chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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HUBNER 14? rr rN.oDened htrchesr dnd cutiee roums in O{furd skeet;nd msned HoMtz hv dppo,nrine hrm .hes\ Drotc$ronal ' n darlv aftenLlancc'. Kling \5 also tlic dirvrnq fnre behrnd therrlornr edLroEhiP .,1 a maeazrnc arc ( r.Js Pl,rer (1851-l) m'l a hnnL .;{( .stutur l185ll t{oNiD is chren! rcnembered for this pronccrrnE book qhlch con' LARS iandBad Kissingen 1981(+'1='l 2) equal hm\ 208 slud' ( an! DrDA.flc FsrrroNs. $iLh n {irh srBrAN after Korchnoi. ln 1982 he son a ..alvsis ol the Muzro cAMBn added pe.haPs to catelure 10 touo.oenL(+6=5, atDo nund.At incriase sates. In 1857 he was aPPointed hk;JLh artenDt in an nrer-nal, Manila t9?6, orolesronal ar rhc Manlhener Chesr Club anJ H,rr soreLl +9=7 l. shared second ptase wrth ;hr.ush his mnuencr Br A.KsuPNL lErrncd much Por.uclYEvs$ after MEcxrNc .nd becamb a caNDI ,h",,iih. endsame Hodrtz retarned his rnlerc DArr. He lost ro Srassky in the quarter'final. in rhisDhase a;d crosned his onposing career bv Berdes reDresennne tur ounrrl in mdtr) oL\M_ sinnin'a 66t prize in rhe sorld\ n6t studv_ HADS rrom1rb0. Hurr ohved ar l.u h board for conposinE tou.ney, a. international dent orga_ the Restoithe world in a natch against the ussR nized bv LdwEmAL in 1862. in L97O lnd scored +1:3 against Polugavevskv. Erchi rean rrtcr KIngs derLh llururtz pub witb rANs^ he wote Ihc Best Movc (1980), rkhra ard JaAA o d End'Aanes llRa4) tr containing 230 instructivc Positions c.ntaios 427 oositions i.cLudins alt those in Ch'ss l,ad;.s and nore than 50 other studies composed W. Hug Hon Skopje Olynpiad 1972 Queen\ Ind'an wirh Klmss ollJhoraron, and to tunleal rheir onsrn Ho;rP nrePdred rhe enrire mrnMriPr b! 1c4N16 2 Nf:r e6 3slh6 4Bs2!b7 i0_08e7 6d4 h:nd Frud cover ro covrr h Oll 7NdNe4 3Nxe4tsxc4 9814d6 10Od2Nd? l1 ftnlh6 12Nel15 llBxellxe4 l4Qc2Nl6 l5Bgi 16 XhnE. (Thrs rograritude uas remedred in rhe Be3oc3 l7Ks2Qh5 18h3Qa6 l9RaclRfl 20IrcI rc$humox. cdrtron ot 1889 ) (Sec D6PsAoo'l g,l 2l h4 e5 t2 Od3 Nrc4 2l Nc RaE 24 tssl IrO$ELL ATTAC(,38'1in tbe sPANtsH oPINING, naned after the Ancrican Clarencc Searar Howcu (1881-1936), Nhose analvsis aPpeared in Ritish (:hess Muqo2ine. 1922. Thc vanahon was .|,!ed rour rrmis n rhe W.rld Cha npionshil L,icrr toumament. lqlr, ana as a re\ulL $n\ Lrlled tbe Moscow or lbe Keres Vanation. gRoMriDxA DETENCE, 131, sonctimes called the l-oose Gambn or. inaccurately, theHromddk' svdem- ohveJ bv ihe C7e.h m.{er KJrel Hro mr,ll,a (i*8i l'ril ,n rhe ?,e(an) rournamenr' Lq22 lhe pla! lhdr fnlluw\ usudll\ leads ro rhe 24 . . ts:114 25 gxn4 Rf] 26 Ndr Rs3+ 27 Khl Rrz EORI-ANTOSSIN VARIATION. 126 in thc Du.E DE.IN.E. According to ldMANov ihis line was orisinared by HoRr around 1960 (e.e. FuchF Hort. HaIe 1960) and develoPed hv soon ^NrosnN IroRwrtz. BERNHARD (1808-85), plaver and ouuia n rhi quarter rrnJl Llre$ s\ 6m.oser born n Gcrmdnv bur domicile! in irrmcs,lost ".nos,o. rhe sev(nth, and rest8nrd rhe mJth on Fnoiand lrom 1845 He udieder rn Berhnwhere aaPr.vated by stred noaes tre ianca ctres etpene oce m une ot thc PLtrADEs. l" 'Ff,'l"nd he edmcd monev bY plavinE "nd bachi; chess and by porttailure, especiallv of childr;, although he would hale pleferied to suceed al landscape painting. The greatest plaveis ot the iiBe dcfeated him in match Plav bDt he won alarn trRD n 1851 (+7=4-3li tr was rhr vear of rie pruat rondon tournamenr ,n whrh Horurlz derc;teLl Btrd in rhe hEr rodnd and uas then knocked out by srAUNroN. ln lhe lblloNing vcar sterdam 1979,.aresrn l2 (+5=81, eqDaltrtrh rA\ He rl.o nJde cood

