chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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game againsr Adolf C!:nk in lhe Kolisch <strong>to</strong>u.na-<br />

ALBIN COUNTER-GAMDIT, 51. Provocative<br />

rrpll <strong>to</strong> rhc QLLLN s G\MRr ntroLluce! bv ('a\a'<br />

lotL' rafter qhunn is somcrimes ndmrd)in r edme<br />

against Salvioli al the Milan <strong>to</strong>urnane.t 1881. <strong>The</strong><br />

.ounrer-Eambit $as reintroduced in lhe Eame<br />

L6ker ,ilbn,. New York 1891. Uniquely ; $is<br />

opening a flaunble rne gi\es B a(l a q nning<br />

is rarLv as tht seventh moLe.<br />

(Se LNrcR RP.)<br />

AIBINO. aproblemlasl: aNhitc pasn, otherlhan<br />

a iook\ pawn, on ns seco.d rank is noled in eacb<br />

oI thc lour possible wa],s. lwo lorward moves and<br />

lwo caDturesirhese moves, e.ch bringins aboul a<br />

differe;t naling finish. may bc shown in thc<br />

van,tions ol the solulion- in rhe sEr PLAY. or as<br />

rsEMAl. r{Es. (compare PIchNNNr.)<br />

ALEKHINE 5<br />

Olympiad 1980 he played ar firsl boird lor the<br />

USA.<br />

ALETfiINE (pron. Al-r.t -een), ALEXANDER<br />

,^LEXANDROVICH (1892 19'16), the o y nan<br />

<strong>to</strong> die whilc holding the qo.ld chaopionship.<br />

Althouqh feB admired his peBonal ctaracter ali<br />

admired hn <strong>chess</strong> genius. His lather was a<br />

laodo*nei, a Machal olNobilily, and a nenbc, ol<br />

the Duma, his nolher heiress oI an industnal<br />

r.rrunc. Both he and his brotber Alexei (1888<br />

1939) were lauAht <strong>chess</strong> <strong>by</strong> their mother. Alexan_<br />

der bec ne addicted <strong>to</strong> the Came at the age oI<br />

about 11, playi.sinbishcad during le$ons and b!<br />

lhe tgnt ofa candle when in bed while nominlllv<br />

s dyins laq he deleloPed his <strong>chess</strong> talent He<br />

Aained a nastcriitle atStPetcsburg 1909. played<br />

al Hanblrg 1910. Carlsbad 1911. Vilnius 1912-<br />

and sevcrallesser <strong>to</strong>uinaments belorc his 6rstbig<br />

restcameinl9l4: ilwasthehjs<strong>to</strong>ricSlPelesburg<br />

lournanerr won <strong>by</strong> csrcR half a point ahe.d of<br />

capABGNcA. ilhile Alekhine lost lNo sames<br />

againsleacholthesenastcrsand cane aPoorthnd<br />

Aroun! rhn time he save \cnous thUughr Lo the<br />

world ch<strong>amp</strong>ionsbiP which he elpectcd CaPa<br />

blanca <strong>to</strong> wi., and th. problen ol how lo beat<br />

Capablanca doninaled his lhoughis for lhe nert 1l<br />

vcars. l{a rr^L task, tu $in \.mc strunts lournr_<br />

me^i\ s,(.he.ke,t hv LhL outb.ealoisar.whrle<br />

Ie wa; playine in th; Mannbein <strong>to</strong>urnamenr ol<br />

A version of the pioneer Prohlcm <strong>by</strong> LoD. Nc..<br />

y,/i ,4lrrb,. 1858. <strong>The</strong> solnlion begins: 1 Bh2+<br />

Kd4 2 Bg1, and lherc are four main variationsl<br />

2...Rg3llxg3<br />

2. .Rr1(h3)3rl.<br />

AIBRF]CIIT, HERMANN (]915-82), GEMAD<br />

problemnr, International Jdge oI Che$ Conpositions<br />

(1957), <strong>to</strong>urnalisl. By 1980 he had<br />

..llectdd ib.ul 80.000 orthodox No MovrRs. a<br />

task he began nr 1933r he invcntcd bis own<br />

.lassilication svslem *nboulrcfcreDce <strong>to</strong> tbat used<br />

<strong>by</strong> A. c wE;E. Tourney judges seeking advice<br />

reearding andcipation lrequently rellr <strong>to</strong> thh<br />

AT,BUM. see EDE AT,!tr{s,<br />


),Inieina<br />

tional Grandnasler (197?). a teacher in Odessa<br />

untilheedigratcd <strong>to</strong> theUSA ir Jnly 1179. In l9?4<br />

he won rhc.h<strong>amp</strong>LUnshLf 4t the Ul'riinc anLl cdme<br />

-. 'rl6frh,n<br />

ihc secondoIhalour attemDr\ in e<br />

U\sR ch.mpLon\h,r. Fuu, reaA later lie w.r a<br />

catcsory 8 tUumcmcnt ar BuLharen tnrheMrlLa

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