chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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<strong>The</strong>re was 6uch a.rimony between rival suppoF<br />

teB. One man hired xn or-Ean-eriflder <strong>to</strong> Play<br />

ouiside ihe windo* knowing lhis *ould uPset<br />

t-dwenthal more than HarMitz, and anolhcr,<br />

defying the non smoking .ule, bleN rhick cigar<br />

snoke in<strong>to</strong> l-.jNcnlhal s tace. T1]c gcatle Ldsen<br />

lhal was a surogale Ior his chief suPporter,<br />

Staun<strong>to</strong>n. Harwitz had challenged Skun<strong>to</strong>n but<br />

had been un.ble <strong>to</strong> agrcc terns, sone blamingone<br />

Darh.,ode the orher. Frum tcn rSsi roJdne 185,1<br />

il,risir ras nropneror rna cdi<strong>to</strong>r or thc arnat<br />

(:hers Review, an exccllcnl penodicil cxccpl<br />

pcrhaps lor its anti-Staun<strong>to</strong>n bias. Tnc English<br />

player Auguslus Mongr€dien (1807.98). who<br />

kne* HarNitz. wrote: He had lhe nislortune ot<br />

being both contendous and wilt! thc former<br />

qualty rnvulvr0S hrm inru .unsanr dnnuLe\ dnJ<br />

rhe lau€r r(nd.nnA ihesr !Apurc\ borh btrler nd<br />

personal'StaDn<strong>to</strong>n,olcou6c,couldR€llholdnis<br />

Soon HarNi, dcparted for Plris <strong>to</strong> become<br />

prolessional at the ca.r DE LA RatitN.E follo*inB<br />

Kiesciiizky's death. AI tnoug h physicall unaltractive,'alt<br />

he.dand btaiflion a rin] body. hcwas a<br />

\prr(hnq Lonve6ariotrJlrHnd FoPUldr dr lhe<br />

Reecn.c At Mdnehe$er in l*57 he phred Ln h^<br />

onay <strong>to</strong>umadenr, in vhich he \ras knockcd oul in<br />

ihe Inst round bt Anderssen. Ac.ording ro<br />

Ldwenthal HarNilz subsequcntly played three<br />

games againsl Ande6scn. sinoing them all. In<br />

l85sllarnvn2wasdefcatcd<strong>by</strong> oRPn(+2=l 5).<br />

His condud during lhc match (he <strong>to</strong>ok morc than<br />

one oI his uslal 'vacalionJ) and lhc ill grace Nnh<br />

which hc laced deleatconbincd wirh lhe excessile<br />

adulation a(orded <strong>to</strong> Morphy lost Har tuz the<br />

synpathy olrhe public and cost hin his iob. Later<br />

he <strong>to</strong>ld lriends that Morphy vas <strong>by</strong> far the Sreaten<br />

Flaycrhc had met. Wben ror.rscH cane <strong>to</strong> Pans in<br />

lS59Ilar ilzplayed him a lewgaoes (+l:l-2),<br />

bul *as un.ble <strong>to</strong> recover bis conhdcncc. Receiv'<br />

ing a nodest inheritance rfter his farhels death he<br />

re&cd <strong>to</strong> Bolza.o in tte ALslrian Alps. emergine<br />

in 1878 b nake a <strong>to</strong>ur'<strong>to</strong>s€eoldtriends.ndscencs<br />

olpast gloriesoncc morebelorehedicd'. (Sec Lost<br />

IIARRI{ITZ ATTACK, 86, a outrENs cAMBrr<br />

Declinedvariaiion favoured <strong>by</strong> rRwlrz and also<br />

b, RurNsrdN after whom it is sooednes naoed<br />

Harwnzplayed nsucceslully in matchcs. notably<br />

in 1851 aaainst rij*.N1al and in 1858 apainn<br />

MoRprrr, who considered tbe line so stiong thlt he<br />

declined <strong>to</strong> neer rhe Queens G.mhil aganr.<br />

preledng the DUrcH DrFrNc.. 120. Mo.e recently<br />

KoRcrrNor cnployed rhe Harwitz Altack r bis<br />

wo.ld ch<strong>amp</strong>ionsbip mtches oi 1971i and 1981<br />

HARIONG, JAN (1.102- ), Dutch composer,<br />

specialist in orlhodox rwo and mRED Mov.Rsi<br />

lnlcrnational Master lor <strong>Chess</strong> ComposilioDs<br />

(1959), dnec<strong>to</strong>r or an insurance company. (see<br />

HECHT 141<br />

Nieneiier. Jr" Har,,( ( 19,16l contains 13c probleds].<br />

fw. zi.leh tuee gedn. trd (1959) contains<br />

100 problems <strong>by</strong> Hfu<strong>to</strong>ng a.d 100 <strong>by</strong> LosstNso.<br />