I48 HUBNER VARIATION sith rcRrsor and Pclrosyan. Again a Candidale. Hnbner bear ^DonrnN (+2=7 1) .nd Portisch (+2=9), $en det Korchnoi in thc; whcn iailnrg +2:3 3 with t$o games adjoumed he ivithd.ew. linding the slress unaccept.ble. As a finalist in lhis natch series HnDncr aulonatic lly becaoe a Candidatc in tlrc nexl chanpionship cyclc. Hc came semnd (+4=5 3) cquat wiib Korchnoi afier Andensor atJobannes burs 1981and 6rst (+6=4) ahead ot Korchnoi ai Chicago 1982. Alier conpleting nalfhis ga,nes nl th€ category 16 Turin lournament, 1982, he Bithdrcw on acounr of ill.ess. A Candid.te in 1983. helost tbequarter linal natch to sMysbvo. M. van Fondertr ind P. Kleinc. Dr nobdlr Hiibnd4o seiner lchd$teb Panien llgal). Po isch-Hnbn( Bugojno 1973 Nimzo lnJirn Der.ic Bror ei', variarion ld4Nt6 2c4e6 3Nc3B64 4c3b6 5Nc2Ba6 6a:l Bxc3+ ? Nxc3 d5 3b10.0 9b5Bh7 Nrd5Qxd5 r2aa6 llBd3r5 l4a,1 b5 15Ba3M 16 Bxh4 Rfi lTRclBr6 138.:Nc6 l9Bh3Qd7 20Bd Ne7 2t Klz Nd5 22 B.l2 Qd6 23 Qc2 Bbr 24 O.4 Rl6 2s gr h5 26Ithd1 h.l 27 Rsl Ral3 23 a5 Rh6 2q a$6 *b6 :10 Ra1 Kh7 31 Ra7 Qhs 32 RaaL Nr6 lr Bdl Qd6 34 Qc2hxA3+ 35 hxg3 Rhl 36 t{cl Rfi ,tse2 "?&, w a7& 7&ffi w ,& .ffi 17 . Ne4+ 33 &e4 hc4+ 39 Kcl Qxgr+ wlrire EiDNER VARTATmN- 156 intnc M zo TNDTAN HUNGARTAN DDTENCE, 495, a nove Siven by coro which took its name from a corrcspondence gane between Pans and Pest, 1842 5. IIUN(;ARIAN VARIATION. l ltlt in the cRilNEr D DEFscr, played in ihe game Portiscb-Adorjrn, Budapest 1970, and by o$er Hu.ganan players at IIUNT OPENING, 5, $e oMNc uraN o.rNrNcj practised by the Canadian bor. English doctor Joseph William Hunl (1851-1920). EUSTiIL KAREL (1925- ). Czcch praler sho sharedsesndplacesilbtstDLafterBERL] ERinthc 51h world Corespoddence Chanpio.ship. 1965 8. a pe orman@ that eained bih the title of Corespondence Chcss Gra.di.ster (1968). EUTTON PAIRING, a nerhod ot natching nany tcams whilc onc gamc lrom ca.n playe.. Devised in l92l by a Scoftnl cle.gyman, George Dickson Hutlon (186G1929), this paning nethod has since been used regularly lor cores pondcn@ tca'n c,cnis and lor matchcs Nhcrc many teans assemble on one day hence the nane janbo.e painng. The players in each teao are ranked in order ofsftength and cach playcr mccts sonconcwith a similar ranking. When tbe.unber of leams is one nore than the nunber ot boards each rean 6eers every other team on onc board, an ideal arangerentl hur organizcs havc lablcs cnabling lhem to.ope aith any nuober ofl€ams andanynunberolboards A sinilar lechnique but witb every ream oeeti.Aeve olher team on two hoards is callcd ihc Crcpcaux System. IIiTL, JARoSLAV (i9L! ), czech player, lnternntion.l Co(espondence Chess Crandmaster (1968). a posral playcrwhose best achieremenrwas a seco.d place sha.ed sith HUsl( after BERLINER in the 5rh World Corespondence Cb.opionship, 1965,8. HYDE, THOMAS (161G1702), English authoroI the Iirst scholarly altenpt lo nDravcl thc origins ol chess, protessor ol Hebrew and Arabic, divnre. Onc ol the nist Europeans to gain r loowledge oI Chinese, hc was i rterpre ter ol O rien tdl languaBe s for Charles II, Janres II. and william III. The fi(t ol iNo vorunes oI D? lzdr oietuatibrc 11694), 'Ma.dragorias seu Hisrona Shahiludii, examines the 6rl traccs otches and reaches the.onclusion thar n Nas in,entcd in India and thence taken ro Iran and Arabia. Wrnten in Lalin. wilh large verbatio exfacts in other languages and alphabets. it w6 reprinted in 1767 as rhe seco.d volume of Hyde\ collcctcd wor(s. EYPERMODERN. r^Rr^(owLR\ nanre for a nolenent $ar tlounsbed in tbe 1920s brouSbt about in rca.lion 10 rARRAscn\ Iornalistic leachings. Nr{zowrs.E is generally regardcd as fte tounder. He, dEcrNE, BocolruBow, cRaN- ErD. and Rirr re exanined lhe nain probleB of lhe opening phase: how to .ontrol or dispute onirol ol the enlre. Ma.y openings and opening variarions inhoduced by the6 hale since becode standard play. (Scc sc oor.s or cn.$ )


