chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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I<br />

IBCA, thc Intenratioml Braille <strong>Chess</strong> Association,<br />

ICCA, lhe International Co,respondcncc <strong>Chess</strong><br />

Association scc.oRREspoNDEN.E cHEss.<br />

ICCF, the International Corespondcncc Chcss<br />

Federrrion see.oRxF-smNDnNc. {iHEss.<br />

ICr, thc International Che$ Federation, thc<br />

English name for EDE.<br />

IDDAL MATFj. a nrRr MArr in which all the men on<br />

the board takc pa , a termination sometiBes<br />

featu.ed <strong>by</strong> composers.<br />

pAcnMAN. Later that ycar. at hh fouth and last<br />

attcmpt rowin the USSR chanpionship, he cane<br />

thnd (+5=13 1) equ.l with BoryrNM( (lhcn<br />

world chanpion), pErRosvAN, aDd srAss(y. ater<br />

ILLEGAL MO\.E, a nove oi a piece or pavn in a<br />

manner not pemilted <strong>by</strong> thc laws. Il a playcr<br />

nakessuch a mole, andthh is discovered dnring a<br />

game, elen after adlournnent. tbe posnion musl<br />

be reinstated as it was beiore the nole Nas nade<br />

and play onlinued in aeordance with the roucn<br />

ND Mor LAw. ll reinstatemenl is imDossitlc thc<br />

garcisannulledandatrcshoneplayed.(A icle9<br />

ol the laws of ches.) If the illegal nove n<br />

discovered aier lhe game bas ended there is no<br />

A study <strong>by</strong> soMov-NAs'Movr.d . Lo Strotagie , 1936.<br />

1 RD Bc,l 2 a6 Bxa6 3 Ra2+ Kb5 4 Ka, Bc8 5<br />

Rb2+ Kc6 6Rb8(d7 ?Rxc8Krc8 8Bxc6.For<br />

another elanple see thc lroblem <strong>by</strong> D o{v'LtE<br />

under PRoDr rM rrsroRYl<br />

mDAL STALEMATE- a srar-. arE in which aU<br />

ihe men on the noardtake parl, inwhich no square<br />

in thc king\ licld is atracked <strong>by</strong> moie th.n one<br />

enemy manj and in wbich nen acting as sclf-lrocks<br />

are not under artack unless nc.cssarilyPinned. For<br />

ex<strong>amp</strong>lesscc(lDBEri PN srALEuE, andiusrN!(.<br />

tGM, NriRN^noNAL GRANDNA$m. a title<br />

ILLEGAL POSITION, (1) a position in a game<br />

thal should nor hale ansen. Arricle9ofthc lass oi<br />

ches lays dorn thc lollownrg procedures: iI rhe<br />

board has bccn placed inco.rectly (i.e. h1 is a dark<br />

square) the position reached musr be reset on a<br />

.ofectly placed board andplay continued: if after<br />

lnen hale becn accid€ntally displaced or after<br />

adjoumnent the position is incorecfly set up rhen<br />

dll subsequent play iI any isannullcd. thc Fsition<br />

is resel correctly and day .ontinuedi ii the array<br />

has bccfl incori€ctlyrcl oriltbepositioncannot be<br />

reconstruded after the nenbave been accidenrally<br />

displied then the ganeis annutlcd andalreshone<br />

connenced. <strong>The</strong>se remcdicsarelobeappliedonly<br />

ilthe illcgalNsition h dhcovered duringplay. (See<br />

E Srcinci CoUc Budap.d 1926 Alekhine Delence<br />

1.,1N16 2e5Nd5 3Bc4Nb6 4Be2d6 i14Nc6 6NI3<br />

dxe5 I lxei Nd4 8 0 0 NxI3+ 9 BiI3 Qd4+ 10 Khl<br />

Oxs5 11d.lOd6 12.4 Qd2 ll Nc3 c6 (Atrhis pinr<br />

SENER ac.idcn.ally kiocked hnkingofthe boad *irh<br />

h(marsleeveandreplacedironsl.)14c5Nd5 15Qh3<br />

e6 16 Bxdi cxd5 17 B35 16 13 Rael+ Be7<br />


(1921 ). soviet player riom Sverdlovsk. Inrema<br />

lional Maner (1955). engineer. He won the<br />

RSFSR (Russian Federation) cha6pionshiD aftcr a<br />

play off in l9,l8andsharedihctitlcwith DUBINTN in<br />

1949. Reachirg his bcst lorm in lhe 1950s,Itivilsky<br />

playcd in thc 66teborg interzonal, 1955, taking<br />

teDth place alter a play otl (+1=5) against I-.

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