chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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2r e5 eb ?2 Ogl Nrs 23 Ne4 ts$3 ?4 axb:r Ne6 25 t4 NdJ 26 f5 Nir5 27 NI6+ KhB 23 Brti +15 29 Bc5 RC8 10e6.4+ 3l Khl 14 :r2 Ocr Rg7 33 Nh516 34 BxJ6 BxI6 15 Qxr6 RBlt 16 NxgT Black resiens GUNSDERG, ISIDOR,\RTHUR (1854-1930). player, che$ tournalist. Bom in Budapest (as Giinzberg), hcNasbroughlloEdglandNhe. anout ninc yca6 old, later to beconc naluralized. IIe developed his lalenr in thc London oI the 1870s. then rhe world s chess.cntre. An opportunily lo operare the automatoD MrF src led lo his decision to becomc a chess proiessional at tnc a:c of 25 In 1881 he lo$ a natcb.ganNt BLAcruu{Nt, bul be improvedrapidlyin thcnextlewyears. InJuly 1885 he decisively Non a nalional touinanent hcld in London, and a fes weeks later hc surprised lhe chcssworld bywinning the Hamburginte.nalional rournamenr .head of half rhe world s best dozen playe$: Blackburne. ENcLIs. pErss- and MA.k.NzrE The tollowirg ycar he dcfcaicd Blackburne (+5=6-2) and 8IRD (+5=3 1), and in l8li? he shared firsl pnze with BUN(+8 1)ahcadof Blackburneand zu(.Rroir in rhc London rourd.nent whcn the Sixth Anedcan Chess Congrcs was held in 1889 sENrrz rgreed to play a world championship tuarch against thc wioner. CEIGoRN andEGS licd lor lisl prizei Sleinitzbad already playcd ChigoF in. and Wens was not i.terested in a nalch ConsequentlyCunsbere, Nho won the thndPrizc, delChigorin in amatch, astirnnBallanthatendcd in a draN (+9=5 9). Thei Stcini, a(epted Gunsberg s challengei thcy played in New York, and.Irer a hardstruggle lasting abour seven wecks (1890-91) Gunsberslon (+4=9 6). Subscqucntly he playedinaboul.dozenstronCtour.aments. the last io 191,1; butbe lchicvcdonly moderale resulls. perhaps becausc hc was increasingl] giving his limc to olhcr chess aclivides. A cons.icatious and punctual worker. he Probrbly ediled more'chess colunns thln anyonc clsc. and wasoneoilhe ies qho an adcquare. ilsparse,livelihood lrom cncs. Cunsbe.g was also r.rconpetcnt tournament organizer, and Bas espcciall,! proud of his 6ve skge thirty{ix-Ilaycrtournament al O$nd l$6 Hcwantcd io give young pliye(. chan@, notinB drar there sere nany roumamcnts lo Nhich only rhe uell kn.*n mastcn were invned: al lhis rouroanent thc.aree6 oIiuBNsrErN (rhird prizc). s.RNsrEN (equal founb), and PERI6 (ni"lh) were fanly hnnched. Cunshcrg Chi8orii 3th naich eame 1890 Qu.cns lNAd5 2d4Nf6:le:re6 4tsd3Bd6 5b3Nbd7 6Bb2 0.0 TNhd2Ren nNe5NIS 91,1.5 l0lrl)a6 llRf]bi 12 dxc5 ts(5 13 Rs3 N!6 14h4 Qb6 15 Nll Nxh,l ffi. i GURVICH 13? A KNc HlNr nov besins. 16 Nxfl Kxll 17 Brr6gxr6 L8 oh5+ Ker 19 Oxh4 Bd7 20 Rg7+ Kd6 21 Qxl6 Bxe3+ 22Nxe:lQxe3+ 23Kr1 Radr 24Rcl Qd2 25 Rc2Qcl+ 26(l2K.6 27 Rxh? Ril 23Rxc6+K.7 29 Rc6+ Kb7 30 Rb6+ Black Esi8nr, oiheRnc hc h GINSBERG DEFENCE.519 in lhc srrxcH c^ME. GURNIZXY.CORNITZ. BERNH,ARD VON (1838-731. Gernan analvst, bairister. He con posed MonE MovER problcms and analysed thc EVNS cAMBn hur is remembered ior hn dctailed examinalion of the endingrook and pasD v. bhhoP (&,8, 1860.nd 1863) and that of queefl v. rook and pawn (N.,t Aalad SchtchzAtung, 1864). CI]RCENIDZE. BUKHUTY IVANOVICH (1931 ). soliet pl.yer rrom Georsia. I.remalionalGrand66tcr(1970). eeologisi. ln thc USSR Championship ol 1958. his second attenPt, be sc,enth. and although he played in anothcr six championships- thc last in 1961j, hc ncler benered this result Ai his ben durinC lhc 1960s he shared lisr prizc witb rAl in thc Tbilni touma ment. 1969 ?0: both scorcd +7=7 1. cIlRcF,NmzE VARIATION. 3Lr0 in thc caRG NN DEFENCT, introduced by cuRcrNrDzE in lhe 1960s: Blacl s intcniion is ro ans*er 4 exd5 bY ,l . . . b,l 5 Nc2 cxd5. Also 678 in thc RoBAls.E GURI'ICH, ABRAM SOLOMONOVICH (1]397 1962), Sovier study composer, Inlem.rional J udgc olCne$ Composilions (1956), lileIry and dranratic critic. His 66t and perhaps his besl composing period was lrom 1925 to 1931. Shortly after the Second wond war he recommenced (udy .omposilion and in 196l he was awarded 6nt prizc nr tlrc sixth USSR conposing championship. In the sam€ vear be publishcd E4,udi. lhe liisl part codsistnrE of r0 ol his sludies, lhe s..ond part a long cssay on tbe art oistudics.c.ompanied bt 69 cxamples. (see Ecso )