sith rcRrsor and Pclrosyan. Again a Candidale.<br />

Hnbner bear ^DonrnN<br />

(+2=7 1) .nd Portisch<br />

(+2=9), $en det Korchnoi in thc; whcn<br />

iailnrg +2:3 3 with t$o games adjoumed he<br />

ivithd.ew. linding the slress unaccept.ble.<br />

As a finalist in lhis natch series HnDncr<br />

aulonatic lly becaoe a Candidatc in tlrc nexl<br />

chanpionship cyclc. Hc came semnd (+4=5 3)<br />

cquat wiib Korchnoi afier Andensor atJobannes<br />

burs 1981and 6rst (+6=4) ahead ot Korchnoi ai<br />

Chicago 1982. Alier conpleting nalfhis ga,nes nl<br />

th€ category 16 Turin lournament, 1982, he<br />

Bithdrcw on acounr of ill.ess. A Candid.te in<br />

1983. helost tbequarter linal natch <strong>to</strong> sMysbvo.<br />

M. van Fondertr ind P. Kleinc. Dr nobdlr<br />

Hiibnd4o seiner lchd$teb Panien llgal).<br />

Po isch-Hnbn( Bugojno 1973 Nimzo lnJirn Der.ic<br />

Bror ei', variarion<br />

ld4Nt6 2c4e6 3Nc3B64 4c3b6 5Nc2Ba6 6a:l<br />

Bxc3+ ? Nxc3 d5 3b10.0 9b5Bh7<br />

Nrd5Qxd5 r2aa6 llBd3r5 l4a,1 b5 15Ba3M 16<br />

Bxh4 Rfi lTRclBr6 138.:Nc6 l9Bh3Qd7 20Bd<br />

Ne7 2t Klz Nd5 22 B.l2 Qd6 23 Qc2 Bbr 24 O.4 Rl6<br />

2s gr h5 26Ithd1 h.l 27 Rsl Ral3 23 a5 Rh6 2q a$6<br />

*b6 :10 Ra1 Kh7 31 Ra7 Qhs 32 RaaL Nr6 lr Bdl<br />

Qd6 34 Qc2hxA3+ 35 hxg3 Rhl 36 t{cl Rfi ,tse2<br />

"?&,<br />

w<br />

a7&<br />

7&ffi<br />

w ,& .ffi<br />

17 . Ne4+ 33 &e4 hc4+ 39 Kcl Qxgr+ wlrire<br />

EiDNER VARTATmN- 156 intnc M zo TNDTAN<br />

HUNGARTAN DDTENCE, 495, a nove Siven <strong>by</strong><br />

coro which <strong>to</strong>ok its name from a corrcspondence<br />

gane between Pans and Pest, 1842 5.<br />

IIUN(;ARIAN VARIATION. l ltlt in the cRilNEr D<br />

DEFscr, played in ihe game Portiscb-Adorjrn,<br />

Budapest 1970, and <strong>by</strong> o$er Hu.ganan players at<br />

IIUNT OPENING, 5, $e oMNc uraN o.rNrNcj<br />

practised <strong>by</strong> the Canadian bor. English doc<strong>to</strong>r<br />

Joseph William Hunl (1851-1920).<br />

EUSTiIL KAREL (1925- ). Czcch praler sho<br />

sharedsesndplacesilbtstDLafterBERL] ERinthc<br />

51h world Corespoddence Chanpio.ship. 1965<br />

8. a pe orman@ that eained bih the title of<br /> Corespondence Chcss Gra.di.ster<br />

(1968).<br />

EUTTON PAIRING, a nerhod ot natching nany<br />

tcams whilc onc gamc lrom ca.n<br />

playe.. Devised in l92l <strong>by</strong> a Scoftnl cle.gyman,<br />

George Dickson Hutlon (186G1929), this paning<br />

