chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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whouyto problens.In 1924 holh thc club and dre i. C. \Nlnre, The Good

132 GRANDMASTER becane Rell estabtished and lhe problcms sere solled the radngs were given nunen- CRANDMASmR, an over-tbe-board player oI thc highcst class.. des.ripdon conmonly used belo.e 1950 whcn nDE inhoduced the lornat tiile tntema' lional Crandnlastcr A coruespondent writinS to Ad'sadc l8Feb. lS3Sreferto r.vrsas'oDrpast Srand mnster', p.obably lhe firsl use olihiste.m in conneclion with chess. Subsequendy G. w^rcR and othc6 rclened to pnnJDoR as a grandmasler, and aleworhcr playcrwcrc socntnlcd The word gai.ed wider currency in the early 20th century when tournamenls were sonetines designated grandmastcr eve.k, e.g. Ostend 1907- S.n Seb6 tian 19i2. (see als nDr rrr.Es.) CR {NDMASTER DRAW, a sho gane in shich neilher player srives lo win and bolh .gree ro a draw. l hc tcrm ismisleading,forgrandrasteN arc noi mo.e prone than othe8 ro play thn way. Allhoughsuchdrawsarcunpopularwitbthepublic tney are not necessanly 10 be (nicized. A player qho is wcll ahcad of thc licld mat dccidc to play safe in the closing rounds oIa tou.nament. aad hh oplonenr nal be sarislied ro gain a hallpoini aSaiDsr thc lcader: or No plates in a 6arch ma! need a pause to rccupcratc. Attcmprs to pr.lcnt shorr draws by neansolspecial rules have proved ineffecrive. One such rule specified tbat a draw should not be agreed unil ar leasr 30 6oves had been made, but playes intcnt upon drawing obserted only lhe lelter of tbe laN. Organize6 musr share rhe blane when there are too m.dy Srandmastcr drass in a tournamcntr il is witnnr their power nor to invire player known for rhen GRASSIIOPPER, a piccc inlcntcd bl, DAwsoN in 1912 Io. use in hrRy sRoBLLMs. lt may bc ,nolcd any dnt.nce along rank, files. and diagonals lo occupy, or clp1uie on, a square inmedi{lel} beyond an intcrucnine man ofcnhcrcolour: il c.n neifterbe noved unle$ it hops nor hop ovcr tNo mcn The nost popular oI iI fairy pieces. the g.asshoppcr k rcprcscntcd by the synbol G or lhe A problen by the Romanian conpose. Vale u Onitiu (18?2 1948). Die Schwalbe, 1929 1 E3 Oh4 2g.lGf4 I g-s Gh6 4g6cl6 5g?Gn8 6 gxbE=Gj the ExcErsoR task GRAZ VARIATION, 354 i. thc spANrsH opENrNG. Alois Fink (191G .) ol Graz publishcd analysk of this linc in rhe Otte eichische SthathzeitunB. 1956. and thc It,.,./.llr,., Na. h ticht. n. 19 19. GRXAT CIIESS, a ge.enc name lor unortbodox plaled -E.6es on enlrrged two dimensional boards. For morc than a lhousand ycar such varieties have been proposed but only colrER gained lasting!. There have been oder su-Egestions toi enlarged hoards: l0 x li (.ARR.RA l6lr)i 9 x 9 (Chanccllor Cbess, B. R. Foner 1887)i l0 x l0 (complete or decinal cbess. 9lh century)r 13 x 13:14 x 14i 14 x 10 (Duke of Rurlands chess inlcnred hy thc rhird Dukc, d.1r79): and 16 r 12 (rApa .ANcAidoublc chcs, Julian Grant IlayNard 1916). Othershapes a.e 11 x t0 rnb anerlfu at the righl otlhesecond rank and lnolhcr to tnc left ot lhe ninlh rank Orn!R'sches, l5thccntury)i l0 r 10wilh ancxlra squ ealeachcomer(ciiadelchess, l4lhcentury)i 8 x 8plus 3 x 8 on.llioursidesi 8 x 8plus I x 6 (cxhaf l.O on tsosides j 8 x 8plusl x 6on all lour sides (F. V. Mo.ley. M! On. Cohttibuliot to cr€sJ. 1947): 8 i 8 plLrs 1 t 4(.ewfiles onborh sidesiorlhesaneplusl x2rom.keyeltwomore lilcs (inatolc Moutcrdc). Gcncrally thc oblone boards are placed so thal lbere aremore6leslhan rinks. The odd squaresin Timuls cbess ind citadel chcss could be uscd to givc ! drawNhen occupied bya kiDg.'l hcrcarc alsoeamcssuch asar tr rdliss and nEGSDEL lhat requnc tso or more normal Some g.mes like Cap.hl.nca's double chess use onlythc siandard chcssmcn but usuallv ncs picccs are proposed. Frequendy these Nere rcinvcnred and given dilierent nanes: conversely tbe sane .amewas used fordillercntrypcsol piece. Soneol thc ncs picccs arc: aMAzoN Gnaffci prin.c. terr). D^N^B^. rR*s (dabbaba, chancellor. champion, concubine. herald), !{NcEs (arch bishop, cardinal, centaur. paynaster, police chief, rhiDoceror. MANN (dabbaba). rA',A.'-niN (rlanc). w^zr. and mant kinds ol LE^pER On enlarged boards pams .re connonly allowed an initial advance ol 1- 2, or 3 squares. AnonE lhe unorlhodoa picccs uscd for'l inruls.hcs scrc thc dabbaba. lalia, Ndir. anda,1.2, (V20)leaper. For the Duke olRutland\ chess il oithe 14pieceson thc back rank wcrc oithodor- another Nas ! princNs (callcd a couDscllor, and two wc,c 'croNned canleJ. each comrrining tbe powers ola rook and a,lrdnn. Reading iron left to righl eacb tlatcrs blck ra.k aray sls as iolloNs: R, crowned castle. N. N. B. B. Q. K. prin.css. B. B. N. croNned canle. R. Founeen pawns o.opying