EARONAR.RASHiD (..76!809), -Abbnsidcaliph<br />

oi lslam ?86 809. Allegedly thc li6t of his dtnany<br />

<strong>to</strong> play <strong>chess</strong>, he hvourcd good players and<br />

granted tbed pe.sions.' Under bis caliphate lhc<br />

Solden ,ec oI sH^rR^Nr begani court patronage<br />

continned, and early in thc 9ih cenlury three<br />

grandmasters energcd: RABh8, Abn n Na,n,and<br />

Jabir alKnfi. In iime lhey *ere lollowcd <strong>by</strong><br />

al ADrj, acuzr, as-stri, and olhei greatplales.<br />

lla nar Rashid s court al Baghdad h idcalizedin<br />

<strong>The</strong> Arubian Niihx Ederd nenr, somciimes<br />

. llcd'fhe Thoband ahd One Ni\ft,r This conpila_<br />

tion of folk-tales r.s nadc sorne cenlunes ailei his<br />

dcalh and lhe <strong>chess</strong> passaees n conrains halc no<br />

IIAUP|r'URNIER, Geinan for Prcmier <strong>to</strong>urna<br />

ncnt and like its English cquilalent usually thc<br />

r..on,l level event aftcr the maner iournament.<br />

Soon .lier hs founding in 187, the Deulscher<br />

Schachbund began the practice oI organinng !<br />

,'Ia"trtur,Er.t each oiits congresses. <strong>The</strong> winncr<br />

or sonetimes thc sccond pnze *inne( Nas subsequenlty<br />

entitlcd <strong>to</strong> play in . DSB 'nastcr<br />

<strong>to</strong>urname.tand<br />

ilherhen{onatleast arhnd oI his games<br />

(the M.d,cr.til,el) he saiDcd tbe tnle ot masre,<br />

IlavEL, MIROSLAV (1881 19581, Pseudonym<br />

of the Czech conuoser Mirosl v Kostal,Internation.l<br />

Judge of <strong>Chess</strong>ComPosnions (1956). official<br />

in thc Minislry oI Riilwars. I endealoured , h.<br />

srites. 10 bring rhe Bohemian Problem- as <strong>to</strong> ils<br />

form, and espc.ially economy oI meansi <strong>to</strong> ns<br />

highesr pcrfcction. He succccd.d. (see BosE<br />

L Mikan, M. Hav.r a.$! Atdnari 1898 1956<br />

(1975) contains 1,701 comFsirioDs <strong>by</strong> Havel.<br />

nEATECOTE,GODFREY(i870 1952).Englhh<br />

cooposer spccializinS id oltnodox rflRB- and<br />

MoR.-iorLRs,la\ryer. From tbe 1890s be and lhe<br />

English coBposer Pcr.y Francis Blate (1873-<br />

1936) qere the tso leading erPoncnts of lhe<br />

so called English style (SeePRon' rM HrsIon.)For<br />

a. cx<strong>amp</strong>le oI lhis stylc applied <strong>to</strong> a two molcr<br />

Marble. Hune. .nd wnile. Cne$.Idlls (19ltr)<br />

contains 300 problcms <strong>by</strong> Hearhcolc.<br />

HF,A H VARTATION. 556 in lhe nNc,S GAMBIT<br />

Declined. a kindol Ev^Ns cAMBr in,cnted bt ihe<br />

German ptaycr Schulder, phycd <strong>by</strong> LiiwtNrul in<br />

hjs fi6t match gane against H^kRvtrz, 1853, and<br />

ramedafterC. B. HeathNhopublished anllysis in<br />

the Btitish Ch.$ MaEaznE,19r-1.<br />

rIECHT , HANS JOACHIM (1939 ), Inlema<br />

tional Grandnasrer (19r3).In 1970 Hechtvon thc

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