H IIABFjRDITZ VARIATION. 654 in the FRFN.H DEFENCI. tesred in correspondence play by lhe viennese anaryst Frans Haberdirz (.1901 57). HAT,BERSIADT, VITALY (1qlH7), player, analystj and @mposcrj Inlernational Judge ot ches composirioos (19s7). Born in Odcssa, hc spent nost of his adult liie in Paris, and b{ane a naruralized Fren b cituen. He won the chanpionship oI Paris in l9a5 and played in otbei tou.namentsi in one of thes. (Hyarcs 1926) he wo. a BflrLhNd rDzE fo. his game against ,ANowsn. He was also interesled in lhe basic e.dgamc, for which bc made some original analyses, but he is besl remenbered for his studics. Tnesc olten featured coNruGArE squ^B, about whi.h be and DUc.aMp wrote a book in 1932, L'Oppositiot et 16 c6es cohjugaes sokt /,.onci li er. In1954hemadeacoleclionoI100of hisown compositions and published thes alonC with some vork by otber composen in his book CnridirCr ,a.r,.rr.r. (see DrD^or. Posr0N.) SALr-BAT'IERY, a problemisls tern for a silu.tion in shich a MirRy (in thc problen sene) $ould be (ealed on a line it eirher of two pieces ol ihe samc @lour seie moveil oil the line. For an example see wHrr. qrRRnooN. HALI-CENTRE, a pAwN cENrR. tnat arises allet anexchangeolcenkepaw.sihatleavesoncplaycr wirh a centre pawn on his lourlh rank and his opponent wilh a pawn on ns third lank on the adjoining..nlre 6lc. Forexanple- atter 1e4e5 2 NlJd6 3d4exd4 4Nxd4.o.1e4c6 2d4d5 3 Nd dre4,l Nxe4 White has a half-enlre. lle has needom for his pieces and bn centre pawn -qreater atiacks lwo squarcs in thc enemycanp. For these reaso.s the t.aditional view. to $hicb rARiAs.rr tbatah li

2r e5 eb ?2 Ogl Nrs 23 Ne4 ts$3 ?4 axb:r Ne6 25 t4<br />

NdJ 26 f5 Nir5 27 NI6+ KhB 23 Brti +15 29 Bc5<br />

RC8 10e6.4+ 3l Khl 14 :r2 Ocr Rg7 33 Nh516 34<br />

BxJ6 BxI6 15 Qxr6 RBlt 16 NxgT Black resiens<br />

GUNSDERG, ISIDOR,\RTHUR (1854-1930).<br />

player, che$ <strong>to</strong>urnalist. Bom in Budapest (as<br />

Giinzberg), hcNasbroughlloEdglandNhe. anout<br />

ninc yca6 old, later <strong>to</strong> beconc naluralized. IIe<br />

developed his lalenr in thc London oI the 1870s.<br />

then rhe world s <strong>chess</strong>.cntre. An opportunily lo<br />

operare the au<strong>to</strong>ma<strong>to</strong>D MrF src led lo his decision<br />

<strong>to</strong> becomc a <strong>chess</strong> proiessional at tnc a:c of 25 In<br />

1881 he lo$ a natcb.ganNt BLAcruu{Nt, bul be<br />

improvedrapidlyin thcnextlewyears. InJuly 1885<br />

he decisively Non a nalional <strong>to</strong>uinanent hcld in<br />

London, and a fes weeks later hc surprised lhe<br />

chcssworld <strong>by</strong>winning the Hamburginte.nalional<br />

rournamenr .head of half rhe world s best dozen<br />

playe$: Blackburne. ENcLIs.<br />

pErss- and MA.k.NzrE <strong>The</strong> <strong>to</strong>llowirg ycar he<br />

dcfcaicd Blackburne (+5=6-2) and 8IRD<br />

(+5=3 1), and in l8li? he shared firsl pnze with<br />

BUN(+8 1)ahcadof Blackburneand zu(.Rroir<br />

in rhc London rourd.nent whcn the Sixth<br />

Anedcan <strong>Chess</strong> Congrcs was held in 1889<br />

sENrrz rgreed <strong>to</strong> play a world ch<strong>amp</strong>ionship<br />