becane Rell estabtished and lhe problcms<br />

sere solled the radngs were given nunen-<br />

CRANDMASmR, an over-tbe-board player oI thc<br />

highcst class.. des.ripdon conmonly used belo.e<br />

1950 whcn nDE inhoduced the lornat tiile tntema'<br />

lional Crandnlastcr A coruespondent writinS <strong>to</strong><br />

Ad'sadc l8Feb. lS3Srefer<strong>to</strong> r.vrsas'oDrpast<br />

Srand mnster', p.obably lhe firsl use olihiste.m in<br />

conneclion with <strong>chess</strong>. Subsequendy G. w^rcR<br />

and othc6 rclened <strong>to</strong> pnnJDoR as a grandmasler,<br />

and aleworhcr playcrwcrc socntnlcd <strong>The</strong> word<br />

gai.ed wider currency in the early 20th century<br />

when <strong>to</strong>urnamenls were sonetines designated<br />

grandmastcr eve.k, e.g. Ostend 1907- S.n Seb6<br />

tian 19i2. (see als nDr rrr.Es.)<br />

CR {NDMASTER DRAW, a sho gane in shich<br />

neilher player srives lo win and bolh .gree ro a<br />

draw. l hc tcrm ismisleading,forgrandrasteN arc<br />

noi mo.e prone than othe8 ro play thn way.<br />

Allhoughsuchdrawsarcunpopularwitbthepublic<br />

tney are not necessanly 10 be (nicized. A player<br />

qho is wcll ahcad of thc licld mat dccidc <strong>to</strong> play<br />

safe in the closing rounds oIa <strong>to</strong>u.nament. aad hh<br />

oplonenr nal be sarislied ro gain a hallpoini<br />

aSaiDsr thc lcader: or No plates in a 6arch ma!<br />

need a pause <strong>to</strong> rccupcratc. Attcmprs <strong>to</strong> pr.lcnt<br />

