chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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While s clAssror.ENrir. Ernst r;RiiN.rr.D-s idea<br />

has bcc. used in orher conrexrs: e.g. the xFM.Rr,<br />

211. and .olNr.RrnRusr, 212, vsrAloNs (See<br />

GRaNFELD CAMBIT, l9T, a pawn sacrifice in thc<br />

(;RiiNFrr.D DEFENCE: 6 crd5 Nxd5 7Nxd5 Qxd5 8<br />

GUA'IEMALA DEFENCE, 229. a wcak linc<br />

played <strong>by</strong> Guatenrala <strong>Chess</strong> Club in a corrcspondence<br />

gane. 1949.<br />

G['FELD, EDUARD IEFIMOVICH ( 19]6 ),<br />

soliet plryer. Inrernarional Grandmasrer (1967),<br />

chcs jouroalist. A coopeli<strong>to</strong>r in eighr USSR<br />

ch<strong>amp</strong>ionships from l95g <strong>to</strong> l972,6e.chieved hn<br />

best resurr. seventh (+6:10-3) cquarsith po'.u<br />

cAwrsn in 1963 Ilis hed inrern:rbn,l i.nrnamenl<br />

achielenenls qere a second place<br />

(+9=4-2) altcr AND.RssoN a1 Camagnev 1974,<br />

and tso wins al Tbilisi: a tic Nilh croRriADz. in<br />

1974.nd an ourighr win (+7=8) in 1980<br />

B.Airorcufdd Knovihrd 1973 Kins's lnJian De<br />

1d496 2c4tsF7 lNcld6 1e4Nf6 5f]G0 6Bc3N.6<br />

7N3c2Rb3 3Qd2x6 9Bh6b5 10h4e5 llBry7xxg7<br />

ll hxg6 rig6 15Qh6Nh5 16s4<br />

R\b2 17 sxn5 si l8 Rsl g4 19 0 0r Ria2 20 Ncf4<br />

exr4 21 Nxl4 RxI4 22 OxI4 c3 2l ts.4 Rr3 2.1 fxsJ Nb4<br />

%'l& %a %i<br />

,.ww%w,<br />

W ta tr:<br />

frafr"frwtw<br />

q6"fr<br />

pneunonir. rre Goad (i)mpanion Twa Moret<br />

(l9x) coirains nore thai T0orhis besr problems.<br />


Argentine player, Internalional Grandma(er<br />

(1960). He won rhe narioialchanpionshipin 1937,<br />

1918, and 1941. Caining ihc tirlc <strong>by</strong> mat.h flay<br />

shen he scored +4=4 against Rober<strong>to</strong> G. Grau<br />

(19UBl). +7=1 2 igninsr Luis R. Pi.zzini<br />

(i905 ). and +7=2 asainst Canos H Madcrna<br />

(1910-16). At Bcrlin in 193? he made hh besl<br />

<strong>to</strong>urnameot resull. a tie wnh RELrsrs <strong>to</strong>r ftn<br />

prize abead oi slMrscH- BRTNCWaNN, and lour<br />

otner Gcrnran playcr. Cuimard played in lhe<br />

Olympiads oI 1937. 1939, 1950. and 1954.<br />


clLxo, tsoRIS FR^NISEVICH 094? ),<br />

Solict playcr. Iniernarional Grandmasrer (1976),<br />

psychologisl. At tbe age of 20 he enlered lhe only<br />

UssR Chadpionship 10 be playcd on thc Swlss<br />

systcm, (harkov 1967. Ihere Nere 136 competi<strong>to</strong>rs<br />

and he shared 89tb place. Fora tine his <strong>chess</strong><br />

aclivilies were reduced. He cane b.c[ in 1974 <strong>to</strong><br />

*in the Moscow Chanpionship and <strong>to</strong> lollowwnh<br />

scv al good lournamcnt achicvcmcnh: vilniLs<br />

l9?5, a zonal evenl, 6Bt (+4=10 l) equal wilh<br />

B^LAssov. sAvoN. .nd nEssrcvs(r ussR cbaB<br />

pi.nship 1975, cltcgory 12, sccond (+?=5-3)<br />

cqnal aith RoMANrsHrN, rAL, and v^c^Ny^N after<br />

prrRosy^Ni cienfuegos 1976, 6rn (+7=7): USSR<br />

Chrnpionship 1977- Inst (+4=11) equal wilh<br />

DoRTMAN-rhcy sharcd thc tillci Nikiia l9?8.<br />

caicgory 13.lirl (+5:6) equal with "MM^NI<br />

and<br />

Moscos Ch<strong>amp</strong>ionship 1981, n6t.<br />

Gulko\ wile, "le<br />

Anna M. Akhsharunova, .<br />

kccn playcr who has lhc titlc of Intc ational<br />

WomaD Master. came lhird in the USSR Wonen s<br />

GnlkePonnch Nikii61978 sDannh Openins, tsoqol<br />

Bla.h ould no* win brck marerial (r5 . cr+)rdud<br />

hcfitrdsa rc aikablc narin8 nnish bascd on rhc ircnslh<br />

ofhisaDv{r,:rnpawN 25 Be6 26Brc6Nd3 27Qf7<br />

Ob3+ 23Bb3l{xb3+ 29Kc2N64+ loKxblNd5+ 3l<br />

Kc2 Qhz+ 32 Kd3 Qb5+ Black rcsignsi iI 33 K.2<br />

Qe2+ 14 Ktr ab2+ :r5 Kca Ob5 naie<br />

GUIDELLI, GIoRGIo (18!7 1924), Italiancon<br />

poscr of No-MovrRs. cnginccr rlcbcgan.oml)o*<br />

ing in 1913 aodsoon becaneoneolthe pioneem ol<br />

the lro mover renaissane which began around<br />

thar time. A leading memberollhe GooD coMpaN<br />

o.uB, hc sas proclaimcd<br />

ch<strong>amp</strong>ion compo*r of tbe club in 1917. Appropriarely,<br />

he cane lron a family descended lron<br />

Cuido Novcllo. rcputcd author of tnc noNls<br />

sodus MS. He won about l00lourney a$ards in a<br />

career prenalurely ended <strong>by</strong> his deaih irom<br />

1c4c5 2NANc5 3Bb5a6 4Ba4Nf6 50.04c7 6Rcl<br />

bs 7 Bb3 d6 3.101) 9d4BC4 11)Bel *d4 11 d4<br />

Na5 12Bc2.5 13 dxcsJxci 1,lNbd2\.6 15RclNb,l<br />

16Bbl Rca 17h3Bc6 l3Nb3Qb6 l9Ng5Rfd3 20Q13<br />

ffi w.aw.<br />

r.7& w ffi<br />

ffi wL%,<br />

dw www

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