tuarch against thc wioner. CEIGoRN andEGS licd<br />

lor lisl prizei Sleinitzbad already playcd ChigoF<br />

in. and Wens was not i.terested in a nalch<br />

ConsequentlyCunsbere, Nho won the thndPrizc,<br />

delChigorin in amatch, astirnnBallanthatendcd<br />

in a draN (+9=5 9). <strong>The</strong>i Stcini, a(epted<br />

Gunsberg s challengei thcy played in New York,<br />

and.Irer a hardstruggle lasting abour seven wecks<br />

(1890-91) Gunsberslon (+4=9 6). Subscqucntly<br />

he playedinaboul.dozenstronC<strong>to</strong>ur.aments. the<br />

last io 191,1; butbe lchicvcdonly moderale resulls.<br />

perhaps becausc hc was increasingl] giving his limc<br />

<strong>to</strong> olhcr <strong>chess</strong> aclivides. A cons.icatious and<br />

punctual worker. he Probrbly ediled more'<strong>chess</strong><br />

colunns thln anyonc clsc. and wasoneoilhe ies<br />

qho an adcquare. ilsparse,livelihood lrom<br />

cncs. Cunsbe.g was also r.rconpetcnt <strong>to</strong>urnament<br />

organizer, and Bas espcciall,! proud of his 6ve<br />

skge thirty{ix-Ilaycr<strong>to</strong>urnament al O$nd l$6<br />

Hcwantcd io give young pliye(. chan@, notinB<br />

drar there sere nany roumamcnts lo Nhich only<br />

rhe uell kn.*n mastcn were invned: al lhis<br />

rouroanent thc.aree6 oIiuBNsrErN (rhird prizc).<br />

s.RNsrEN (equal founb), and PERI6 (ni"lh) were<br />

fanly hnnched.<br />

Cunshcrg Chi8orii 3th naich eame 1890 Qu.cns<br />

lNAd5 2d4Nf6:le:re6 4tsd3Bd6 5b3Nbd7 6Bb2<br />

0.0 TNhd2Ren nNe5NIS 91,1.5 l0lrl)a6 llRf]bi<br />

12 dxc5 ts(5 13 Rs3 N!6 14h4 Qb6 15 Nll Nxh,l<br />

ffi.<br />

i<br />

GURVICH 13?<br />

A KNc HlNr nov besins. 16 Nxfl Kxll 17 Brr6gxr6 L8<br />

oh5+ Ker 19 Oxh4 Bd7 20 Rg7+ Kd6 21 Qxl6<br />

Bxe3+ 22Nxe:lQxe3+ 23Kr1 Radr 24Rcl Qd2 25<br />

Rc2Qcl+ 26(l2K.6 27 Rxh? Ril 23Rxc6+K.7 29<br />

Rc6+ Kb7 30 Rb6+ Black Esi8nr, oiheRnc hc h<br />

GINSBERG DEFENCE.519 in lhc srrxcH c^ME.<br />


(1838-731. Gernan analvst, bairister. He con<br />

posed MonE MovER problcms and analysed thc<br />

EVNS cAMBn hur is remembered ior hn dctailed<br />

examinalion of the endingrook and pasD v. bhhoP<br />

(&,8, 1860.nd 1863) and that of queefl<br />

v. rook and pawn (N.,t Aalad SchtchzAtung,<br />

1864).<br />


(1931 ). soliet pl.yer rrom Georsia. I.remalionalGrand66tcr(1970).<br />

eeologisi. ln thc USSR<br />

Ch<strong>amp</strong>ionship ol 1958. his second attenPt, be<br /> sc,enth. and although he played in anothcr<br />

six ch<strong>amp</strong>ionships- thc last in 1961j, hc ncler<br />

benered this result Ai his ben durinC lhc 1960s he<br />

shared lisr prizc witb rAl in thc Tbilni <strong>to</strong>uma<br />

ment. 1969 ?0: both scorcd +7=7 1.<br />

cIlRcF,NmzE VARIATION. 3Lr0 in thc caRG<br />

NN DEFENCT, introduced <strong>by</strong> cuRcrNrDzE in lhe<br />

1960s: Blacl s intcniion is ro ans*er 4 exd5 bY<br />

,l . . . b,l 5 Nc2 cxd5. Also 678 in thc RoBAls.E<br />


1962), Sovier study composer, Inlem.rional J udgc<br />

olCne$ Composilions (1956), lileIry and dranratic<br />

critic. His 66t and perhaps his besl composing<br />

period was lrom 1925 <strong>to</strong> 1931. Shortly after the<br />

Second wond war he recommenced (udy .omposilion<br />

and in 196l he was awarded 6nt prizc nr<br />

tlrc sixth USSR conposing ch<strong>amp</strong>ionship. In the<br />

sam€ vear be publishcd E4,udi. lhe liisl part<br />

codsistnrE of r0 ol his sludies, lhe s..ond part a<br />

long cssay on tbe art oistudics.c.ompanied bt 69<br />

cx<strong>amp</strong>les. (see Ecso )

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