shorr draws <strong>by</strong> neansolspecial rules have proved<br />

ineffecrive. One such rule specified tbat a draw<br />

should not be agreed unil ar leasr 30 6oves had<br />

been made, but playes intcnt upon drawing<br />

obserted only lhe lelter of tbe laN. Organize6<br />

musr share rhe blane when there are <strong>to</strong>o m.dy<br />

Srandmastcr drass in a <strong>to</strong>urnamcntr il is witnnr<br />

their power nor <strong>to</strong> invire player known for rhen<br />

GRASSIIOPPER, a piccc inlcntcd bl, DAwsoN in<br />

1912 Io. use in hrRy sRoBLLMs. lt may bc ,nolcd<br />

any dnt.nce along rank, files. and diagonals lo<br />

occupy, or clp1uie on, a square inmedi{lel}<br />

beyond an intcrucnine man ofcnhcrcolour: il c.n<br />

neifterbe noved unle$ it hops nor hop ovcr tNo<br />

mcn <strong>The</strong> nost popular oI iI fairy pieces. the<br />

g.asshoppcr k rcprcscntcd <strong>by</strong> the synbol G or lhe<br />

A problen <strong>by</strong> the Romanian conpose. Vale u<br />

Onitiu (18?2 1948). Die Schwalbe, 1929 1 E3<br />

Oh4 2g.lGf4 I g-s Gh6 4g6cl6 5g?Gn8 6<br />

gxbE=Gj the ExcErsoR task<br />

GRAZ VARIATION, 354 i. thc spANrsH opENrNG.<br />

Alois Fink (191G .) ol Graz publishcd analysk of<br />

this linc in rhe Otte eichische SthathzeitunB.<br />

1956. and thc It,.,./.llr,., Na. h ticht. n. 19 19.<br />

GRXAT CIIESS, a ge.enc name lor unortbodox<br />

plaled<br />

-E.6es on enlrrged two dimensional<br />

boards. For morc than a lhousand ycar such<br />

varieties have been proposed but only colrER<br />

gained lasting!. <strong>The</strong>re have been oder<br />

su-Egestions <strong>to</strong>i enlarged hoards: l0 x li (.ARR.RA<br />

l6lr)i 9 x 9 (Chanccllor Cbess, B. R. Foner<br />

1887)i l0 x l0 (complete or decinal cbess. 9lh<br />

century)r 13 x 13:14 x 14i 14 x 10 (Duke of<br />

Rurlands <strong>chess</strong> inlcnred hy thc rhird Dukc,<br />

d.1r79): and 16 r 12 (rApa .ANcAidoublc chcs,<br />

Julian Grant IlayNard 1916). Othershapes a.e 11<br />

x t0 rnb anerlfu at the righl otlhesecond<br />

rank and lnolhcr <strong>to</strong> tnc left ot lhe ninlh rank<br />

Orn!R'sches, l5thccntury)i l0 r 10wilh ancxlra<br />

squ ealeachcomer(ciiadel<strong>chess</strong>, l4lhcentury)i<br />

8 x 8plus 3 x 8 on.llioursidesi 8 x 8plus I x 6<br />

(cxhaf l.O on tsosides j 8 x 8plusl x 6on all lour<br />

sides (F. V. Mo.ley. M! On. Cohttibuliot <strong>to</strong><br />

cr€sJ. 1947): 8 i 8 plLrs 1 t 4(.ewfiles onborh<br />

sidesiorlhesaneplusl x2rom.keyeltwomore<br />

lilcs (ina<strong>to</strong>lc Moutcrdc). Gcncrally thc oblone<br />

boards are placed so thal lbere aremore6leslhan<br />

rinks. <strong>The</strong> odd squaresin Timuls cbess ind citadel<br />

chcss could be uscd <strong>to</strong> givc ! drawNhen occupied<br />

<strong>by</strong>a kiDg.'l hcrcarc alsoeamcssuch asar tr rdliss<br />

and nEGSDEL lhat requnc tso or more normal<br />

Some g.mes like Cap.hl.nca's double <strong>chess</strong> use<br />

onlythc siandard chcssmcn but usuallv ncs picccs<br />

are proposed. Frequendy these Nere rcinvcnred<br />

and given dilierent nanes: conversely tbe sane<br />

.amewas used fordillercntrypcsol piece. Soneol<br />

thc ncs picccs arc: aMAzoN Gnaffci prin.c.<br />

terr). D^N^B^. rR*s (dabbaba, chancellor.<br />

ch<strong>amp</strong>ion, concubine. herald), !{NcEs (arch<br />

bishop, cardinal, centaur. paynaster, police chief,<br />

rhiDoceror. MANN (dabbaba). rA',A.'-niN (rlanc).<br />

w^zr. and mant kinds ol LE^pER On enlarged<br />

boards pams .re connonly allowed an initial<br />

advance ol 1- 2, or 3 squares. AnonE lhe<br />

unorlhodoa picccs uscd for'l inruls.hcs scrc thc<br />

dabbaba. lalia, Ndir. anda,1.2, (V20)leaper. For<br />

the Duke olRutland\ <strong>chess</strong> il oithe 14pieceson<br />

thc back rank wcrc oithodor- another Nas !<br />

princNs (callcd a couDscllor, and two wc,c<br />

'croNned canleJ. each comrrining tbe powers ola<br />

rook and a,lrdnn. Reading iron left <strong>to</strong> righl eacb<br />

tlatcrs blck ra.k aray sls as iolloNs: R,<br />

crowned castle. N. N. B. B. Q. K. prin.css. B. B.<br />

N. croNned canle. R. Founeen pawns o.opying

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