orchestra as violin and viola<br />

leachcr. He was national ch<strong>amp</strong>ion or co<br />

ch<strong>amp</strong>ion len times lrom 1908 10 1950 and<br />

rep.esented his @uatryinihe OllmPiads oI 192r,<br />

r93r and 1956. Kostbarkeiten des PrcbLmku$t<br />

(1967) <strong>by</strong> Gabriel Baumgartncr contains 201<br />

problens and22gamcs <strong>by</strong>H. Johner <strong>The</strong> author\<br />

real namc h Oderte Vollen{eider. a troblenr<br />

conposer and one oI hG violin pupils.<br />

JOHNFIR. PAULF. (1887 1938).Swissplarerand<br />

musician sbo in his later yeas s.ttlcd in Berlin,<br />

where he died. In iso mino. iournanents,<br />

Copenbagen 1916 and Be.lin 1917, he won and<br />

shared li6t p rize .espectively i bu t hn beslwin was<br />

in a double-round quadrlngular <strong>to</strong>u.namenl at<br />

Berlin, Feb. <strong>to</strong> Mar. I92,1, when he cane ahead oi<br />

and M'ESES. He won or<br />

sharcdthe Swiss Ch<strong>amp</strong>ionshiPsixtimcsf<strong>to</strong>m 1907<br />

<strong>to</strong> 1932. on two o@asions (1908. 1928) shaing the<br />

rnle Nnh his brorhcr Hans.<br />


FsmoN or an assessment of the DYNAM'. FAooRs.<br />

JLNGE. KLAUS (1924 ]15). AllhouPh he sas<br />

born in Chile, Junge\ parents qere German and<br />

thcy moved <strong>to</strong> Hambure in thc 1930s, believing<br />

their rhree sons would be betler educated in<br />

Germany. .lungc competed successlully in several<br />

<strong>to</strong>urnaments dunng the early ycaB of lhe Second<br />

world War and al U he sharednBt plae *irh P.<br />

s.HMrDr in the Geman chanrpionshiPoi 1941- bul<br />

lost rhe play off.Improvinc ara phenonenalpac€,<br />

he cane Inst (+7=3-1) equal witb AI-EXH,N!<br />

.t Praeue 19,12. Only BonINNI( and szd6 had<br />

previously shosn such playing sftengtn at the age<br />

of 18, hur thh *as Junge s lasl <strong>to</strong>urnament An<br />

olicoin theGernanarny andthelas<strong>to</strong>f the1hree<br />

hrorhers t. die in th.war. hewaskilledin a.lio.on<br />

17 Apnl 1945 just rhree weeks berorc the war in<br />

Das wur Klo1t.lukEe (\956)<strong>by</strong> E. Budricha.d D.<br />

Scbultc contains biography and games.<br />

Al.khin-Junse SalzbnrP 1912 Queen\ Gambir Dc.<br />

I d4d5 2.4e6 lN.3c6 1e4dxe4 5Nxe4Bb4+ 6Nc3<br />

c5 7Bc3Q.5 3 Nge2 cxdl q tsxJ,1NI6 10&lBc7 l1<br />

N3lNr6 12b4Qc7 lSBelGo l4Be2b6 150-0Rh7 16<br />

Nb5 068 17 O.1a6 l3Nc3 Qc? 19Na4Nd7 20Rd1<br />

Nc.s 2l fl a5 22 Qb2 b4 23 axb4 816 24 Qbl<br />

wtry<br />

wffi<br />

JORDANSKY ATTACK. see yuRDANsxy ^.tr^.(.<br />

JUBATR, SA ID BIN (665 ?14), Negro Nho<br />

allcgcdly<strong>to</strong>ok up <strong>chess</strong> <strong>to</strong> nake himsell nrcligiblc<br />

fo. an appoinhent 6 djudge. shich he thoughl<br />

would frt ill with his rclieious beliels. (Under<br />

Muslim laN chcs was usually regarded as an<br />

activiiy shich. disapproved oi though nol forbidden,<br />

sould nol be codp.tible Nilh judgeship.) He<br />

becane lhe greatesr blindfotd player knom .nd<br />

rhelirstlo rurn hisbackontheboddsinconrllsrlo<br />

thc contemporary cus<strong>to</strong>n oi fteling thc picces.<br />

Juban Nas condenned lnr his pa( io a revoh, and<br />

hn executioner is said <strong>to</strong> have dreaned lhal God<br />

{ould kill him once lor every nan he had killed,<br />

but70 times for the dearh ofJuban. Ue is noi<strong>to</strong>be<br />

onlused $jlh Jebir alKnfi. one ot the great<br />

playes ol rhc carly gth century<br />

24 . . b5 25 qb5 Bd5 (lungc has ourplayed rhe *orld<br />

chanpior who has nothi'g beter than ro give up rhc<br />

exchange ) 26 Rxd5 exdJ 27 R.t Nd 23 Bkcl 'lxc,l<br />

29<br />

L\c4 Oes l0 Nl5 Nb6 ll Rc1 Nd5 l2 Nse4 Nxer ll<br />

Qrc3Ral 34Rfr Rd3 r5Nxl6+Oxl6 36b6Rrll+ :17<br />

Kxrl Qxb6 3l<strong>to</strong>e,lob5+ l9 Kl2 Rc3 10Qd4Qb6 11<br />

Nb3 Rb3 12Oxb6Rxb5,l3E1Rxb4 14N.s16 15 K-q3<br />

(17 46Nd3Rd4 47N14 R.4 {n4R.5.19Nh5!6 50<br />

Nr.1Ke7 5lh5s5 52No2Rc1 5lKoKe6 54N3rKe5<br />

55 Nfj rI4 56 N"c3 Rc5 57 Ng2+ Ke5 58 Nc3 Kd4 59<br />

Nd1Rcl 60NelR.5 6lNd1Kd3 62NdrRe5 6lNrl<br />

Re2+ Ksl Rr2 65 h6 Ke2 66 Ks2 Rb2 67 Ns3+<br />

rcl+ 63 Kh:r Kxf] 69 Nh5 R66 Whilc r$i!ns.

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