nethod has since been used regularly lor cores<br />

pondcn@ tca'n c,cnis and lor matchcs Nhcrc<br />

many teans assemble on one day hence the nane<br />

janbo.e painng. <strong>The</strong> players in each teao are<br />

ranked in order ofsftength and cach playcr mccts<br />

sonconcwith a similar ranking. When tbe.unber<br />

of leams is one nore than the nunber ot boards<br />

each rean 6eers every other team on onc board,<br />

an ideal arangerentl hur organizcs havc lablcs<br />

cnabling lhem <strong>to</strong>.ope aith any nuober ofl€ams<br />

andanynunberolboards A sinilar lechnique but<br />

witb every ream oeeti.Aeve olher team on two<br />

hoards is callcd ihc Crcpcaux System.<br />

IIiTL, JARoSLAV (i9L! ), czech player,<br />

lnternntion.l Co(espondence <strong>Chess</strong> Crandmaster<br />

(1968). a posral playcrwhose best achieremenrwas<br />

a seco.d place sha.ed sith HUsl( after BERLINER in<br />

the 5rh World Corespondence Cb.opionship,<br />

1965,8.<br />

HYDE, THOMAS (161G1702), English authoroI<br />

the Iirst scholarly altenpt lo nDravcl thc origins ol<br />

<strong>chess</strong>, protessor ol Hebrew and Arabic, divnre.<br />

Onc ol the nist Europeans <strong>to</strong> gain r loowledge oI<br />

Chinese, hc was i rterpre ter ol O rien tdl languaBe s<br />

for Charles II, Janres II. and william III. <strong>The</strong> fi(t<br />

ol iNo vorunes oI D? lzdr oietuatibrc 11694),<br />

'Ma.dragorias seu Hisrona Shahiludii, examines<br />

the 6rl traccs otches and reaches the.onclusion<br />

thar n Nas in,entcd in India and thence taken ro<br />

Iran and Arabia. Wrnten in Lalin. wilh large<br />

verbatio exfacts in other languages and<br />

alphabets. it w6 reprinted in 1767 as rhe seco.d<br />

volume of Hyde\ collcctcd wor(s.<br />

EYPERMODERN. r^Rr^(owLR\ nanre for a<br />

nolenent $ar tlounsbed in tbe 1920s brouSbt<br />

about in rca.lion 10 rARRAscn\ Iornalistic<br />

leachings. Nr{zowrs.E is generally regardcd as<br />

fte <strong>to</strong>under. He, dEcrNE, BocolruBow, cRaN-<br />

ErD. and Rirr re exanined lhe nain probleB of<br />

lhe opening phase: how <strong>to</strong> .ontrol or dispute<br />

onirol ol the enlre. Ma.y openings and opening<br />

variarions inhoduced <strong>by</strong> the6 hale since becode<br />

standard play. (Scc sc oor.s or cn.$ )

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