chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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WeslGcrn.n Ch.mpionship and shared6st prizc<br />

$ilh MArLr.oll. and DAMrANoqa in fie Bad<br />

Pymonl <strong>to</strong>ur.anrent. Around thh liDc hc decided<br />

10 rurn piolessionrl. His incone dropped but hh<br />

playimprovcd. oE (esulrol$hichw.sa tie lor 6Bt<br />

prize $ith ANDrRssoN and spAssxy at rhe Dorl<br />

nund <strong>to</strong>umament 1973 Gateeory 9) rn 197a.<br />

wanting <strong>to</strong> narry, he look a posi in local<br />

goven'menr, resuning his anateur status. He<br />

playedin lhc Olympiads mlnytines tiom 1962.In<br />

1980 he became aD Intcflrational Cotrcspond.nce<br />

HED(IEH(X; DEFFjNCE. 42:l in the spANrsH<br />

opENrN{:. Whcthcr thc namc significs thc shlpc ol<br />

Blact s pawn lonnarion or an unbreachable positionil<br />

seensinappropriate: Black cannot maintain<br />

hispawn on e5, turihe altenFt <strong>to</strong> doso*ould lead<br />

him inlo thc rARRAs.rr rRap, a24 (Scc r rND'y<br />

Tbe lem hedgebo g po sition issometimesused<br />

<strong>by</strong> Ilaycn <strong>to</strong> dcline any sutposedly inpregdable<br />

IIDINRICHSEN OPENINC, 7, noted with s1.rn<br />

disapproval <strong>by</strong> Ruy raprz bur rdvocated <strong>by</strong> thc<br />

Litnlanian ANed Ileinrichscn (1876 1r00)r also<br />

known as Kotrd or Dunn Opening.<br />

EELPMATET atypc olDroblen invenred bv ivlax<br />

LanAe (see M^x L{N.E ArrA.x) in 1854. Black<br />

(pcnonificd) geb bimsell checknrared. h.rping<br />

White <strong>to</strong> rhis cnd, a s.ipul.rion indicated <strong>by</strong> thc<br />

symbor idh+). Black comncnccs play_ and it is<br />

cus<strong>to</strong>martiorerch nrmbered mole <strong>to</strong> consisr ota<br />

black srNd-rlMovtr and the lollowingwhitc sinelc<br />

move. lhe revcEc of the nomal practice. A<br />

composer nay choosc BrN or DUpLEx fom. add<br />

set flay (for Nbich White moves 66t). or prolide<br />

tso or morc soludons. He mav add intcnlional<br />

DUA6'which a.c callcd vanadons. and arc<br />

indicared<strong>by</strong>a series olnumbc(; lnrel<strong>amp</strong>le. lora<br />

hclpmatc in rwo lhe numbcs I 1.2.1. would<br />

indicale thal tso lines otplav be io on thc thild<br />

single move, i.e. on Black\ second move.<br />

A helpmale <strong>by</strong> pAxos thal Non lirst prize nr thc<br />

FIDE <strong>to</strong>urney.1958. <strong>The</strong>re are iour tains: one as<br />

selj and thc othcn with lhc knight renoled f.om<br />

b5 and placed oD dl, f:. or h5. Ihc ioursoluliotrs<br />

sbow ALLUU$aNDLUNG and model maics.<br />

(Noi b5) t h1=B Bd3 2Bc68g6 3Bd7Nc7<br />

(N on dl) I hl:O Bg2 2Qn5Re4 3Ql7Nc5<br />

(N oD 13) t h1=NBb5 2Ng3Bc6 lN15Ng5<br />

(N on h5) t h1=R Bb5 2 Rhdl Be8 3 Rlds<br />

Ng7.<br />

For other ex<strong>amp</strong>les see ctuD RoARD and srRrrs<br />

MoIER. Help play also occurs in lhe HrLp-<br />

STALEMATE and rhe hetp rErbmR.<br />

IIDLP-STALEMATFI, a problcm snnilar <strong>to</strong> thc<br />

hclpmaic excepi rhat ihe two sides conspne b<br />

sralenale the black king, a stipul.rion indicated <strong>by</strong><br />

lhe symbol hp. Bl.ck movcs h6t<br />

HENLEY, RONALD WATSON (1956 ),Inrer<br />

narional Grandd6ter (1982), . T.xa. wl,o.on!<br />

peted in one oflhe lxrgcsl lournamcnts of rccenl<br />

rimcs, Surakarta-Dcnpasar 1982i he scored<br />

+12=11 2 aDd shared 6rst ptue with BRowNE<br />

ahead oI cEtustuNsEN,<br />

EE\NEBDRGER VARIATION, 635, a dubious<br />

lincinthc rRrNor DrrFN.. Also94in thcou..Ns<br />

r:rMRr De.lined mnreiinrer .?lled ihe Svirs<br />

Vaiation, analysed <strong>by</strong> A. MBINovr.Ein 19122 and<br />

plated eight tines bl ALEGTNE when he h.d rhe<br />

hlack picces againsl .ApAurAN.A in thcn .hanpionship<br />

nrarch ol 192?i Alekhine Non one game<br />

and drew seven, a codparalie success, but rhe<br />

laiiarion was nol polular subscqucntly. Bolh<br />

larialions are named after the SsissmasterWalter<br />

Henneberser (188!196r). (see co opERArroN.)<br />

EENNIG-SCIL{RA CAMBIT, 57 in the auEEN s<br />

cAMur l)eclined. Sce scnARA<br />

HENRY, W. R., pserdonym oi William Hcnry<br />

Rus (1813-66), pioneer Anericdn rrchivisi. One<br />

ot tbe frBt <strong>to</strong> recognizc ihc importance ol <strong>chess</strong><br />

columos, he indexed lhem. compiled a manus.ripl<br />

.ollcction of all problens pubhhed in Amedca,<br />

and interesicd drc AnericanconposerE. B Cook<br />

(1830L1915)ina jointeffo.r<strong>to</strong>sccurcplblication<br />

,^lthough lheprobabihyoIsuccessNassmalland<br />

there mrc no chances oI linancial Sain Henry<br />

*orked on. asemblcd morc than.1,000 piobleds,<br />

and wrole lilelets ol American conrposcn sith<br />

tnenportrai$ Heexpenmented rhtypefacesfor<br />

diagrams aDd had 960 ol the problens printed,<br />

spending $700 He established thar a problen <strong>by</strong><br />

C. H sr^NLEy, Spn, ot' rhe Tin?s. I Ma.. 1845.<br />

vas the linr ro bc Nblished in Anenca. Henrydid<br />

not live <strong>to</strong> see rhe publicarion o1 rhe bool,<br />

,a4.,.r, (116r N!,, (1868), b! cook. Hcnry, and<br />

His end docs nor tally with rhe novelisas image<br />

ol <strong>chess</strong> plarers ascold. calcularinA, and etlicienr.

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